Antigua PM blames Lionel E. Michael for VI’s COVID outbreak!

Mr Brown made the comment while appearing as a guest on a radio show in Antigua on July 17, 2021.
“He sent me a text to say that you know he went to an Ivy League school and therefore he's an expert in public health just as I am an expert in finance,” PM Brown said, claiming that the VI CEHO purports to be an expert in his field.
The Antiguan PM said although he went to an Ivy League school, he never once said that publicly to anyone.
“This guy is just so full of himself that you know, he goes out there and put all kinds of information in the public domain to presents himself as the God on COVID management, telling people when they are out in public you should not have to wear a mask,” Mr Browne claimed.
VI COVID-19 cases rising
“But guess what Lionel Michael, you don't determine the policies in my government. You work for the BVI that is where you get paid, you botched the COVID management to the extent they have the highest per capita COVID active cases in the world, go and study that and stop minding our business,” Browne lashed out.
Mr Browne said not because Mr Michael is Antiguan means he should have the right to undermine the work of Antigua’s public health officials regarding COVID-19 management.
Virgins Islands News Online (VINO) reached out to Mr Micheal for a comment in relation to Mr Browne's statements; however, no response had been given up to publication time.

50 Responses to “Antigua PM blames Lionel E. Michael for VI’s COVID outbreak!”
Nobody ever want to be responsible
You could stay inside for the rest of the year
Is to show you have no self control
Alot of you coming here talking BS .
Are you and others qualified in economic
Are accounts
Personal egos + the unvaccinated + refusal to wear a mask + refusal to social distance + the disease was deliberately sent on to our shores in order to CONTROL our people/country + covid is a hoax + refusal to obey curfews + any other flawed reasoning = death after death and infection after infection.
Do we really have time for personal grips and blaming????
People need to blame themselves for not getting vaccinated. They were warned, they were asked, they were begged to go vaccinate. They did not . Now that they are dying they looking somebody else to blame.
Blame Yourself.
Wise up and educate yourselves and stop playing the blame oddest make any senses
15th June they opened the doors for vaccinated people to come in without quarantine. 2-3 weeks later which normally is the case we see a surge. This is not rocket science. Fact is vaccinated can spread it . Does not matter how minute the viral load for some they can spread it. Some may have small viral loads while others large viral loads. Please remember they are a lot of people whose immune systems are compromised and will pick up anything. Who is in charge of monitoring these establishments like Bars and nightclubs? Who was on the HEOC to make that decision to allow vaccinated to come in without testing and quarantine? I see they doing it now since then the day 0 positive numbers have flown up to 39 so imagine what we may have missed for two weeks.
Oh btw Vaccinated people die with covid related illnesses too and I understand that is the case here too.
This idea of herd immunity how does one achieve that when our last population census was in 2002? Do we even know our population size? Do we know the percentage of the population that is under 18?
On the subject matter- Gaston Browne comes off as petty bringing up university credentials. It is election season in Antigua so anything that can undermine Gaston's chances of winning he would counter -attack but why so personal? Could it be Lionel is a player in the opposition party?
I must admit though that Lionel does come off as a know it all. Needs to tone down and yes he does have some blame to share for what has transpired these last few weeks. He is not the only one to blame though.
If we realy go way back in our mindes and examnimg the evidence it make sort of sence.
In other west indian country any in comming passengers entering have to be check on arrival...reason vacine or nonvacine can be carriers of yhe virus...
This said govermerment announce that people who are vacinated coming to oiur shores wil not be quarentine or other testing be wherther it be rapid or not..just oa moment stop think
We were saying out loid this mot fair,,utter rubish...test them since the vaca can travel and have the virus..
The same enviromental was anouncing the very same aion with premere and minister of health.
It always seem like we the people have say wjat so ever .. there are oir people and tourist a kile listem to international news ofthe bvi they inform
Be cuse some form of nelegence one with the virus could of been missed
They move around all hell brake loose..
I have learnt that evry rise and fall on leader in the goverment the work placein your home.
The goverment in this instant have the ball .lose forsight in the opening of the open protocal ..they made amistake bad judgement along with some unvacinters we now have live with it..
And pray for those hurting families
But he is saying it now, in an interview where he is bashing both his country man and the BVI. I did not hear him offer any encouragement or support for the BVI. This is why CARICOM will never amount to anything more than a group of gibberish talkers.
They tested them at the airport pcr tested found 2 of them positive one time and osolated them...
The other 4 negertive qurantine and re tested 2 possitve the old village under corfew and contact tracing ...
So you we the people aling with goverment cant be careless...
Remember they both vaccine......nonvaccine can carry the virus so yes the sitting have to some of rhe blame truth be told and they will not come and say sorry.,,some say what hell but truth be told
If he’s telling them in Antigua not to wear masks I imagine he supported allowing vaccinated to pass through with no quarantine. As if they forgot about the incubation period too.
"Eyah Eyah Eyah Eyah Eyah hear de donkey bray." and "I already talk to you"