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Anegada without power & water; School closed

Some residents of Anegada have reportedly been without power since last evening, Tuesday, September 17, 2024. The power outage has also affected the Claudia Creque Educational Centre, which was forced to close today. Photo: VINO/File
The BVI Electricity Corporation issued a notice this morning, September 18, 2024, to its customers on Anegada that the Power Station is experiencing a major malfunction on one of its generating sets. Photo: BVIEC
The BVI Electricity Corporation issued a notice this morning, September 18, 2024, to its customers on Anegada that the Power Station is experiencing a major malfunction on one of its generating sets. Photo: BVIEC
THE SETTLEMENT, Anegada, VI- Residents of Anegada have reportedly been without power since last evening, Tuesday, September 17, 2024. The power outage has also affected the Claudia Creque Educational Centre, which was forced to close today.

“This comes on the heels of attempts by the BVI Electricity Corporation (BVIEC) failed overnight when trying to rectify faults which developed on the Island's operating unit late Tuesday afternoon September 17,” a notice sent to sent to our news room stated.

According to the notice, not issued by the BVI Electricity Corporation, BVIEC had initially anticipated that the repairs would have been effected within a three hour period. “This morning residents were advised, ‘There is no immediate relief to the repairs. We have a team that will travel up to Anegada today but as it stands its likely that we will face power losses for most of the morning.’ With no electricity and consequently no water, school was suspended for today.”

Major malfunction

Meanwhile, the BVI Electricity Corporation issued a notice this morning to its customers in Anegada that the Power Station is experiencing a major malfunction on one of its generating sets.

“This malfunction will continue to affect its customers on the entire island. The BVIEC is actively seeking to rectify this situation as soon as possible. We crave your indulgence as we seek to serve you better,” the notice stated.

18 Responses to “Anegada without power & water; School closed”

  • 2024 (18/09/2024, 12:11) Like (26) Dislike (0) Reply
    what really going on in the territory
    Serious Failure in the Healthcare System
    Serious Failure in the Electricity System
    Serious Failure in the Fixing the Roads

    Just an opinion:-
    some of the funds being use for Airfare
    some of the funds being use for Hotel
    some of the funds being use for taxi
    some of the funds being use for entertainment

    Some of the funding being used on some of the above matters might have been used to benefit the people who voted

    not casting any blame but just looking at the facts

    run chat that

  • @2024 (18/09/2024, 13:04) Like (17) Dislike (2) Reply
    Serious failure in the government is the cause of our problems. We have NO ONE here that has the skills and proper training to run a country. All our politians just lining their pockets.
  • Frustrated with the BS (18/09/2024, 14:19) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply

    Here’s my take and I don’t care how anyone feels about it. If you don’t like my comment, simply go and have a cold drink of coconut water and go &^%$ off in the shade somewhere. Every last inept incompetent member of Government needs to be tied to a big rock and tossed overboard from a speed the harbor. Anegada is such a nice quaint island and it is a disgrace how Anegada and the people is being treated. School just opened and the children can’t go back to school due to a bunch of inept incompetent ^%$£ BUSH IDIOTS. HEAR WE ARE IN THE YEAR 2024 AND STILL STUCK IN THE BUSHES. DON’T GET MAD WHEN WE ARE CALLED BUSH PEOPLE AND THIRD WORLD COUNTRY.

    • @Fustrated with the BS (18/09/2024, 17:58) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      Lmao, tied to a big rock and tossed overboard from a speed boat in the harbor you say? Best laugh of the day. I have to agree with your comment.
    • @Frustrated with the BS (19/09/2024, 17:36) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      "When we are called Bush People?" How exactly can you be called such?
  • ITS OBVIOUS NOW (18/09/2024, 14:33) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
  • @@ 2024 (18/09/2024, 15:12) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Yu Rite
    the only how you dont hear old talk during a sitting of House of Assembly is when the Bill on the Table is for a substantial increase in wages; payments; salaries for the 13 of Them

    Our fore parents built this territory looking OUT for each other now the focus is on old talk and self gratification(listen to HoA)

  • downscote (18/09/2024, 15:27) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    I wonder what happened to the much-hyped solar power project on Anegada. Due diligence on the project was poor, the contract was controversial, and news of the project just seemed to fade away!
  • big mezzy (18/09/2024, 16:00) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
    independance them sayy..

    cant even keep current running in this day and age...

    dont even talk about water n roads
    • To Big Mezzy (18/09/2024, 19:03) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
      That’s what they say buddy. The UK and the COi are preventing them from doing the most basic things. Once we get the UK out of the way they will suddenly be able to get loans and they will magically be able to do basic things like cut bushes, get clinics to function, provide reliable power to an island of about 100 people, provide reliable street water to everyone, fix roads, dispose of garbage, fix sewage issues, no more massive project overruns, etc. Once we go Independent we will finally be able to address these things. Do you believe that shiat?
  • again (18/09/2024, 16:57) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply


  • resident (18/09/2024, 16:57) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    first the hack now this, bviec needs new leadership
  • Deh Watcha (18/09/2024, 20:05) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Who need to resign here? Just do the "honorable" thing.

    Don't let me have to send a WhatsApp text.

    Ohhhhh look where the BVI gone......
  • Yes ser ree (18/09/2024, 20:39) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    We are indeed an indeed a Third World Country and Bush People. How can you all just sit back take the beat down and blows everyday. No wonder everyone is stressed out. I guess when you all reach the breaking point.(NO VIOLENCE) you will stand up and make a change. You the people holds the power, not the Government, you pay them right?
  • HMMM (20/09/2024, 07:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

    What a shame on behalf of the government!! That’s embarrassment!!! Please let us as the people of the country call for an election!!

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