Another stolen election, or did ‘AI’ steal the deal?
Some we Win and Some we Lose:
It was a sad day when Kamala and Supporters did everything right, but the end results appear to turn out wrong… As a result of the Results, Many experienced a sense of disbelief, grief, anger, helplessness and hopelessness… However, they should not blame themselves because it is as likely that Trump did not win, nor did Kamala lose normally… Instead, Artificial Intelligence won and Democracy lost Worldwide.
Folks are fully aware that the circumstantial evidence is too great to be ignored, but we have been so well programmed to do whatever is convenient, that we are quick to believe whatever they want us to… That makes us reluctant to even consider the likelihood that AI was engineered to flip Kamala’s numbers in favour of Trump – Doesn’t matter if we can see the signs and implications as plain and clear as high noon.
Personally, I don’t bet on Horses or People because Horses can run wild, and People can say what they don’t mean and mean what they don’t say… Nonetheless, in making a judgement or forming an opinion, we are obliged to replace Possibilities with Probabilities… Think about it… Statistically, women and Non-whites form the largest Voting Block, and they whom have been most negatively impacted by Mr. Trump
We may be quick to make excuses of America being too racist and antiwomen to elect Kamala, but we should not overlook and ignore the obvious and credible Polls and Trends that showed us the opposite… Nor should we dismiss the facts that he is old, senile, unlikely to last the term, and that his Wife and Daughter - who know him best - refused to support his reelection, and may be as surprised as we, at him winning.
Sometimes even Liars speak Truth:
The Black Brothers and Sisters, who argued for his return, are still unable to name a thing he did for Blacks, and they chose to forget that during his first time as President, he had supported the ‘Stop and Frisk Police Brutality, and had virtually painted a Bulls Eye, as target practice, on the backs of Blacks… Their Vision lacks Reality, but if we choose to forget our own History then why should others remember?
Let’s not forget that Trump always projects onto others the things that really apply to himself... He and the Speaker claim to share a Secret, and his Supporters spoke of their experience in Votes switching… Have we forgotten how he claimed Kamala’s real Rally Numbers were AI generated, and how Taylor Swift had to exposed the fact that he was using Fake AI to claim that she supported him when she did not?
Do you believe that he was joking when he was so cocky and openly said that he didn’t need votes to win the Election?... Do you really believe that all the Republicans and other Super Stars who came out in support of Kamala would suddenly change their minds, and should we really believe that Women hate themselves so much that they would abandon their Rights in support of a convicted Rapist?
Think about it… If his Enablers can shut down the Economies and Infrastructure of Nations around the World, and his Enablers can control the workings of Spaceships and Rockets on another planet, and his Enablers can blow up Cellphones, across the Middle East, then should we really doubt the probability of instructing simple Voting Machines to transfer Votes from Kamala to Trump, in a secretive manner?
Hindsight & Foresight:
While it may seem impossible to disprove the Steal, we should note well that earlier State Elections, and even Polls in favour of Trump, had him losing… What is the rationale for the sudden Miracle Win?… What remote logic would suddenly change Kamala’s Supporters' minds when they knew it could never be in their own best interest?… Think about it… While nothing is impossible, the probability is much too high.
Over a decade ago, I warned that it would be harder to get Trump out than it was to put him in… We are now seeing that fact, and there’s no doubt that America and the rest of the World see this as a Stolen Election, even if it is so hard to prove… They also know that Democracy has been dealt a death blow, and is already spiraling downward… Many may die in the process, but that is their problem to address.
The Solutions to our own Problems require a renewed effort that will be twice as good and a work ethic that will be three times as hard, in order to survive in a World that realises we cannot be beaten Naturally, so they turned to Artificial Intelligence as their Weapon of Choice… This is not Brain Surgery or Rocket Science, but simple Commonsense… If we fail to help ourselves; then we will lose and they will win.
PS: Will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programmes

11 Responses to “Another stolen election, or did ‘AI’ steal the deal?”
What I seriously can’t believe is that this man who is a Con Artist and a consummate liar, and grifter, has managed to bamboozle God fearing people into believing he is the Chosen One. He cares for no one but himself. He idolizes Money and Power. He answers not to the Almighty God of Love. He answers to no one but Putin.
People who fell for his “regular guy” and celebrity apprentice persona, and voted him back into office (after he incited a riot, in attempting a Coup after the last election) are gonna suffer along with the rest of us. Unless of course you are a billionaire and now down to him.
May God forgive you if you knew not what you did by voting him back into office. Back, honestly, how could you NOT know?!?!