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An old threat on a new horizon

March 18th, 2025 | Tags: Alred 'AC' Frett commentary politics
Alred 'AC' Frett: Photo: VINO/File
By Alred 'AC' Frett

Are these Lessons New or Just a Repitition?

Sometimes we ask for solutions to problems when we should already know the answers… Quite often these are created by our own actions & inactions, but rather than correct them, we procrastinate and fabricate excuses… Perhaps, we are more interested in feel-good responses rather than in what we really need to know, so Time & opportunities pass us by, as we seem to celebrate the right to be wrong.

Mere semantics, as Yesterday is replaced by Today, just as Today will be replaced by Tomorrow... We proudly claim that the only one we are in control of is ourself... While that may be true, we should also realize that the influence we have on others may be limitless, and before preaching that Silence is Golden, we should be aware that our silence may do more harm than good to the lives of generations.

As a part of the Caribbean, we are just a tiny speck, but the giants seem keen on involving us in their fight or mission to micromanage the World... As a consequence, we find our backs against the wall, and face to face with a toxic dose of reality, in a World plagued by irrational madness... I always encourage our People to prepare for such a day, but we failed and are now left to scratch & scrape for our survival.

Trump is a major Speedbump in the Legacy of our Hardship, and when he referred to himself as a Snake and said that they wanted to return to their Good Old Days of Slavery, we should have believed them... Unfortunately, we waited until the whispered intentions became Executive Orders, and they no longer hide the fact that they are not fighting Wars for Fairness, Justice or Democracy, but for their own Profit.

Fighting the Same Old Battles with New Expectations:

Afterall, they made the Laws and Religions to suit themselves and support their dream, so that their Pirate Mentality remains the same… Yesterday’s plans to harvest Cotton and Cane in the Caribbean and America have been replaced by Today’s schemes to grab Oil and Rare-earth Minerals from Ukraine, Canada, and Greenland, but they still regard themselves as the anointed ones, and all others as Inferior.

Thanks to Education we too can have a Dream... We can read & write, and Africa is emerging from their Colonial darkness… Our Women can aspire to be more than Wet Nurses, and West Indians are good at more than Cane Rum & Cricket... Meanwhile, as the Empires they built on the backs of the Oppressed begin to crumble, their same old school solution is more wars based on the Doctrine that Might is Right.

However, Wars are better at making Enemies than Friends, so the cycle continues as Wars beget Wars…. These have always caused the downfall of Mighty Nations... Even Today, they have bankrupt America and the UK, to the point where they are unable to afford their own Domestic Obligations... As a result, Health Care, Education, Aid Programs, and Essential Social Services are now being defunded.

We have no real control over their decisions, so their Wars will continue, and there is no doubt that their Sanctions and Tariffs will affect us... This may come through measures seen and unseen, like Companies and Governments replacing Humans with Artificial Intelligence and Robots, or bad Policies that inflate the cost of Equipment, and Foods, resulting in drastic price increases on basic items.

If We know Better Shouldn’t  We do Better?

Some Leaders may assist by encouraging Citizens to become Craftsmen and Backyard Farmers, and that is good, but there is a bigger problem of the falling Dollar, and since many Currencies are tied to this, when that sinks, they also sink… Maybe we should avoid jumping in holes, and should stop digging when they are getting deeper... We should never have to wonder if Leaders lack that degree of intelligence. 

We can spend a lifetime picking at the edges, but we will never conquer a Medusa Problem by removing too few Snakes... Whether we face  the facts or live in denial, this disaster is growing deep & wide... It is clear that the Emperor has no Clothes, and those who think they are wise by agreeing with him for their own personal benefit, should remember that Lies may endure for a while but the Truth will last forever… 

This Crisis was totally unnecessary, and we know exactly who is to be blamed, but until & unless BRICS creates a comprehensive rescue plan, or we make the effort to help ourselves, we will be slammed by a Category 6 Manmade Financial Hurricane… The likely damage will include every aspect of our lives, and the longer we take to understand and prepare, the more devastating will be the effects.

In order to better understand and prepare for this Disaster it may be helpful to recap my past Articles that dealt with this issue as well as local Government Agencies, including Labour, Immigration, Education, Health Services, and Justice… My message is never to impress those in power, but always to enlighten & encourage the People, with the hope that you will better prepare yourself for the hard times before us.

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