Another taxpayers trip by 'lame duck' Premier, what was accomplished?

This time, it was to London, to attend the 20th Joint Ministerial Council (JMC) meeting, alongside other Leaders of UK Overseas Territories (OTs) from December 3 to 6, 2018.
According to a Government Information Services (GIS) press release, “the Premier promoted the interests of the BVI and its valuable role in the global economy,” however, it did not give any specifics as to how those interests were promoted, nor what was accomplished.
The Co-leader of government business, Premier Smith, “took part in a workshop with UK Government officials on the environment.”
Just eating & drinking?
According to the Premier’s Office, the outgoing Premier—with less than three months left in office —on “monday evening concluded… by hosting a drinks reception at BVI House London, which was attended by Lord Tarik M. Ahmad, Minister of State responsible for the OTs, OT Leaders, members of the business community and other key BVI stakeholders.”
The GIS press release named a laundry list of meetings, however, it remains unclear what the Territory has gained from the trip.
They said, “over the course of Tuesday and Wednesday, the Premier attended the JMC where the UK Government made a number of important commitments.”
“With regards to education, the BVI has received an invitation to the Education World Forum in January 2019 with further commitments to better connect UK-BVI classrooms for global learning opportunities,” the GIS release noted.
It said the UK Government has agreed to support disaster preparedness across the OTs and will host an annual meeting in May of each year, before the hurricane season, to assess plans.
Lord Ahmad also commended the Premier for establishing the Recovery and Development Agency in the BVI.
Laundry list of promises
The UK Government reinforced its position that it was committed to ensuring the best outcome for the OTs in terms of the UK’s withdrawal from the EU, and committed that any concerns around EU funding would be included as part of the UK’s post-Brexit funding review, according to the release.
The UK agreed to maintain dialogue on constitutional reform and acknowledged the need to expand international partnerships and inclusiveness.
For instance, the UK Government is encouraging greater participation and integration from the OTs in its ‘GREAT’ campaign which promotes international trade and business. “This includes an open invitation to the BVI to take part in trade missions and the opportunity to promote the BVI’s services”, the press release said.
The Premier will demit office in the next few months following a general election that must be held by April 16, 2019.
Currently, Dr. Smith’s ruling National Democratic Party (NDP), has split in two, with NDP1—headed by Hon Myron V. Walwyn (AL) the Education and Culture Minister—and NDP 2,—headed by fired Minister Hon Ronnie W. Skelton (AL)—now called the Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM).

17 Responses to “Another taxpayers trip by 'lame duck' Premier, what was accomplished? ”
Ask your mommy if she is going with him.
Let's play nice.
Your head line “Lame Duck” might means something to you the publisher, however it does not speak well for the masses. Thank you
I have to say I admire VINO for always being “on the ball” with the news; and yes we all have reasons to dislike there present administration for the way they do things n wasted our the taxpayers monies and no accounatability for projects monies spent. etc but this heading calling the Premier “lame duck” premier to me is very DISRESPECTFUL. We all have a right to our opinions and freedom of speech but one should never forget Dr. smith’s contribution to our country in the capacity of a physician and life is strange one of us may need that same Dr. One day.
an ineffectual or unsuccessful person or thing.
"most of her boyfriends have been lame ducks"
a politician or administration in the final period of office, after the election of a successor.
modifier noun: lame-duck
"a lame-duck president"