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‘Anegada not ready to be its own district’- Dr Hubert O’Neal

- said small population does not justify the sister island being elevated to the status of a district on its own
Representative of the Ninth District Dr the Honourable Hubert O’Neal has rubbished the suggestion that the sister island of Anegada be endowed with the status of being a district unto itself with its own representative separate and apart from Virgin Gorda with which it constitutes the Ninth District. Photo: VINO/File
Dr the Hon Hubert O'Neal (R9). Photo: VINO/File
Dr the Hon Hubert O'Neal (R9). Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Representative for the Ninth District, Dr The Honourable Hubert O’Neal has rebutted the suggestion that the sister island of Anegada be endowed with the status of a district unto itself with its own representative separate and apart from Virgin Gorda with which it constitutes the Ninth District.

During the recent elections campaign and at other times, residents of Anegada had said that the island should be represented by someone who is from that island.

One of the more prominent voices making this suggestion was former independent candidate for the district Albert O. Wheatley.

He does not think that Anegadians should have to depend on a representative from Virgin Gorda and they, along with Jost Van Dyke, should have their own representative on the ground addressing their needs and concerns.

He is convinced that with a fifteen-member House there would be three members in the House from the sister islands who understand the plight and needs of their constituents and their three votes in the house can carry a lot more weight than a one member representation.

Losing Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Second District candidate, Rajah A. Smith had also called for Jost Van Dyke to be its own district.

This is stretching it a bit

However, Dr O’Neal is not wholly convinced that the idea is a practical one given the logistics that would need to be involved.

“If you compare it to the size of other districts between Tortola and Virgin Gorda…a district is on average over 1,000 people.

So for Anegada to have its own designation as its own district is stretching it a bit,” he said.

“With 200 individuals I don’t think Anegada is ready to have its own representative right now,” he said, suggesting that a combining with another district might be better as is already the case.

“But I can understand why Anegada would feel that way because for a very long time they have felt unrepresented and I think that is why for every time I have run I have always won Anegada, the reason being that the incumbent did not pay a lot of attention to Anegada. But I intend to be different now that I am in that position. I intend to pay attention to Anegada so maybe they do not feel that way in the years to come,” said Dr O’Neal.

10 Responses to “‘Anegada not ready to be its own district’- Dr Hubert O’Neal”

  • Reef (30/07/2015, 09:29) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Dem anigada ppl dem hoing run he out of town
  • hurry come (30/07/2015, 11:04) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
    Scrap that atlarge stupidness and make anegada and jost van dykes seperate districts. Ayo aint see that we're the only country in the caribbean with this atlarge stupidness?
    • Me (30/07/2015, 12:04) Like (12) Dislike (2) Reply
      All senators in the USVI are elected on an at-large basis. Do you hear them complaining? As a matter of fact, I would prefer to see the BVI elect ALL of its legislators on an at-large basis. The district thing is what has messed up the BVI politics as it is today. Representatives who have responsibility to the entire territory put more effort into propping up their districts to ensure continued victories at the polls, rather than look out for the good of ALL.
  • yessie (30/07/2015, 15:28) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Yes we need to get rid of the at large system
  • betty (30/07/2015, 15:49) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    he just so happy he won after trying for so long he will say anything deeds days
  • Boo (30/07/2015, 19:56) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Bertie we happy for you and we know you will make good contributions
  • Political Observer (30/07/2015, 21:01) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    The election is over and the Hon O'neal need to focus on edging the 9th District and the territory as a whole. Act as a statesman. The former rep. Hon R..T. O'neal is in retirement so let sleeping dogs lie. Bashing him at this point serves no purpose. Further, the people of Anegada what is best for them as far as representation in the HOA and should be the ones advocating for it, not Dr. O'Neal. As their rep, he should working in concert with them. Not a good start for a newbie rep who rode an NDP wave into power. The Hon O'Neal need to emulate cuz Robinson O'Neal, his dad, in representing the 9th.
    • Anegadian (30/07/2015, 22:57) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      What did he say? This man didn't see the number of votes we gave to our own Mr. Vanterpool.Not because our resident population is less than the existing districts it means that our needs an our rights are less important. Anegada an Jost Van Dyke have living intelligent beings living on them and we are tired of class of representation. we are capable of representing our ourselves. We have been going along with the system far too long. we both have thousands of residents overseas an if we have to do like the honourablr gentleman in the third an encourage our relatives to come home an register and come to vote clearly we will. Just a few weeks ago we had a reunion oftwo families originating from anegada and their numbers were more than 200. be advised Doctor. We will not be treated like theunwanted step child no more. Stop the loose talk anget working at representing
  • Lord (30/07/2015, 22:24) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    I cry for my country
  • We say (30/07/2015, 23:43) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    He need to stop the talking and let's see some action. Bertie stop putting your foot in your mouth. Well again I guess he is still excited over his victory or else he is trying to beat the bald head minister to the photo op. Let's start doing something in Anegada plz.

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