Are we back to selling our birthrights, hospitals & people?
Just last month we sang ‘Peace on Earth and Good will to Men’ and we started off the New Year with John Lennon’s ‘Imagine’… These both bear strong messages but many would prefer if we acted out ‘Silent Night’ and remain still… They wish us not to proclaim the real messages of Truth, Love and Possibilities… They would rather prefer we followed misleaders and deceivers.
As a consequence, although Religion is universally acknowledged as the Root of all Conflicts and Wars, we refuse to step back from Imaginary friends that require us to destroy each other to prove how mighty they are… The end result is a World of Greed and Wars racing towards ultimate destruction for one and all while those who know better refuse to do better.
Many of us barely survived 2014 and as we enter 2015 we wish for Great things for BV-Islanders but we fear it will deliver a worsening of the Lies, Deceit and Self-Hatred we endured during the past year… Those with Vision worry because it seems the more technology evolves the more we revolve backward into Conflicts and Oppression regarded by some as being the Good Old Days.
However, who feels it knows it – These was little good about those days of suffering even if leaders will have us believe their sweet Words rather than our own Eyes and the blows on our Backs… While they may paint a Picture of ‘wish’ we are actually faced with what is a Bang Belly Economy – Even if good things are drifting up to them it’s not trickling down to us.
The Struggle is real and all Indicators show us moving from Bad to Worse… The more we appear stuck at the Bottom of the Barrel, the more Leaders appear ready to Tax the Black off our Backs while they feast and relax… The income providers available directly depend on the alienation of our Lands and Birthrights and the depletion of our Tax Dollars on Political Petty Projects.
The prospects for our Children are worse off than four years ago and although we see this we have remained conditioned to say how Blessed we are even while being slaughtered… Somehow we believe that Sacrifice and Silence will move us forward – It never has…yet we continue to join in hiding Truth from the Youth as we become the Enemies of our Children.
Whether international or local, none of us can survive these conditions and our only chance is to learn and teach our Children those lessons that really matter… There is much Good out there but this is stifled when the real Sin of Religion is their misleading of our Children, the Crime of Law is their misjudgment of our Children and the evil of Politics is their deception of our Children.
We must strive to overcome these century old pitfalls and, while they appear difficult, they are not impossible… Things are changing and not all Preachers are Sinners or all Lawyers criminals or all Politicians evil – Just like us they know it’s wrong to condone the destruction of Children and they actually possess the ability to correct these wrongs so all they may lack is the will.
In fact some are already doing so – Political Corruption is being ferreted out, Court Biases are being exposed and even the Pope is accepting the Big Bang Theory… You may even know of US Pastor Ryan Bell who dedicated a full year searching for Proof that would support his beliefs and convince Nonbelievers that God was real – He failed and openly admitted God does not exist.
Oppressors always knew this but their objective is to hardwire this into our physique in order to keep us in Legal Slavery… Thus Governments have become experts at using Religion and Law to fool us and rule us – We have been trained to accept promises of Religion’s Reward that can only be collected after we die and Legal Justice that come so slowly we are dead by time it arrives.
These Systems know the only way to maintain this Chain of Ignorance is by silencing all sources of Knowledge and points of Information - Our Silence makes it easier for them to Preach instead of Teach and to Imprison instead of Liberate… We see this in Churches and Courts every week and many of us experience their Double Standards as they train us to hate and devalue ourselves.
We can never conquer such Demons without understanding that we are all born with equal rights to enjoy and continue life and any act - especially untimely Death – which denies anyone the fulfillment of these objectives is wrong… Subsequently, there can be no justification for the lack of caring when Black Youths are harassed and murdered by the Police or anyone for that matter.
The idea of a special People chosen by some God or Society only leads to Discrimination and Victimization… We are already seeing this Trickle Down effect when Children devalue the lives of each other and violence and murder infiltrate Societies while Leaders make excuses, point Fingers and pretend not to know the cause of Mud on the Bottom is Dirt trickling from the Top.
Maybe they create problems when they brag of their phantom Great Economic accomplishments while those not partaking in this bounty feel victimised and start seeking their share from anyone and by any means… Their answer is to call for massive Force rather than Wisdom and things worsen when Police Officers regard their Primary Duty is to protect the Rich from the Poor.
It no longer matters that Law Enforcement should serve and protect everyone, both Rich and Poor – Some Officers conveniently forget they too are members of the same Lower Classes and seem to enjoy taking out their own frustrations on anyone they regard as less powerful… As expected, cries of the Victims are ignored by those who could make a difference and things grow worse.
Maybe this could be avoided with the Wisdom to understand, Governments do not make money; they simply take Money and because every cent collected is on behalf of the People - This is therefore the Public’s Resources and not Government’s Piggy Bank… Unfortunately, too many Governments believe their own Propaganda and turn our Tax Revenues into their Ponzee Schemes.
Too many feel their positions of Power give them that right so in order to cover their blunders and mistakes they play American Greed by imposing Taxes, Charges and Fines on a People already struggling to survive… However, we are too small and NHIS Taxes will hurt Businesses and threaten the lives of Persons forced off their existing Health Policies unto substandard coverage.
We should beware of UK-NHS and US-ObamaCare problems before using NHIS and BVIHSA as Ponzee Schemes to forcefully steal money by any means necessary… Besides, if Government is genuinely concerned about persons not paying their Public Health Care Bills then deal with the offenders instead of penalising those who pay their Bills and already have Medical Insurance.
Pursuing such unreasonable practices smacks of State Robbery, Internal Corruption, Pirating of Local Businesses and the willful breaking of Labour Laws to achieve Unfair Practices… These concerns become more troubling when added to whispers of naming parts of our New Hospital after anyone willing to pay a price… If this is true then what’s next? – Selling off our People??
PS:… I will continue addressing some of your Questions and Comments on Live BVP Radio Programmes

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