ARCHERY: BVI SDA School hosts first NASP Invitational


13 archers (8 females and 5 males) competed in three categories: Elementary (Grades 4-6), Middle School (Grades 7-9), and High School (Grades 10-12), showcasing incredible talent and sportsmanship.
See results below:
Elementary Girls: Robyn Stoby (Gold)
Elementary Boys: Sanjay Samuels (Gold)
Middle School Girls
JLeisha Penn (Gold)
Sade Samuel (Silver)
Keriya Smith (Bronze)
Middle School Boys
Maximilian Zurich (Gold)
High School Girls
Ava Ghiorse (Gold)
Kasadiyah Baird (Silver)
Princess Vergel (Bronze)
High School Boys:
John Hatchett (Gold)
Ethan Ismael (Silver)
Oshane Mason (Bronze)
Ava Ghiorse of Cedar International emerged the overall top archer, ahead of John Hatchett of the BVI Seventh-day Adventist School.
Beyond the competition, archers had the chance to mingle, sharpen their skills, and get a taste of 3D archery, an exciting new challenge that is being offered through the Virgin Islands Field Archery Federation (VIFAF).
NASP Island Coordinator Ritseeniyah Georges-Haughton was also on hand to witness the event and assisted in the presentation of awards.
The BVI SDA School included archery in its Inter-House Sports Programme for the first time this year. It is also the first school in the Virgin Islands to host a NASP Invitational.
Meanwhile, young archers will now be taking aim at the NASP Nationals set for May 4, 2025!

5 Responses to “ARCHERY: BVI SDA School hosts first NASP Invitational”
Some SDA leader in order to attract more members to its number have adopted physical activities to help them fulfilled their spiritual mission.
This new tactics will surely fail, because " it is not by might not by power (humans power), but by my Spirit says the Lord.
Many SDA leaders and some members, too, have lost their way, because they have failed to follow in the straight and narrow way of the Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
In one patiticular passage of scripture in the bible we are warned to "Love not the world, neither things (evil things) of the world, for all that is in the world is the lust of the eyes (mind)!, and the pride of life. Its lost and pride will past away (come to an end), but the word of the Lord abide forever.
Notice the photos. They are teaching the youth to shoot arrows into fake dogs.
God created dogs, and other animals, too.
The animal shelter association people love animals, dogs included.
The SDA church has partly turned away from spiritual transformation to pleasurous, worldly, physical speculation in a failed attempt to proved that it is the true church of God on earth.
Jesus Christ said, "If the blind lead the blind, all will fall in the ditch."
Archery shooting is surely not a part of God's planned salvation mission