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‘All you have done again is splinter the splinter’- Skelton-Cline to ‘Alliance’

- said new political Alliance does more damage to the country
Social and political commentator Pastor Claude O. Skelton-Cline (above) is disappointed with the Alliance (below) breaking away from fellow Members of the Opposition. Photo: Facebook
Opposition Members Hon Lorna G. Smith, OBE (AL) and Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8) have accepted the invitation from Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. WHeatley (R7) to accompany him on the upcoming trade mission to Asia. Photo: GIS/File
Opposition Members Hon Lorna G. Smith, OBE (AL) and Hon Marlon A. Penn (R8) have accepted the invitation from Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. WHeatley (R7) to accompany him on the upcoming trade mission to Asia. Photo: GIS/File
Claude O. Skelton-Cline believes Opposition Leader Hon Ronnie W. Skelton's (AL) only sensible course of action at this time is to join the Virgin Islands Party (VIP). Photo: GIS/File
Claude O. Skelton-Cline believes Opposition Leader Hon Ronnie W. Skelton's (AL) only sensible course of action at this time is to join the Virgin Islands Party (VIP). Photo: GIS/File
BAUGHERS BAY, Tortola, VI- On his last broadcast of Honestly Speaking on ZBVI 780 AM on February 3, 2025, social and political commentator Pastor Claude O. Skelton-Cline, in a poignant analysis of the shifting political landscape in the Virgin Islands, continued to express concerns about the formation of a new political alliance and the fate of existing parties, adamant, "I am concerned about all of this because I'm afraid that it does more damage to the country for where we are now and what needs to happen

New political alliance

The pastor's remarks followed a press conference on January 30, 2025, when three Opposition Members of the House of Assembly announced their newly formed ‘Alliance.’

The group includes one member from the National Democratic Party (NDP)- Hon Myron V. Walwyn (R6)- and two from the Progressive Virgin Islands Movement (PVIM)- Deputy Speaker Hon Stacy R. Mather (AL) and Hon Melvin M. Turnbull (R2)- but the Alliance has not yet formally established itself as a political party.

According to Skelton-Cline; however, "I suspect that it will evolve into a party and knowing some of the players that I know, these are thinking people, strategic persons, so I imagine that they are further along than they are telling us at the moment."

Notably, he interpreted their recent public statement welcoming the NDP and PVIM leaders into the fold as a veiled message, referencing the statement, "'re welcome to be on the ship, just not in leadership."

Decline of PVIM & NDP

According to Skelton-Cline, the emergence of this Alliance signals the effective demise of PVIM and the continued decline of NDP, adding: "One, I think we are at the point where we can probably announce the funeralisation of the PVIM. It appears that we will have to funeralise the PVIM; The NDP, I would describe them as being on life support," he asserted.

Despite the Alliance’s potential, he warned that if it follows the trend of previous political splintering, it risks repeating past failures cautioning, "All you have done again is splinter the splinter. It’s another splinter from 2019 to a new splinter in 2025, with the same failure consequence in any successive election."

Challenges & internal tensions

Skelton-Cline also reiterated his call for the Leader of the Opposition to join the Virgin Islands Party (VIP), reiterating that he could better serve in a governmental finance role rather than in the Opposition.

"The best use of his skill set… is to join the government in some finance capacity," he suggested, adding that while an upcoming trip to Asia could have been a turning point for collaboration, the Opposition Leader’s absence leaves room for another member to fill that space.

Furthermore, he called for decisive leadership, particularly from the Eighth District representative–Hon Penn—demanding the need for concrete action.

"If I were him, with the Premier, I'd come back with a ring on and about five to seven million dollars by way of the budget allocated for how I’m going to fix the Eighth," he suggested, criticising the lack of visible progress since 2011.

It should be noted that Hon Penn and fellow Opposition member Hon Lorna G. Smith, OBE (AL) have since accepted the invitation of Premier Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) to accompany him on his trade mission to Asia next week.

'Gospel of selfishness & poverty of division'

With the 2027 elections on the horizon, Skelton-Cline sought to again underline the necessity of political cohesion to present a viable alternative to the ruling Virgin Islands Party (VIP), questioning, "How do you expect to win, first of all, to offer yourselves as a credible group of women and men to the people of these Virgin Islands, when you simply continue to splinter the splinters.”

He, as such, warned that if the opposition factions fail to unify, their political aspirations would be doomed: "If you don't do it now… you will not be believable in the eyes and the minds of the people of this country."

According to the social advocate, "The gospel of selfishness and the poverty of division has got to cease for the benefit of this country, it’s got to cease; We are one people, we agree to disagree, (with) different opinions but let's do it in love."

11 Responses to “‘All you have done again is splinter the splinter’- Skelton-Cline to ‘Alliance’”

  • west (07/02/2025, 18:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Thing to talk mehson
    • Britain wish & Plan. (08/02/2025, 08:34) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
      Neither Myron, Frazer and Vincent should not hold ministerial positions, the COI showed evidence of corruption and criminal activities. Why you think Sowande, Marlon and Lorna Travel. Its a high level local meeting to discuss How to replace Frazer and Vincent.
  • Senior native citizen of the British Virgin Islands (07/02/2025, 18:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    I love reading, but three (3) of the above passage of sentiments by pastor, Claude Skelton Cline are flawed. Example: 1. "Gosple of Selfishness. 2. "We are one people." 3. "WE Agree to disagree." According to biblical writing selfishnees a Gosple. The word Gosple means "Good News. There is nothing good about being selfish so why did pastor, Claude Skekton Cline chose such a narative phased? Next: "We are one." Who are the we? Government cabinet and the opposition war agaist each others the mere fact that we are citizens of the British Virgin Islands do that make one one? Next: "We agree to disagree." You, others and I were given free will by God to agree with or and disagree with. Him and
    others. Idon't need anyone's pernission to disagree with them, neither do I seek to compel rhem to agree with me.

    Now to the Tipic Issue.

    I Believe that most level headed citizens are concern a the the split aming the BVI political opposition, but why is Claude Skekton Cline digging so hard on this topic. I think that he should tell us the real purpose of his digging so hard.

    Same date as above, please.

    Pastor, Claude Skelton Cline, could you please tell us, asap, what is the honest reason for keeping the topic issue in the forefront of your mind? Our suspicious is that you not revealing all on your mind about same.

    Truly your,

    Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin Islands.

  • LOL (07/02/2025, 21:32) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Splinter some money back into the Treasury
  • Agreeable One (07/02/2025, 21:40) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
    A master political move on the part of Walwyn as he is now well positioned to hold the lead/premier spot. Anyone joining must fall in line. This move is about him and his political aspirations. Absolutely terrible political move because that split sets the stage for a three party election which favors the VIP because they will for the most part hold their base and the remaining votes will be divided between the other two. Time will tell.
  • Citizen (08/02/2025, 07:27) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    Myron better not be fooled by the turn out to his meeting a few weeks ago fraser also had a big turnout when he formed a new party
  • lord o. (08/02/2025, 08:17) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    I respect the plan, seems rushed to me. Something needs to happen. Ronnie is in Bed with VIP its about business, the energy is not there for the people. Lots a people still believe we should give Britain a 2yrs at the wheel, seems like we are at a stand still, a mess.
  • prayers (08/02/2025, 08:57) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
    I pray that the right set of leaders join this Alliance to form the strongest party this country has ever had. The victory is not in the numbers but in the quality of the leaders. David did not have to be bigger than or as big as Goliath to knock him down. May prayers be the foundation for this alliance.
  • guy hill (09/02/2025, 07:29) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    @Native son.... It will be good to Agree to disagree, agreeably. All said n done.
  • Too Bad (09/02/2025, 18:47) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    If only it was his last broadcast…..I think author meant latest
  • Quietly Watching (09/02/2025, 21:20) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Walwyn been here and done this. Obviously he didn't learn a damn thing. Furthering splitting up the Opposition is just a power move and evidence of the fact that he finds it hard to follow. And anybody who follows him have the same doggone problem. Looks to me like these politicians are not thinking country, but me, me, me. Everybody jockeying for power. Well that is apparent and very sad because the ruling party VIP are not doing the best they can for this country and we were quietly waiting for the vote of no confidence or election day. Now, how can we get a change? Another group of new people who are going in their to learn on our time and our dime? We are sunk. Hope they all get what they want and need because the it is obvious this Country will not. Just lots of money being spent, over a half a billion yearly and nothing to show. I'll say this, if Hon. Skelton was on that Government, we would have seen something because he has built and managed something before and knows how. Crazy, crazy world.

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