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Annette Layne cops 1st & 2nd in Hot Sauce Competition

Annette Layne (Left) walked away with both the first and second place prizes at the Hot Sauce Competition on Friday, August 30, 2024 held at Bamboushay Restaurant & Lounge. Photo: Annette Layne
Annette Layne, who won the Hot Sauce Competition on Friday, August 30, 2024, will receive a wholesale contract with Steaknation and Bamboushay Restaurant & Lounge. Photo: Facebook
Annette Layne, who won the Hot Sauce Competition on Friday, August 30, 2024, will receive a wholesale contract with Steaknation and Bamboushay Restaurant & Lounge. Photo: Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- The top prize in the Hot Sauce Competition of $500 was won by Annette Layne, with her submission ‘Nia’s Pineapple Hot Sauce’ at Bamboushay Restaurant & Lounge on Friday night, August 30, 2024.

She also took home the second-place prize of $300 with another one of her submissions, ‘Nia’s Scorpion Hot Sauce’.

In an interview with Virgin Islands News Online (VINO), Layne said: "It feels really good. When they called me for 2nd place, I was happy that I actually got placed, but when they announced me as 1st place winner," adding she was surprised too as she entered the competiton for fun.

The Hot Sauce Competition was organised by Steakation Butchers and Bamboushay Restaurant & Lounge.

Asked if there were any secrets to her winning hot sauce that she would like to share, she responded, "There's no secret really. I have been making my own hot sauce for a long time just for home use. The peppers were home grown by my fiancé". 

Wholesale contract earned as part of winnings

In addition to her winnings, Ms Layne will receive a wholesale contract with Steaknation Butchers and Bamboushay Restaurant & Lounge.

She told VINO, she is excited and thankful for this opportunity. 

The third place and $200 went to ‘Granny Yoyos Hot Sauce’.

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