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Another public demonstration against possible UK direct rule planned for tomorrow

- Peaceful protest set for Wednesday, May 11, 2022, outside Office of the Governor @ 4:00pm
Protesting and advocacy against the CoI recommendation to impose UK direct rule on the VI as well as suspend the local constitution will see an encore demonstration Wednesday, May 11, 2022, outside the Governor’s House starting at 4:00 pm. Photo: VINO/File
A poster for the demonstration has warned, 'The recommendation is still on the table, our children’s future is at stake. The People of the Virgin Islands say no UK rule.' Photo: FB/We the People
A poster for the demonstration has warned, 'The recommendation is still on the table, our children’s future is at stake. The People of the Virgin Islands say no UK rule.' Photo: FB/We the People
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Protesting and advocacy against the Commission of Inquiry (CoI) recommendation to impose United Kingdom (UK) direct rule on the Virgin Islands (VI) as well as suspend the local constitution will continue with another public demonstration outside the Office of the Governor from 4:00 pm on Wednesday, May 11, 2022.

Organised by 'We the People' movement, the advocacy group has warned, “The recommendation is still on the table, our children’s future is at stake. The People of the Virgin Islands say no UK rule.”

On Monday, May 2, 2022, Virgin islanders and residents publicly demonstrated their objection to the likelihood of direct rule by the United Kingdom (UK).

Some of the phrases on plaque cards included, “I was born free”, “No UK direct rule,”  and “as for fixing my problems, UK start with your own.”

Other persons carried cards that started, “No UK direct Rule, 'Not going Back in Chains”, “I will not surrender our rights”, and “No UK dictatorship.”

More phrases included, "United we Stand", "Yes to assistance, no to Dominance", "We say no to Uk rule", and 'Forward ever."

Final Decision on direct rule still pending 

In late April 2022, the findings of a Commission of Inquiry into alleged corruption and mismanagement in the [British] Virgin Islands (VI) was published by Governor, John J. Rankin, CMG.

The report recommended, among other things, a suspension of the VI’s constitution.

The Commission concluded governance in the VI is poor and recommended dissolution of the locally elected House of Assembly and ministerial government for at least two years. 

While the UK Government has not made a final decision on whether to impose direct rule, several regional organisations and leaders have slammed the prospects of the VI being ruled from Westminister. 

New Premier Dr the Hon Natalio  D. Wheatley (R7) has instead proposed a cross-party coalition to lead a reform of the Territory’s governance. This he said must happen under a democratic system.

The coalition government has already been sworn in by Governor John J. Rankin, CMG.

28 Responses to “Another public demonstration against possible UK direct rule planned for tomorrow”

  • Interested (10/05/2022, 12:22) Like (83) Dislike (1) Reply
    Totally ridiculous.What are we marching against? Good governance?
    • VG (10/05/2022, 13:10) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
      old pictures LOL
    • Frothing from the mouth (10/05/2022, 13:28) Like (24) Dislike (3) Reply
      Call it "peaceful" but once they get their hands on a mic, you'll see and hear....nothing is PEACEFUL about them
    • PROTEST AGAINST THE BOARDS (10/05/2022, 13:49) Like (36) Dislike (0) Reply
      They need a public demonstration for removal of those Boards that Fahie has his cronies on strategically placed like puppets.

      Remember, the current Government admitted to sitting by and overlooking a lot.

      You got Fahie’s cousins, party/campaign supporters, father-in-law/daughter-in-law, husband/wife, brother/sister, elected officials daughters, all affiliated with Fahie on Boards and on the same Board.

    • Rubber Duck (10/05/2022, 15:28) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
      Mostly the rats from the cheese shop.
    • chupes (10/05/2022, 16:21) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
      It look so. Waste of time.
  • “We the People?” (10/05/2022, 12:44) Like (29) Dislike (3) Reply
    You are We the People???? Oh my goodness. That phrase is reserved for the majority folks. Wait till the world reads this one.
    • Crazy joe (10/05/2022, 15:30) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
      They will be lucky to get 100. And it will be the same crew as last time.
  • WHAT!!! (10/05/2022, 13:04) Like (33) Dislike (1) Reply
    Y’all disrupted traffic trying to come into town the other morning now you gonnebblock people trying to get home after work at 4.00????
  • EFFECTIVE Options (10/05/2022, 13:28) Like (25) Dislike (1) Reply
    What EFFECTIVE options do we really have besides Direct Rule? And the operative word here is EFFECTIVE....

    As a Virgin Islander of no party, I have been victimized by both parties, as well as, the power wielding Civil Servants that are so deeply rooted in the current dysfunctional system. There have been no acknowledgements of wrong doing.....

    Tell me, what are our OPTIONS?
  • The wrong protest (10/05/2022, 13:48) Like (44) Dislike (1) Reply
    When will they learn? Still protesting about the wrong thing. We should be marching against corruption in our government. Marching against our elected officials taking us for fools. Marching against those who have taken our public funds. We should be marching towards better governance. Those who are involved in this protest are showing themselves to be fools and as corrupt as our former dishonorable Premier.
  • @Effective Options (10/05/2022, 14:41) Like (16) Dislike (23) Reply
    Your option is to take the next flight back to where you came from. You claim to be a Virgin Islander- Not a BVI lander.
    We want the UK to help us! Not rule us.
  • I beg u all. (10/05/2022, 15:13) Like (43) Dislike (0) Reply
    Please be respectful....Do it with integrity. Stop the Ranting and shouting and screaming and name calling and road blocking...Like you all did the last time ..That is defeating the cause and undermining the intelligence and good intention of our people .
  • Reporter (10/05/2022, 15:37) Like (19) Dislike (4) Reply
    Another protest for what? If you support corruption in the territory then you will go out and join the masterminds with their plans. If you do not support corruption then you won’t engage in the proposed madness with the minority. There were so many other legitimate reasons for this group to form a protest for but they turned a blind eye to the many situations.that affected our people. Now that the cheese factory has closed, the manipulation has begun. But wait, it begs the question, is it all about the UK and the BVI or is it about self? However, time will tell.
    • Josiah's Bay (10/05/2022, 16:05) Like (2) Dislike (6) Reply
      @Reporter: Do you understand the protesting of direct rule and Constitutional suspension as opposed to eliminating corruption and malfeasance. Don't conflate them.
      • @JosiahsBay (11/05/2022, 16:09) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
        Sorry but it is you and they who are trying to conflate them. They are separate things. But this is a march using the old Independence and colonial argument as cover for maintaining the corrupt, undemocratic and dysfunctional status quo. Most of us want someone to impose structures here that give people representation and governance that works and is fair. You all mixing it in with colonialism are really asking for more of the same again and again. Why cannot the betterment of BVIslanders be your goal? Be intelligent and make things better. Not ideological and just make things worse again.
  • maybe (10/05/2022, 16:08) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    Maybe c***y might go this time around
  • The Minority (10/05/2022, 16:59) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    So, 1% of the population have emailed support to this continuation of the protest.
    How many actually reside? Or are these the same grandchildren born abroad and have never set foot on this land,who had been granted voting rights to continue the nepotism.

    The silent majority shall see through this debacle
  • WELL HALLELUIAH (10/05/2022, 17:12) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
  • Strupzzz (10/05/2022, 17:43) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Y are we still protesting against no UK rule ? We are NOT independent. This is the queen land. UK rule or not the bvi is still corrupt.
  • Irony (10/05/2022, 18:31) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    If only the same diligence that is being used to organized these protests for punishment we collectively have brought upon ourselves had been used to run the country, there never would have been a CoI.
  • smh (10/05/2022, 19:09) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ayo marching for the wrong thing, march against the corruption, drug trafficking, human trafficking, that 7% I am from here but it bunning me bad bad
  • Madea (10/05/2022, 22:29) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Any excuse not to work. Are the same 50 people going to turn? Last time there was more onlookers than protestors. A woman kept stopping cars and was very threatening to the drivers. Have they asked for permission to protest? All those with British passports please burn them to show you really mean it!
  • Asking for a friend... (11/05/2022, 10:04) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    When can we schedule a protest in favour of tossing out the sitting government and restructuring our clearly corrupt political, governmental and economic culture? Who is in charge of the scheduling for these events?
  • UK (11/05/2022, 17:23) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The UK should cancelled all BVI UK held passport and then listen to all the stupidity you all have to say.

  • hmm (12/05/2022, 07:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Great turnout guys. Two dozen people. Mission accomplished! /s
  • holy ghost (13/05/2022, 21:49) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Uk please hurry stop this currution going on for years in this country. You are more racist and selfish than the whites. We do t want to hear it. Time for clean up and to have your Mother country guide u in the right path.

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