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American Airlines operated a recorded 6 flights to VI on Saturday

The Government of the Virgin Islands announced on Saturday, February 1, 2025, that American Airlines successfully operated six flights to the Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport. Photo: GIS
American Airlines resumed direct flights to the Virgin Islands on June 1, 2023. Photo: VINO
American Airlines resumed direct flights to the Virgin Islands on June 1, 2023. Photo: VINO
Managing Director for the BVI Airports Authority, Mr Kurt A.G. Menal said the operation of six flights by American Airlines not only marks a significant achievement in airlift capacity but also reflects a strong commitment to fostering economic prosperity in the Virgin Islands. Photo: GIS
Managing Director for the BVI Airports Authority, Mr Kurt A.G. Menal said the operation of six flights by American Airlines not only marks a significant achievement in airlift capacity but also reflects a strong commitment to fostering economic prosperity in the Virgin Islands. Photo: GIS
TRELLIS BAY, Beef Island, VI- The Government of the Virgin Islands announced on Saturday, February 1, 2025, that American Airlines successfully operated six flights to the Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport.

Minister for Communications and Works, Honourable Kye M. Rymer (R5) said that this significant event highlights the growing confidence in the Territory’s airlift capabilities and its vibrant tourism sector.

Minister Rymer, in a Government Information Service (GIS) press release on February 1, 2025, added that, “The operation of multiple flights from American Airlines greatly enhances connectivity between the Virgin Islands and the United States, reinforcing the Virgin Islands’ status as a premier Caribbean destination. This increase in air service is expected to facilitate easier access for both visitors and residents, ultimately driving higher travel volumes and stimulating economic activity throughout the region.”


Permanent Secretary in the Ministry of Communications and Works, Mrs Elvia Smith-Maduro added that this milestone also emphasises the ongoing commitment to expanding the airport infrastructure at Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport.

“With air travel demand to the Virgin Islands on the rise, enhancing airport facilities is crucial for accommodating future growth. The successful operation of these six flights underscores the importance of modernising infrastructure to welcome more flights and passengers, and supporting the goal of establishing a vibrant year-round tourism industry in the Territory,” said Mrs Smith-Maduro.

Managing Director for the BVI Airports Authority, Mr Kurt A.G. Menal said, “The operation of these six flights by American Airlines not only marks a significant achievement in airlift capacity but also reflects a strong commitment to fostering economic prosperity in the Virgin Islands. This event opens new opportunities for tourism development while reinforcing plans for further airport enhancements to meet increasing demand.”

The Ministry of Communications and Works remains committed to the ongoing development and maintenance of public infrastructure, ensuring that utilities are reliable and affordable, thereby enhancing the quality of life for all residents and visitors in the Virgin Islands.

31 Responses to “American Airlines operated a recorded 6 flights to VI on Saturday”

  • bvibuzz (02/02/2025, 14:07) Like (18) Dislike (10) Reply
    the BVI is on the move do not mind the confusion on the opposition they care about power not about we the people
  • Third world airport practices (02/02/2025, 14:30) Like (40) Dislike (6) Reply
    Imagine if we had a proper airport, operated like a proper airport.
    No more refusal to accept e-boarding passes.
    No more having to load your security trays in the main terminal before getting to the security machine in a different room.
    No more standing outside the boarding gate waiting for everybody to get outside before heading to the plane.
    No more being told to stand behind the line.
    No more standing at the bottom aeroplane steps waiting for everybody else for get off the plane before heading to the terminal.
    No more waiting outside immigration because the previous flight has not cleared.
    No more third world airport practices please.
  • Obvious need for this (02/02/2025, 15:31) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    So despite what the some of the leaders and even stakeholders are saying , YOUR GUESTS - the people paying the bills are saying that they like and need this. For those that think it takes away the "charm " of the BVI having direct flights that is not true. In current world time is currency . There is nothing charming about taking 18 hours to get to a destination that should take2 or 3 hours at most.
  • WEW (02/02/2025, 15:53) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    "successfully" I sure hope so.
  • airport (02/02/2025, 16:21) Like (14) Dislike (6) Reply
    As ayo can see we need a bigger and better airport .
  • LOL (02/02/2025, 16:28) Like (11) Dislike (7) Reply
    Extend the runway already and the airport. We need direct flights from more destinations.
  • Virgin Islander (02/02/2025, 16:58) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    Yes! that is great for the country but, Airport staff can't celebrate. Cost of living has increased dramatically but Airport staff still can't get a raise of pay. When will the staff of the Airport Authority get to celebrate??????
  • one eye (02/02/2025, 17:43) Like (1) Dislike (26) Reply
    Free the drew the country will take off like a jet plane
    • @one eye (03/02/2025, 15:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Drew spent plenty time getting high already. we dont wan he type a take off.
  • Killing The local boat companies (02/02/2025, 19:15) Like (9) Dislike (27) Reply
    When we let AA make 6 flights a day and all their ticket sales go to their HQ in Dallas Texas how is this helping the BVI economy?? Asking for a friend. This is actually killing the local ferry and water Taxi companies and soon they woll.have to close shop. BVI government needs to do better!!! How many jobs have AA created in the BVI???
    • Overpriced (02/02/2025, 20:37) Like (23) Dislike (2) Reply
      The Ferry Companies - many subsidised without passing that subsidy onto Local travelers - have been overcharging for YEARS and should have enough to last them 10 years. On a more solution oriented response if they make their prices competative and reasonable they would see more day trippers from STT and more day trips from BVIslanders TO STT. They would have full loads daily and probaby make even more than they do now, but they are greedy and short sighted.
      • Thank you! (03/02/2025, 13:00) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
        I have been saying this since COVID. The nickle and dime approach the ferry companies have undertaken has killed the economy of St. Thomas and will eventually devastate their bottom line. The answer does not lie in restricted air access. Historically, the ferry service was intended to transport Virgin Islanders between the two territories. Everyone has a limit and we have found ours with them.
    • resident (03/02/2025, 09:12) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
      Speedy's looks to be doing well. The others have only themselves to blame: raised their prices during Covid and failed to reduce them when the restrictions ended. Plus, they continued dividing the runs, so there is no competition.

      The ferries charge for every little box and bag. A business ticket on American includes two 70-lb. bags, plus roll-aboard and personal item. That will cost $$$ extra on the ferry, as well as in the taxi to the ferry.

      Can't feel bad for the ferries.
      • Exactly (03/02/2025, 09:56) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
        And many dont realize that they are subsidzed but the NEVER pass those saving on to BVIslanders . Sorry not sorry for them.
    • Dk (08/02/2025, 11:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Each person on each of those planes is being taxed to land at your airport. So the more planes and passengers the more money coming into BVI airport.
  • 2024 (02/02/2025, 19:24) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
    Will these frequent flights continue or are they simply periodically because you high season

    will be great to have such airlines as British Airways from that European Market

  • Supper (02/02/2025, 19:30) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
    The usvi not eating our supper anymore.
    • @Supper (03/02/2025, 08:43) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      Stop talking nonsense, the USVI HAVE MORE FLIGHTS and airlines including AA flying in and out of the USVI. The USVI airport can accommodate a plane with 250 PASSANGERS and flight crew, the BVI can’t.
  • smh (02/02/2025, 21:44) Like (13) Dislike (5) Reply
    We don't need a longer runway, just more frequent flights to Miami and more frequent and reliable flights to the islands which already have flights to Europe. We don't need the larger and noiser planes! St. Barth is an amazing destination without them! We need better infrastructure and services...
    • kkk (03/02/2025, 08:16) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
      Well you go to those contries and keep out of our buisness
    • St Barths (03/02/2025, 10:03) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
      St barths has St Marteen which tis the equilivent to Tortola / Virgin Gords - so virgin would be the St barths in example. STT is not to BVI what St marteen is to St barths
    • PASSENGER (03/02/2025, 20:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      The AA flights that are coming in can barley get off the runway as it is
  • 2024 (02/02/2025, 23:58) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    2025 and it will be good to have our administration shift the focus on extending the air strip and the better facilities for arrivals and departing passengers

    The overnight visitors usually generate substantially more revenue than those cruise ships passengers

  • $$$ (03/02/2025, 08:49) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Sounds like a good time for United to come in and lower prices
  • Fox & grapes (03/02/2025, 09:08) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    It was said "nobody wants to come to the BVI." I guess those aircrafts were all empty.

    I love my BVI.
  • Wasteful (03/02/2025, 17:02) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Since aircraft from mainland can obviously utilize the existing airport, why not use the proposed expansion money to build some,roads,sewers,waterlines etc that benefit the LOCALS!! Improved ferry service benefits locals who need to go st Thomas, airport no help with that. Airport expansion will only grease pockets of a few with cost overruns and the Chinese who will inevitably win the bid will soon own the lands. Mark my words.

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