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Anti-vaxxers should ‘opt not to come to work’ - Lorna G. Smith

- supports decisions of employers to lay-off unvaccinated staff
Former First lady, Mrs Lorna G. Smith said she is horrified at the views of anti-vaxxer in the territory, as it relates to their resistance to the life-saving COVID-19 vaccines. Photo: VINO/File
The former first lady said she remains saddened that the territory has become so divided over a matter of ‘simple common sense.” She reminded that a vaccine will not always keep persons from getting COVID, but will keep persons free of most or all of the symptoms associated with the virus. Photo: Internet Source
The former first lady said she remains saddened that the territory has become so divided over a matter of ‘simple common sense.” She reminded that a vaccine will not always keep persons from getting COVID, but will keep persons free of most or all of the symptoms associated with the virus. Photo: Internet Source
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Former First lady, Mrs Lorna G. Smith said she is horrified at the views of anti-vaxxers in the territory, as it relates to their resistance to the life-saving COVID-19 vaccines.

“I am trying not to be judgmental, but I am honestly horrified at the views I am seeing on social media by persons, whose views I normally hold in high regard, about the vaccine which will make the difference between whether this economy tanks completely or God forbid, between life and death!,” she said.

Mrs Smith was at the time venting her frustration in a Facebook post on July 7, 2021, on the resistance to the vaccine by some in the territory.

“I swear that it’s only in the Caribbean that we have the luxury of holding forth on the merits and demerits of something as essential as the COVID vaccine,” she said.

Choice to not vaccinate should not affect others - Mrs Smith 

While the government has been pushing the Oxford-AstraZeneca jab as the ultimate fight against the pandemic, some community members, including media presenters, have been propagating an anti-vaccination view and encouraging the community to boycott the vaccines.

“The long and short for me is that everyone has a choice as to whether or not to take the vaccine and that choice is respected.  That choice though does not give you the right to cause others to be infected by the virus or to feel uncomfortable around you,” she said.

Mrs Smith continued, “In other words, your choice gives you the right to isolate yourself completely from the rest of this community,” However, she hinted that persons should not let their choice affect others.  

VI divided over a 'common sense' issue - Mrs Smith 

The former first lady said she remains saddened that the territory has become so divided over a matter of ‘simple common sense.”

She reminded that a vaccine will not always keep persons from getting COVID, but will keep persons free of most or all of the symptoms associated with the virus.

“I stand firmly with all employers who allow their employees to exercise their choice to not take the vaccine, but also make it clear that this means that those employees opt not to come to work.”

The current statistics of VI’s active COVID-19 infections is 821 as of 9:00 am today, July 8, 2021.

61 Responses to “Anti-vaxxers should ‘opt not to come to work’ - Lorna G. Smith”

  • faith (08/07/2021, 18:09) Like (72) Dislike (74) Reply
    I agree with you 100%, Lorna. You are absolutely spot on with your views and observations
  • Vaccinated (08/07/2021, 18:23) Like (60) Dislike (77) Reply
    You are totally correct in your opinion. People can choose not to vaccinate but they should restrict themselves and not go out and mingle and add to the already high number of cases. They should stay at home till this Covid issue sorts itself out....vaccinated persons should get preference on available jobs where they are dealing with the public and are exposed to other people on a daily basis.....
  • observant (08/07/2021, 18:25) Like (119) Dislike (89) Reply
    Well Ma'am I'm also horrified that you of all people was given a forum to spew your rhetoric. The fact that you feel that you can express your opinion with seeming entitlement but you condemn others who expressed theirs is kind of contradictory, hypocrisy even.

    Some free advice:

    1. Enjoy your retirement.
    2. Stay out of the public eye.
    3. Lastly, just stay quiet.

    Methinks if you, your husband and "your friends" from the previous government were suddenly remembered for your alleged nefarious activities, you'd be singing a different tune.

    May irrelevance be the order of your life. Tell your friends that too....Please!
    • @observant (09/07/2021, 18:59) Like (8) Dislike (11) Reply
      Soo Your response is a personal attack. Pathetic!
      • @ @observant (10/07/2021, 09:47) Like (3) Dislike (6) Reply
        No, Lorna comments are very personal in nature. Very well said Observant. If Mrs. Smith is not pleased with the environment in which she lives....she can always take a long vacation back to her country of birth until she feels more comfortable with the human rights policies of these lands.
  • batman (08/07/2021, 18:28) Like (55) Dislike (8) Reply
    All I want to know is this:

    Can anyone give a breakdown of the Statistics? I don't want to hear about statistics in USA which is made up of multiple states with various vaccination rates or the UK grappling with another surge.

    What percentage of the persons hospitalized or experiencing symptoms are vaccinated, partially vaccinated or unvaccinated? I am sure this would give us a guide on the efficacy of the vaccine and possibly convince some naysayers?
    • Read (08/07/2021, 20:26) Like (19) Dislike (15) Reply
      roughly 17% are fully vaccinated so the vaccine works about 80% of the time, just like they said when it was released
    • hgfhgfhgf (08/07/2021, 21:53) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    • noter (09/07/2021, 00:13) Like (12) Dislike (3) Reply
      The UK is not grappling with a surge they are opening up as hospitalisations continue to decrease. The goal in UK is not to eliminate the virus but reduce the impact of the virus, which decreased hospitalisation has confirmed is now happening. it will be mask off in UK and restrictions lifted before month end
    • facts (09/07/2021, 00:51) Like (13) Dislike (3) Reply
      The Government mentioned 1 person is fully vaccinated while the other 11 are unvaccinated.
    • Rubber Duck (09/07/2021, 00:53) Like (15) Dislike (4) Reply
      Of the 12 admitted to hospital, one was vaccinated, eleven were unvaccinated. The vaccinated person was discharged today July 8th and another person admitted who was unvaccinated. As of now all 12 hospital patients are unvaccinated.

      This info came from the government broadcast tonight July 8th 2021.
    • @batman (09/07/2021, 06:33) Like (21) Dislike (4) Reply
      If you listened to the ministry of health details they stated out of the hospitalized patients only one was fully vaccinated and has recovered and discharged. All the other hospitalization is unvaccinated patients. Vaccination works. It prevents you from getting severely ill should you get infected. Go and get vaccinated so you don’t end up in the field hospital at the sports complex
  • facts (08/07/2021, 18:29) Like (47) Dislike (46) Reply
    I agree with her
  • Original Tongue Fu (08/07/2021, 18:35) Like (53) Dislike (12) Reply
    “I stand firmly with all employers who allow their employees to exercise their choice to not take the vaccine, but also make it clear that this means that those employees opt not to come to work.”

    What the hell does this mean? Stewps! Is either you respect their choice or fire them .
    • great (08/07/2021, 22:00) Like (11) Dislike (3) Reply
      I am wondering myself what that statement means, don't make any sense to me. Bur then I am not as "educated".
    • To be clear... (09/07/2021, 04:41) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      That's what she said.
    • ok (09/07/2021, 07:42) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      It means in layman term - "She respects employers who let the employees exercise their rights, but doing so means you gaev up your rights to come to work" (the ones that you exercised). That's a quick give and take.
    • facts (09/07/2021, 10:45) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply

      Instead of being hypocrites
  • Rubber Duck (08/07/2021, 18:40) Like (48) Dislike (59) Reply
    Sensible lady.
  • Me nar tek NO VACCINE (08/07/2021, 19:51) Like (53) Dislike (24) Reply
    Lorna go siddung you had your turn your opinion is now irrelevant People need to first understand this is NOT a vaccine it is and experiment that didnt get a chance to be tested on animals as they are used to so they are using ALL of YOU as their LAB RATS. Where are the FACTS that this vaccine is 100% effective in fighting against covid.????

    Let people choose let people decide most if YOU NASTY employers that are forcing this vaccine on your employees do you know that your employees some. Of them. Are now experiencing life changing side effects from. The experimental vaccine y'all forced them to take???
    Let people choose let people decide
    • Really (09/07/2021, 05:30) Like (14) Dislike (14) Reply
      Your ignorance will lead you to a bed in Peebles. With the numbers how they are now, you better be locked in a cupboard to be safe. BVI had the opportunity to avoid all this with the vaccine. Look at England. 85% vaccinated and opening up.
      • @Really (10/07/2021, 09:58) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        You sound very you realize that these drugs were never fully tested? You are a test rat! So rats are always searching out dark corners for survival.
    • You wait (09/07/2021, 17:31) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      For your information there are very few medications that are 100% effective. If this was the case the Pharmacies would be empty. Most of the medicine presently treating cancer is only as high as 70%. Medicine is a science of probability not absolute surity.
      • blaze (11/07/2021, 19:31) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        Get out of here with ur crap Dr sebi cured everything up to aids do ur research which pharmacy drug heals u none they just keep u coming back over n over like an addict real dopeboys
  • Curious (08/07/2021, 19:51) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    How no one is saying whether or not it’s the new variant that came into the country
  • K (08/07/2021, 19:57) Like (65) Dislike (10) Reply
    This woman need to go help her hubby recover the 7 million that was spent on a plane that never fly
  • HMMM (08/07/2021, 20:19) Like (64) Dislike (12) Reply
    You guys aren't getting it, when it didnt have the vaccinated persons, the numbers were low, now it have vaccinated persons that don't have to be tested or quarantined the numbers are through the roof, now do the statistics with that one please. Unvarnished know to be careful and wear mask, vaccinated feel they are untouchable and do what they want.
    • Deal with it (09/07/2021, 07:34) Like (10) Dislike (12) Reply
      Actually you and the other people who refuse to get vaccinated don’t get it. The point is not to eradicate the virus because it’s not going anywhere. The reason we are currently facing a potential lockdown is because we do not have 80% of the population vaccinated which is what is required for us to go back to some kind of normal. With so much of the population unvaccinated, these are the folks who are at risk of hospitalization and DEATH. This is why we are in the current situation. We do not have enough of the population vaccinated. This virus isn’t going anywhere and we have to deal with that. If we had this exact amount of cases with 80% of the population vaccinated, there would be no need for any curfew or any consideration of a lockdown.
  • please (08/07/2021, 20:32) Like (43) Dislike (29) Reply
    I am horrified at your look! Thank God you aren’t the selfish brain behind the former Premier otherwise the whole country would be fired. Go sit down frail lady
  • Lb (08/07/2021, 20:44) Like (20) Dislike (7) Reply
    You held these people's views in high regard until they disagreed with your opinion? Only your opinion matters or is correct? OK then. Carry on!
  • Sensible head (08/07/2021, 20:53) Like (13) Dislike (21) Reply
    Thank you Lorna
    Free choice is just that. People make a decision based on their own assessment as will employers
    Choose whether to protect yourself from horrid illness or not chose whether to risk death by Covid or not
    Choose who to employ who to serve
    But be cautious. The ooor health workers can’t choose who to help, the doctors can’t choose who to help
    Make a decision wisely but be honest Your choices means vaccinated people have to take more risk. Hi S that fair ??
  • Life saving but still killing (08/07/2021, 20:56) Like (43) Dislike (16) Reply
    Wicked to lie and say this experimental drug which is NOT FDA approved...killed over 4000 people has so much side effects....and still saying it's life saving....BS.
    I had vaccinations when I was younger....THIS IS NOT A VACCINE!
  • Planes (08/07/2021, 21:31) Like (27) Dislike (6) Reply
    Can't believe is these low minded people was runing the country. Where is the planes, want to go Miami rite now.
  • say what (08/07/2021, 21:31) Like (16) Dislike (6) Reply
    anymore information about the plane
  • simple (08/07/2021, 21:38) Like (31) Dislike (5) Reply
    People have a choice be careful how you treat your employer and employer you better be careful how you treat those employees they will make or break your business. Choice is the word. I'm gonna say something hate me or love me. Do you as employers feel that only vaccinated people will come to your business. If that is a yes then hire all vaccinated people. At the end of it all see who will pay your Bill's then you will have to send home all your workers Because you can't pay them. Think think think..our business count but employees don't count. We better wake up and stop treating people like trash.
  • Congratulations (08/07/2021, 22:35) Like (14) Dislike (4) Reply
    Where were u when the plane fly out 7.5 mil.
  • Protest (08/07/2021, 22:39) Like (18) Dislike (3) Reply
    It’s time for us to stand up this is discrimination and also infringement of ones right.
    Now if the vaccines was given enough time
    Also approved (not emergency use )
    Prevent one from catching and transmitting
    Then some may consider.
    Both groups carry same risk except their claims of vaccinated having less symptoms which indeed is deadly as they are carriers of the virus.
  • Sigh (08/07/2021, 23:12) Like (8) Dislike (9) Reply
    She is looks very far from the kitchen...woman I beg you to go siddung. Nobody wants to hear you. Where is the 7 mil?
  • Bob (08/07/2021, 23:37) Like (14) Dislike (10) Reply
    The injection is a experiment it is not Fda approved it has over three hundred thousand adverse reactions and 6000+ deaths which is government data Mrna never been tested on human contains graphene oxidize which is poisonous to humans..people that take it don't even read before what's on literally says they do not guarantee that it works and they are no tresponsible if something happens to you.....thousand of doctors around the world are speaking out but they are being censored by the safe is it??? They don't even know themselves
    • Really (09/07/2021, 05:35) Like (8) Dislike (9) Reply
      Morons like you spreading nonsense. The AZ vaccine available in BVI is not a mRNA vaccine. Enjoy your stay at Peebles. Hopefully you’ll get back out after learning a few lessons.
      • Bob (09/07/2021, 13:30) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
        There are people who took it and still there so whats your point? Did i say AZ?...But its a adenovirus vector vaccines since u think i didnt know...but let me know how the experiment goes lmao
  • US (09/07/2021, 00:02) Like (28) Dislike (5) Reply
    i am in the us living and working and every week one of my fully vaccinated co workers testing positive !!! i chose not to take it and my employer is not kicking up like yall down de ! i know nurses that have not taken it as well
  • wow (09/07/2021, 00:30) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Well (09/07/2021, 03:58) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    Make Hydroxychloroquine available it is proven as is Ivermectin together with Zpak, vitamin c, D3 and zinc. Yes stop keeping these cheap meds iut of iur reach.
  • Tan I am (09/07/2021, 08:35) Like (7) Dislike (8) Reply
    Thank you for your expression of concern and advice,Ms Smith.
    Thank you for caring.
    Had the VI taken your advice and upped the level of education in the VI, we would not not have so many sick moo moo in the process of sinking our economy with their lack of common sense and comprehension.
  • Jah Protect Us All (09/07/2021, 09:27) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    This is pure nonsense. Look at the world we live in. The workers of iniquity are on the rise. Who are these people to tell us who shall eat and who shall not.
  • hello? (09/07/2021, 10:05) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Bad VIP ...Good VIP ... I bet if The NDP was in power we would have already had laws making it mandatory to take the vaccine... ..
  • fyah ras (09/07/2021, 11:12) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    Why Irma didn't go with these wicked demons in our Virging islands? Is these kinda people that is keeping the island back because al they see is greed because they are set for life with no worries about the poor people. This lunatic have the heart to say this and expect anyone to take her seriously? She be questioned by them English white boys about where the money gone also. People like this is disrespectful and disgusting
  • Maybe I'm stupid idk (09/07/2021, 11:46) Like (13) Dislike (3) Reply
    But I believe that most of our bodies are doing what it's made to do which is fighting off any and all health abnormalities.. before the vaccine was available we had individuals who got covid, got sick from it and ended up recovering, we also had asymptomatic individuals who didn't know that they had contracted the virus.. of course how our bodies handle said virus has everything to do with genetically inherited illness as well as how well we are personally taking care of our bodies, sooo of course there will be some individuals who could potentially die from contracting it. I'm sure that most of us are refusing to take the vaccine because we are uncomfortable with altering our genetic codes by adding foreign ingredients to something that is already functioning fine.. "if it's not broken, Why fix it"
    But like I said MAYBE IM STUPID IDK.. but idk I'd like to hear about a person who's in shape, diets and exercises regularly, doesn't drink or smoke and who has no underlying health conditions die from covid before I take the vaccine.
    • Yup (09/07/2021, 13:27) Like (3) Dislike (7) Reply
      Stupid. Read a little. Plenty of young and healthy have perished. Get the damn vaccine and stop being selfish and spreading foolishness.
  • as a matter of fact (09/07/2021, 11:59) Like (9) Dislike (4) Reply
    Do we seriously believe that our ancestors survived all those plagues many years ago because of medical science? I think that we survived because our ancestors were naturalists with strong immune systems..not because they could afford medicine.
  • only in Caribbean what (09/07/2021, 14:34) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    Only in Caribbean they truly believe its absolutely okay to infringe on people human rights and freedom of choice
  • Tired of it (09/07/2021, 15:14) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    I don’t understand why people won’t just shut their mouths a little and listen some more . It has been repeated over and over that GETTING THE VACCINE HAS BEEN PROVEN NOT TO STOP YOU FROM CATCHING IT OR SPREADING IT.

    Therefore y’all need to stop looking at unvaccinated people funny eyed or blaming them for spread when it can easily be a vaccinated person . If covid is going to be around for a while , those same vaccinated people will need to practice PROPER hygiene habits in order for them not to PICK IT UP OR SPREAD IT.

    So when the employer in his glorified business has only vaccinated employees , and employees still catch the virus and get sick, what he or she is would to want to implement next ?

    If you want to say that you are giving people a choice , then do just that ! They come to work and wear their mask all day and they practice proper hygiene JUST LIKE EVERY BODY ELSE.

    The only thing the vaccine is doing that’s a personal benefit is stopping one from getting seriously ill or dying. The vaccine is also killing some for reasons yet to be investigated. Let persons weigh their options in peace and stop trying to ostracize people !

    Nonsense@ stay isolated in your house until covid disappears from the planet.
  • NE (09/07/2021, 18:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Tgsts a very good idea so we can see th ed outcome with the economy. As my 6 sense tells me the SSB, NHI and tax will plunged as unvaccinated are majority.
  • Jinkz (09/07/2021, 19:56) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Lady whren you had the VI in your hands,, you couldn't care less about we the people. If you didn't havr a brand name you were a nobody, thats how you had things going. Now all of a sudden you want to come like you care about our lives just trying to be flambouyant, as if thrre has been some attitude change.
    When fright reaches us, we shift gears, fight, flight, or freeze. I think you are holding on to all three right now, so give others a chance to give their popinion also. Keep your job for whoever you want, we would all poss on like the rest who have gone on before
    You need God in your life like all of us.he could bring about our economy
    That money is all you are looking for.
  • Such A Shame (10/07/2021, 07:01) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply

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