Another Desert Storm or Coalition Invasion of the Caribbean
The Injustice of Justice makes Pupils into Prisoners and builds Prisons for Profit:
Thanks to those Persons who constantly ask about the progress in relation to the Court Cases dealing with the construction of a New B&F Medical Complex at Pasea Estate… So far we have won all our sections but the Process is still held up because… (i) The Losers placed a Judge’s Decision on trial and (ii) Judgment regarding a Premier’s Mentality and Authority is still pending.
All these Cases brought against me have been so blatantly unjustified and malicious that they have essentially placed the Legal System on Open Trial… It is publicly transparent that the only way the Aggressors can win any segment of these Cases would require Officers of the Court to be corrupt beyond redemption – In this new Era the outcome of these cases could be enlightening.
The fact remains that Societies progress best when Law and Order is based on Fairness and Justice and where Religion, Politics and Judiciary work in the Peoples’ Interest… However, these Systems fail themselves and the Public by knowingly becoming hostage to systemic Corruption and shackling themselves to Promises they have neither wish nor will to keep or means to fulfill.
When this happens, Normal is replaced by Abnormal and instead of helping others and spreading knowledge they focus on safeguarding themselves by burying Books and trampling the Weak. Although many Preachers, Lawyers and Politicians secretly decry the Bias and Corruption within their Systems they still lack the courage and decency to make the necessary moves to correct them.
We see this abnormality when UK offers poor Countries Prisons instead of Schools and Iraq and ZBVI take drastic measures to block vital information from reaching the ears of the Public… The end result is, Societies across the World rapidly regress from bad to worse and once rich Nations now scavenge the carcasses of poor countries without consideration of cost or consequence.
As Social Leaders turn Good Citizens into Bad Criminals the populace become so hopeless and frustrated that Suicide which was once an affliction of teenagers and the elderly now consumes Soldiers and the Middle-aged… Unfortunately, when decent Persons become radicalised to the point of Self-destruction and Murder, we condemn them without considering causes of effects.
Some Leaders still think their success is having us silenced so no one would know of the real and pressing dangers and Oppressors could avoid making the necessary commonsense corrections … In abject stubbornness they refuse to acknowledge that no matter how much they prop up the Wicked and Corrupt on the backs of the Poor their evil Plans still fail and their Empires crumble.
And the Oppressors recite – ‘The Good Lord giveth and the Good Lord taketh away’:
This lack of foresight and consideration destroyed Sugar, Cotton, Bananas and Bauxite as Income Generators in the Caribbean and we should all be terrified when Giants like the US, UK, France, Germany, Italy and Spain take colonial steps to negatively affect Caribbean Tourism and Financial Services by forcing British Overseas Territories to sign Suicidal FATCA Agreements.
We should never forget that the success and claim to fame of these Nations has been the ownership and colonial raping of these Poor Countries without due compensation… Forcing them to abandon established laws of convenience that were once gloried by these same Nations would nullify their Financial Survivability - They should at least provide Parachutes before pushing us out of Planes.
Instead we see a heavy hand of Power that makes Might right and Wrong strong and so deformed Justice that Mainland Courts can issue “John Doe” summons to crucify foreign banks across the World even if they have no offices within the Jurisdictions of these Courts… Consequently, First Caribbean International Bank with branches in the VI becomes a victim.
Again, failure of Foresight allowed FATCA to find us unprepared… Instead of unity we fail to understand that the more we destroy ourselves internally the easier we are to be destroyed by those wishing us harm externally… As Politicians and Civil Servants abuse their Offices and our People, foreign Forces grin from ear to ear knowing that a divided Country can never survive.
My simple Answers to Your sincere Questions:
I have been warning of these concerns for Decades but too many would rather stick their Heads in the sand only to get their Butts kicked so they allow Mole hills to become Mountains as simple problems festered… As a believer in the Natural Order of Things and a Messenger of Action I am obliged to answer a few simple questions before they too become all-consuming:
Your Question: - Should $100,000 Savings from Youth Development pay for Teachers Dinner?
My Answer: - While Record will show no greater believer in the importance of Teachers than I we must also acknowledge that the greatest part of Teachers importance hinges directly on the development of our Youth and in accordance with the God of Nature and Laws of Balance, Youth Development is an ongoing Process from Generation to Generation.
This feature makes it impossible for any Monies to be saved from this cause unless the Development Plan is really to kill off all our Children… If Politicians regarded this Party as that important they could have considered contributing their self-reinstated Housing Allowances.
Your Question: - Why are Senior Citizens now required to pay for their Public Health Care?…
My Answer:- For as long as I can remember it has been an understanding that our Senior Citizens have made us whom and what we are; for better or worse… The accepted way of showing our appreciation is to exempt these Seniors from charges for their Care at Public Medical Offices.
Unless a new law has been enacted to change this then any contra action should be illegal.
Your Question: - Who is responsible for the Fifteen Cent Sale of Plastic Shopping Bags?
My Answer: -Responsibility for Consumer Affairs/selling and buying falls within the Trade Division… While I appreciate your support for my effort to stop this irritant you are wrong to believe that you as one Person cannot make a difference…
I remain firm in my conviction that any failure to provide me with pre-paid Shopping Bags for my Purchases simply means that I leave their Produce on the counter and my Check in the Book – They should realize that Persons are already shopping at different stores and Off Island.
Doing right should not be difficult when we have already paid for it and Leaders should ensure their actions or inactions do not encourage Snap Elections or VI take-over by UK.
PS:… I will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programme

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