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Andrew A. Fahie 'retires' from HoA, D1 & active politics

- According to letter read by HoA Speaker today, November 24, 2022
Former Premier of the Virgin Islands Andrew A. Fahie has officially retired from the House of Assembly, as the First District Representative and from active politics. Photo: GIS/File
Shortly after the Financial Services Amendment Act 2022 was passed in the HoA being held at Financial Services Commission Training Centre in Pasea Estate this afternoon, November 24, 2022, the Speaker read the Letter of Retirement by Mr Andrew A. Fahie. Photo: YouTube
Shortly after the Financial Services Amendment Act 2022 was passed in the HoA being held at Financial Services Commission Training Centre in Pasea Estate this afternoon, November 24, 2022, the Speaker read the Letter of Retirement by Mr Andrew A. Fahie. Photo: YouTube
PASEA ESTATE, Tortola, VI- Former Premier of the Virgin Islands Andrew A. Fahie has officially retired from the House of Assembly (HoA), as the First District Representative, and from active politics.

Fahie’s dilemma

Mr Fahie was arrested in Miami on April 28, 2022, and slapped with drug and money laundering conspiracy charges, among others, by the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).

He was subsequently ousted as Premier but held on as the First District Representative and Member of the House of Assembly (HoA), although he was unable to leave the United States despite being granted bail.

After his trial was delayed to January 2023 at the request of his legal team, the new Speaker of the HoA, Corine N. George-Massicote, who had previously accepted a leave of absence from Mr Fahie, refused to grant any further leave of absence.

This meant that Hon Fahie would have had to vacate his seat after missing 4 consecutive sittings of the HoA.

Letter of Retirement

Shortly after the Financial Services Amendment Act 2022 was passed in the HoA being held at Financial Services Commission Resource Centre in Pasea Estate, Tortola this afternoon, November 24, 2022, the Speaker read a letter she said was sent by Mr Fahie.

In the letter, Mr Fahie said he was grateful to serve the people of the Virgin Islands and encouraged them to continue to press on for a better Virgin Islands, while learning from their mistakes and celebrating their accomplishments, just like their foreparents did.

Mr Fahie said he was especially privileged to serve the people of the Virgin Islands in the first quarter of 2020 during the early stages of the COVID-19 pandemic, “the worst pandemic in the last 100 years that came with great uncertainty and with no playbook" and that many lives were saved through unity, post the advent of the vaccines.

He then stated that he was respecting the ruling of Speaker George-Massicote and was retiring from the HoA and active politics.

“So with a heart filled with gratitude and being respectfully mindful of your ruling conveyed in a previous Sitting of the House of Assembly in response to my 18th July 2022 correspondence to you on the matter of any further absenteeism on my part for future Sittings, I Andrew Alturo Fahie, now respectfully take this time to officially inform you, Madam Speaker, through this written notice with effect from 24th November 2022, of my retirement from serving in the capacity as a Member of the House of Assembly of the Virgin Islands and First District Representative and from active politics at this time.”

‘Our best days are yet ahead’- Fahie

Mr Fahie also said he had copied his letter to the Clerk of the HoA, the Deputy Speaker, and all the Members of the House of Assembly.

“I also take this time to acknowledge receipt of your 2nd September 2022 correspondence in response to my 18 July 2022 correspondence. Madam Speaker, I humbly and respectfully request of you to please officially convey my retirement that comes into effect from 24th November 2022 to all the requisite authorities, especially to all Members of the House of Assembly as well as to the people of the Virgin Islands, especially my beloved people of the First District, on the floor of the House of Assembly via this letter, among other means you may deem appropriate.”

The former Premier, who was one of the longest-serving legislators in the Virgin Islands, said he was sending his deepest appreciation and love to everyone in the Territory.

“May God forever bless the Virgin Islands and the people of the Virgin Islands, as our best days are yet ahead.”

87 Responses to “Andrew A. Fahie 'retires' from HoA, D1 & active politics”

  • Just saying (24/11/2022, 15:48) Like (41) Dislike (94) Reply
    He will be missed hope Myron is next and retires from trying to get a seat and could end up in jail
    • Holdtheforth (24/11/2022, 17:24) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
      You dutty.
    • Rubber Duck (24/11/2022, 23:20) Like (19) Dislike (17) Reply
      Good riddance to this horrible pos.
    • Yuck (25/11/2022, 08:55) Like (11) Dislike (14) Reply
      The speaker's eyebrows, hairline, and weave.
      • shave (25/11/2022, 13:22) Like (17) Dislike (11) Reply
        @ Yuck:

        Those things are not important. Stay focused on the real issues or stay quiet if you don't have anything sensible to say.
      • wolfy (25/11/2022, 18:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        ya boy she can get it
      • hmm (28/11/2022, 03:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        Boy she use to real good as an attorney before like aging faster work stress
    • @Just Saying (25/11/2022, 09:18) Like (18) Dislike (3) Reply
      Keep Myron out of the mess, Myron did not step on a private plane on American soil in Miami and touch the DEA MARKED MONEY IN DESIGNER BAGS OUT OF GREED.
      • HUNTER (25/11/2022, 13:19) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
        @@Just saying;

        No, Myron didn't do that, but unless you are Myron, you have no clue what he actually did. You might want to wait to hear.
      • WOW (26/11/2022, 05:02) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
        @just saying but he touch the wall jokers
    • Greg (25/11/2022, 14:30) Like (30) Dislike (13) Reply
      I am only speaking for myself. I don’t know Mr. Fahie personally, but I feel he did more for the BVI than any others who were in office. I am not overlooking what has transpired with the situation he is now involved. Since he was our Premier, he did so much more to actually help the people. He was helping so many after Hurricane Irma when we were scared to death. He stood strong and we felt protected. He has stood up to the UK and they didn’t like it one bit. So I am wishing him the best, from one BVIslander to another.
      • @Greg (25/11/2022, 21:39) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
        What did he do after IRMA? Orlando was Premier then!!
      • @ Greg too (26/11/2022, 10:58) Like (6) Dislike (5) Reply
        since who was Premier..what time warp zone were you living in? Myron was Premier?????? when?????????
  • west (24/11/2022, 15:55) Like (21) Dislike (35) Reply
    Donald Trump *lock him up*
  • Wowwwwwe (24/11/2022, 16:02) Like (61) Dislike (98) Reply
    Look how the mighty have fallen. He had to give up everything because he knows what is coming. I almost want to feel sorry for the guy but I can’t, Sir, TAKE YOUR LICK, SERVE THE TIME YOU ARE ABOUT TO FACE AND WORK TOWARDS BECOMING A BETTER PERSON.
    • @Wowwwwe (24/11/2022, 17:15) Like (30) Dislike (40) Reply
      Oh please. You playing Judge and jury. The man had no choice because of the Speaker over riding her powers. Fahie will land on his feet. You were always a hater no matter what good fahie did so just get away.
      • Wowwwwe again (24/11/2022, 23:17) Like (10) Dislike (27) Reply
        Who ever you are, B***h you don’t know me to say I were always a hater. Do me a favor, find a light pole, climb to the top, open your legs and slide till you reach the bottom. Don’t forget to LUBE UP.
      • BUSY BEE (25/11/2022, 16:25) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
        Land on his feet in a federal lock-up… Maybe he’ll get some cushy country club prison.
    • Hey man (24/11/2022, 20:43) Like (33) Dislike (12) Reply
      After hearing this, as a human, you want to feel sorry for dude but can’t as well. The man stated he was in the dirty, dirty for 20 years, you can’t be praising the universe and dropping on your knees with you hands reaching to the universe while you are doing the dirty,dirty. It will back fire. What really bothers me is the ones that is hollering free the drew. When the Feds snatch you up they got something on you. All I would say is whoever is doing the dirty, dirty, the Feds is probably watching every move you make unknown to you.
      • @Hey man (24/11/2022, 23:36) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
        Everytime you step out your home someone is watching. We are all under a microscope. Don’t bother me because I’m a law abiding citizen who go to my 9-5, go home to my four corners and mind my business.
        • @@Hey man (25/11/2022, 11:19) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
          Wait till they give you a yellow star to wear.

          Knowing someone is watching illegally is one thing, encouraging and tolerating it as a "law abiding citizen" while knowing full well it is highly illegal is a sickness of the mind.

          Our people were put in chains and you want to give up everything we've taken back with this lazy attitude.

          If being black or Jewish or Palestinian or whatever you consider law abiding suddenly becomes a crime what will you do?

          They killed Martin Luther king JR and many others yet if you do not make a change while you are here then your life has been a vain betrayal to your fellow humans!
      • To Hey man (25/11/2022, 01:23) Like (11) Dislike (11) Reply
        You seem to know all but a person is innocent until proven guilty. Anyone with sense and the street know that fahie was never in any dirty business whether drugs or otherwise so we will wait to see why this was said because most know that this is NOT TRUE! Give time a chance.
        • @To Hey man (25/11/2022, 08:11) Like (7) Dislike (9) Reply
          The only thing I will say to you is you and a whole lot on the Island are completely DETACHED FROM REALITY.
        • Bull$hit (25/11/2022, 10:27) Like (8) Dislike (5) Reply
          You do realize the FEDS were after him since 2002 and now is 2020 (20 years later). He was on offshore alert and many were denying that fact/reality. As the saying goes, "you reap what you sow". Nonetheless, he is innocent until proven guilty!
  • ali (24/11/2022, 16:05) Like (39) Dislike (41) Reply
    Good riddance, glad to see you go.....and by the way, take all your other hoodlum friends with you.
    Thank you.
  • KB (24/11/2022, 16:07) Like (32) Dislike (28) Reply
    Long overdue
  • Yo (24/11/2022, 16:12) Like (9) Dislike (16) Reply
    To just saying: Becarefull you might go before myron
    • Truths (24/11/2022, 19:20) Like (20) Dislike (4) Reply

      Our grandparents/ Ancestors said be careful of the hole you dig for other people because you might be the one that will end up in it. Mr. fahie did just that when he wanted others to be investigated while he was allegedly commiting illegal activities. Whoa...

  • Nooooo (24/11/2022, 16:14) Like (27) Dislike (3) Reply
    Sad. This is indeed sad. Look how our lives can change in a wink of an eye.
  • Luvz (24/11/2022, 16:29) Like (85) Dislike (28) Reply
    This is just sad! All the very best to you Hon. Fahie. You have served your country well. May God be with you and your family.
  • Ummmm (24/11/2022, 16:35) Like (12) Dislike (10) Reply
    I don’t know about Myron. That’s a hard one…????
  • 1st District (24/11/2022, 16:49) Like (104) Dislike (52) Reply
    We love you Fahie. Fahie forever.
  • hmmm (24/11/2022, 16:50) Like (21) Dislike (4) Reply
    At least the NDP stick with Walwyn whether arrested or not or corrupt or not.
    • @ hummm (24/11/2022, 17:23) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
      Yes the slow man threw fahie cavin Vincent and willock under the bus
  • No choice (24/11/2022, 16:51) Like (26) Dislike (16) Reply
    The Speaker left him no choice. It is amazing that Walwyn is innocent until proven guilty for some of you and the other news site while for Fahie for the same set is guilty and will remain guilty. What a country of hypocrites.
  • NDP supporter (24/11/2022, 16:53) Like (150) Dislike (7) Reply
    I came from a poor family where we all supported the NDP. I want to go to college but couldn’t afford it and said the VIP was in power and I don’t stand a chance because Fahie will not help. A fellow ndper told me go to him as he is not what a few people are saying. I took the advise and Fahie said you get packed because you are going to college. I got my bachelor and now my Masters because Fahie ignored political affiliation and saw me as BVI citizen that deserves an opportunity. I am still an NDP but I am thankful to Fahie for fighting to give me the opportunity. Despite this present challenge he is a good man and I Pray the best for him.
    • Common man (24/11/2022, 22:07) Like (22) Dislike (5) Reply
      Coming from a common man, I realize under VIP , they would quicker help with a general request such as assistance with road, electricity and water installation when building etc despite having no particular political affiliations. But under NDP, if you're not for NDP, you suck salt! Period. I too I'm thankful.
  • A Good Man (24/11/2022, 16:55) Like (148) Dislike (20) Reply
    Fahie is paying for fighting against the powers of slavery.
    • @ a good man (24/11/2022, 17:24) Like (22) Dislike (7) Reply
      Well said. When the slave masters do not like you because you stand up against their colonial plots to enslave then they will organize anything to get rid of you and make it look otherwise and that their hands are clean. Nothing new in the world.
      • Jackie (24/11/2022, 23:40) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
        Does the BVI govrrnment do anything different to your comment about the slave masters?
    • controversial (24/11/2022, 18:08) Like (12) Dislike (95) Reply
      Fahie is paying for greed.
      • WOW (25/11/2022, 04:45) Like (30) Dislike (8) Reply
        it really pains me to see you go you is a good person you are a fighter continue to trust God he forgive us I pray that God will protect and comfort you and your family in this trying time it's not easy for you because I know you love your country stay strong my brother have faith in the most high
  • Carrot Bay Lady (24/11/2022, 16:56) Like (103) Dislike (9) Reply
    I will always be a Fahie. This man is not what they are trying to paint him to be and eventually this will be clear. He really cares about people.
    • @carrot bay (25/11/2022, 08:48) Like (3) Dislike (14) Reply
      What happen Bo Bo, you miss the bag of rice and flour you were getting every week? so check this, why don’t you charter a plane to Miami and take the rest that is supporting a Criminal and sit in front of the court house on Jan 9th. Bet the Feds will escort most of you to lock up after they run your names through their very advance TECH SYSTEM
  • Observation (24/11/2022, 16:58) Like (84) Dislike (7) Reply
    This man was a fighter for the rights of the small man and all. Look how he stood up alone against beneficial ownership becoming public as the UK was breathing down his throat to make them public or else they will take action on BVI. He disagreed and said it can only be done with conditions. Now look how the EU courts have vindicated him with their ruling against making them public. Look how he fought to make local boat companies to have an advantage over foreign ones in chartering and now he is gone they sell us out again. Look how he saved our shipping industry in securing us as a category one when they said it was not possible. I know some of you want to forget the many good this man has done for the country but history will not allow that to happen.
    • Priorities (25/11/2022, 10:20) Like (2) Dislike (8) Reply
      History is usually written by the winners. Mr. Fahie's current predicament (of his own doing) unfortunately does not place him in that category. His choices reflect his priorities as is the case for everyone else.
      • ... (25/11/2022, 11:44) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
        He already won when he fought for VI landers rights and betterment, including rejecting the foxing 300million dollar loan the UK 'offered' after our most devastating hurricane.

        Everyone with a rational mind can observe this is a set up resulting from his defiant attitude towards the UK. They killed his character.

        They killed Martin Luther King Jr too but he already won.
    • @Observation (26/11/2022, 11:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Shipping Registry always had category 1 status..that did not come under Fahie.
  • resident (24/11/2022, 17:01) Like (10) Dislike (114) Reply
    we need an apology, he has made us shame on the world stage
  • Never will forget (24/11/2022, 17:03) Like (67) Dislike (9) Reply
    It is easy to criticize Fahie and any leader but this guy had a heart of gold for people. I want to thank him for his leadership during covid. I did not like some of his decisions but he led better than most world leaders during that uncertain and deadly time for the first two years of covid at its worse. It seem to have more persons working to try to bring him down that to help him. In the end only what God wants will prevail. Thank you fahie. A lot of people are living now because of your leadership during the first two years of the worse pandemic in the last one hundred years and that is a fact.
    • @never will forget (25/11/2022, 11:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Truth. We locked down meanwhile "THEY" (AMERICAN AND EUROPEANS) wanted us to open up and take all the untested jabs. Now we see covid vaccine adverts on TV as if you really need to convince people to take meds that work. YOU CONVICE PEOPLE TO TAKE MEDS THAT DO NOT WORK >: /'
  • I must say thanks (24/11/2022, 17:12) Like (120) Dislike (5) Reply
    The HLSCC bus service fahie implemented nightly for students to get home benefited me and many others for years who attended HLSCC and needed transportation to get home after night classes. Whether you were from the 1st District or not you benefited from this initiative. This meant a lot to many of us. I now have my bachelor degree but now years later I cannot forget kindness and true leadership.
  • time (24/11/2022, 17:17) Like (84) Dislike (7) Reply
    With time we will see how all these plots to try to enslave us again in modern times unfolds. BVI people open your eyes.
  • The letter..... (24/11/2022, 17:18) Like (72) Dislike (9) Reply
    .....was well written and heart felt. All the best Mr. Fahie.
  • White supremacy (24/11/2022, 17:26) Like (56) Dislike (9) Reply
    The usa and UK team up against fahie they want freedom fighters all gone
    • @White supremacy (24/11/2022, 23:26) Like (4) Dislike (17) Reply
      Keep running your mouth about the USA and the UK team up against Fahie. Don’t be surprise if the authorities don’t come tapping on your door. You think they can’t find you even if you don’t give your real name in the nickname box?
      • @@White supremacy (25/11/2022, 11:34) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
        Who cares if they find us talking about how they dont want to witness our success. THEY DONT WANT US TO PROSPER. They dont want Arabs to Prosper! They dont want Chinese to prosper! They dont want Mexicans to Prosper.

        They dont want anyone to prosper unless bow down to them or you are white and come from America The UK Canada or Australia. Real talk.

        What are you a NAZI that they have to find us for speaking the truth????? So what if they "FIND" us.

        They hate how we do it. I live on Tortola id say look me up but they already watching that's why we need to speak out.

        To all Caribbean people > When you dont speak they have the chance to silence you before you make your mark and throw a stone in their racist machinery
      • @@ White supremacy (25/11/2022, 11:38) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        Oh yea they dont want the WHOLE OF AFRICA to prosper believe that. Look at what happened to Libya.

        France wanted to hold on to Africa at all cost. SO many Racist actions and you want us to stay silent because they might find us. I laugh.

        They already are committed to sin against diverse folk whether you speak or stay silent.
  • Anegada youth (24/11/2022, 17:27) Like (34) Dislike (5) Reply
    I reserve my judgment on Fahie until all of this is over. For now all I can say is that he is a man that cared and looked out for the people of the BVI during the tough times more than ever over the last few years with covid.
  • Citizen (24/11/2022, 17:42) Like (15) Dislike (151) Reply
    we need an apology
    • To citizen (25/11/2022, 01:39) Like (18) Dislike (3) Reply
      Where is the apology for those slave masters that ill-treat us black people in the Caribbean and put us in slavery while raping our ancestors and killing our males? Where is the apology from them as they are now trying to do it again in a modern way while we are fighting each other by their design and calling them our saviours? Don't get me started.
  • I guess (24/11/2022, 17:55) Like (14) Dislike (9) Reply
    I guess gov and cop are happy that one part of their divide and conquer plot is in motion, but time will tell as Fahie is a good man and good people always find their way to land on their feet.
    • @I guess (24/11/2022, 22:46) Like (5) Dislike (132) Reply
      Good people don’t do what he did. Like I said, if he didn’t touch/made contact with the DEA marked money he would not be in the mess that he is in.
  • 5th District man (24/11/2022, 17:59) Like (33) Dislike (5) Reply
    I appreciate the letter fahie wrote that the Speaker read. It was well written and came from his heart. He has done plenty good for the people of the BVI and we should not let anyone try to make us think otherwise or forget it. We wish him the best.
  • Slim Jim (24/11/2022, 18:28) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
    Thank you, Mr Fahie
    That was the "honorable" thing to do, and I can respect that.
  • Thanksgiving (24/11/2022, 18:38) Like (31) Dislike (8) Reply
    I’m keeping you and your family in my prayers daily I’m standing with you Sir
  • up (24/11/2022, 19:11) Like (8) Dislike (84) Reply
    All this man have to say i am sorry foŕ what i have done you ar not to high to apologize
  • confused (24/11/2022, 19:45) Like (12) Dislike (7) Reply
    So does the term retire mean he is getting full benefits as a BVI Government employee? The term quit or fired should apply, not retired!!!
  • ha (24/11/2022, 20:03) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    4key wicked ms
  • tola (24/11/2022, 20:05) Like (31) Dislike (3) Reply

    Yes he allegedly did a crime but he will be missed in the HOA. One thing with mr fahie he can speak and he fight for country alot and I must say he is kind man. I wouldn't forget him after Irma he help alot of people even people in different district. We must not forget the good in people.

    • Good N Bad Fahie. (25/11/2022, 05:08) Like (10) Dislike (7) Reply
      When Fahie is for you. U will always win. When Fahie is against you. U will always lose.. He was a strong hand both ways...This is sad. This resignation seems to me to be the negotiation of a plea deal. I was saying a plea deal coming after the last two charges that only carry 1 - 5 yrs in Prison. Seems like they going plea guilty to those charges and be out in less than 5 yrs. As to the first charges that gave up to 30yrs...Taking a plea deal is the best move, suppress keep the video and audio evidence from public viewing and consumption....
  • not nice (25/11/2022, 00:23) Like (3) Dislike (13) Reply
    Mr fahie i Will keep You and your family in My pray's just keep the faith and don't gave up Bro love and respect
    • @not nice (25/11/2022, 08:32) Like (11) Dislike (3) Reply
      Why don’t you keep the families who’s little innocent girl that was gunned down in a drive by down West End, what about the young firefighter that was knocked off his bike and killed on his way to work, Frandy that was killed by another boater, the lady that was gunned down in her home with a AK47 by thugs who robbed her daughter and the list goes on and on. But you are quick to offer up prayers for a damn criminal that bought shame to the territory you funky I’m in need of a good bath dirty hypocrite. Try Irish Spring soap it will keep your funk at bay in the Island heat.
  • facts (25/11/2022, 01:19) Like (12) Dislike (7) Reply
    If it was not for fahie neither the new ESHS buildings nor the new Jost Van Dyke school building would be building now. Others taking credit but we all know that we must thank fahie and his leadership. He will overcome. Finally, our children and teachers can soon move out of that moldy building in Pasea and JVD will have a new school building. Thank you fahie. Those who know know.
  • Thanks, But Stop It. (25/11/2022, 08:12) Like (8) Dislike (12) Reply
    Thanks for informing the BVI about your retirement even though there was no sorry for what happend. Please stop it with the vaccine talk because we now have many of our friends and families who have taken the lucifaric shot and is now dead or suffering. The truth is out now all over the world about the lies that were told about its safety which was far from the truth. The world has now been mocked and now a movie has been created called "Died Suddenly". just like what has been happening all over since the vaccine roll out. Follow the UK news (Parliment Debates) and you will find out.
  • justice (25/11/2022, 08:23) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply

    No man is all good or all bad, just degrees of each. But the fact is what he allegedly did was wrong and illegal, and if it had been someone else, a foreigner in a big govt position perhaps, or an NDP minister or premier, then you all would be singing a very different, hateful song. He disappointed and betrayed all of us who voted for him and supported him (yes I voted for him too), and exposed his beloved BVI to extra scrutiny and control by the UK at the worst time. He has to pay his due like all of us.

  • ausar (25/11/2022, 09:22) Like (4) Dislike (18) Reply
    "NDP Supporter", your story brought tears to my eyes.

    Yes, Premier Fahie has had his faults. He did A LOT of wrong, and as a territory , the ramifications of such a wrong is upon us!

    But Andrew was a fighter for BVIslanders,. And for that, I'll be forever grateful in the manner in which he lead.

    Whatever measure is dealt out to him, may God continue to bless these British Virgin Islands and it's people!
    • To Ausar (25/11/2022, 11:39) Like (9) Dislike (14) Reply
      You made me shake my head. What a lot of wrong Fahie did? STRUPES. The man did the country well and had his failures like all of us but nothing like how you are saying and time will tell.
  • Unvaxx 4eva (25/11/2022, 14:07) Like (7) Dislike (4) Reply
    Was feeling sorry for him until he mentioned saving people life with vaccines. Real people know that the vaxx was and is still taking lifes instead.
  • No judge here (25/11/2022, 14:58) Like (1) Dislike (4) Reply
    Who am I
    to judge?
    We all makes that thing called mistakes in life
    Btw we all fall short
    Soo why judge
    If he did what he’s accused of (I didn’t see soo I can’t confirm he did)
    What I do know is none of us can’t say we didn’t do s***
    We never messed up .......
  • oUCH (26/11/2022, 13:20) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Bye bye Andrew and don’t forget the lube.

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