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All measures will be taken to arrest COVID-19 upsurge– Hon Malone

- assures that VI is well prepared to handle current virus outbreak
Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Carvin Malone (AL) said 'all measures' will be taken to stop the spread of the virus. Photo: VINO/File
Hon Carvin Malone’s commitment came in a late-night public address last evening July 5, 2021, where he announced that the COVID-19 cases as of yesterday was 480 from just 273 active confirmed cases in the previous update on July 4, 2021. Photo: GIS/Facebook
Hon Carvin Malone’s commitment came in a late-night public address last evening July 5, 2021, where he announced that the COVID-19 cases as of yesterday was 480 from just 273 active confirmed cases in the previous update on July 4, 2021. Photo: GIS/Facebook
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – With a number of positive COVID-19 cases found in senior homes and treatment centres, coupled with an overall upsurge in cases across the territory, Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Carvin Malone (AL) said 'all measures' will be taken to stop the spread of the virus.

Hon Malone’s commitment came in a public address last night, July 5, 2021, when he announced that the COVID-19 cases as of yesterday were 480 from just 273 active confirmed cases in the previous update on July 4, 2021.

While the data shows a staggering number of infections in a short period of time, the Minister reminded that the territory is well prepared to handle the upsurge.

“Your government has constructed physical facilities, purchased ventilators, purchased lab equipment, trained medical staff, recruited specialists from Cuba, upgraded our laws, established safety protocols, engaged social distancing personal and provided free vaccines compliments of the United Kingdom government,” he said.

VI's investments will be put to use - Hon Malone

The investments, according to Hon Malone, was made for a time such as now. The minister also announced that sometime during today, July 6, 2021, the acting Chief Medical Officer, Dr Ronald E. Georges will issue a community testing schedule for screenings to be conducted on Tortola, Virgin Gorda, and Jost van Dyke. 

“This schedule is comprehensive and will include exposure locations, testing dates, testing sites, and testing times. Persons of interest would be ably advised of exposure locations, the testing dates, the testing sites, and testing times,” he said.

“The forest has thickened,” Hon Malone further noted as he painted a picture of assurance that the VI can handle the new challenge. 

He; however, reminded that to successfully take on the virus upsurge, everyone in the territory must do their part to follow the COVID-19 guidelines.

28 Responses to “All measures will be taken to arrest COVID-19 upsurge– Hon Malone ”

  • CHAK. (06/07/2021, 08:52) Like (49) Dislike (7) Reply
    Minister, that curfew from 11:00pm to 5:00am don't make sense.
  • Testing (06/07/2021, 08:54) Like (31) Dislike (5) Reply
    Testing should be free for all local residenrs right now. Let everyone be tested at their free will. I am not sure if i came in contact with anyone from 480 cases its most likely so it should be free testing for all who wanted to make sure.
    • Free? (06/07/2021, 09:31) Like (20) Dislike (141) Reply
      Free testing for vaccinated people only. Everyone else pays for a test every 2 weeks until vaccinated. Same procedure as the cruise ships!
      • Peaches (06/07/2021, 13:18) Like (18) Dislike (6) Reply
        You all took the wonderful life-saving vaccine and still have to do the same things. Does that make sense? The deception is real!!
  • Thanks Minister! (06/07/2021, 08:56) Like (43) Dislike (32) Reply
    Wish everyone would support all the hard work Mr. Malone has put in to trying to keep the BVI community safe. I only wish people would have helped protect themselves, their families and friends and neighbors, and gotten vaccinated. Hopefully more vaccine will be made available, and people will step up.
    • To Thanks Minister (06/07/2021, 09:51) Like (13) Dislike (7) Reply
      Eating popcorn and chilling on the beach....hard work indeed!
  • Rubber Duck (06/07/2021, 08:59) Like (32) Dislike (58) Reply
    It’s too late. The anti vaxers have won. The very sick and the dead are are about to pay for the lies and ignorance.

    The government needs to publish the vaccination status of the hospitalized and dead until people realize that vaccination prevents this disease.

    You had better stay home till this passes and get vaccinated as soon as you can.
    • reality (06/07/2021, 09:23) Like (3) Dislike (9) Reply
      Confirmation on the bible prophecy
    • FEO GOMEZ (06/07/2021, 10:01) Like (9) Dislike (17) Reply
      Shut it you degenerate garbage.
      • @FEO GOMEZ (06/07/2021, 11:55) Like (9) Dislike (3) Reply
        your comment shows your immaturity. if you cannot comment without insulting, you have no business making comments. you insult when you have nothing to offer
    • ... (06/07/2021, 10:50) Like (9) Dislike (4) Reply
      Oh brother it’s probably the thinking of the vaccine as a panacea from which vaccinated persons are given increased freedom that allowed covid to walk right in no smugglers or quarantine required.
      • Rubber Duck (06/07/2021, 13:04) Like (9) Dislike (8) Reply
        It’s not a panacea. But from wide experience elsewhere it reduces the chance of getting seriously ill or dying by over 90% from a disease that is running riot in BVI. Why would you not want it?
    • Blindman (06/07/2021, 21:09) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      @RUBBER DUCK you try stay a duck anf keep your head in the sand cauee whst you said dont make sense " vacination prevent the disease " which planet you living on wake up and lift that rubber head out snd get real stop fooling yourself
  • Ghost (06/07/2021, 09:18) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    Yes Hon. Malone..the cases have sky-rocketed sadly, but it’s nice to know that our country have been proactive especially in the purchase of ventilators. If truth be told Hon. Malone some of people were not taking covid real and still isn’t; instead they listened and is still listening to all the stupid conspiracy theories or just chose to not adhere to the safety protocols.. as sadly as all this is, I do believe that this is a wake up call for some of us - FINALLY!!.. I pray for all those that are sick that God would touch them with His healing Touch; and I also pray that going forward ALL persons would wake up from sleeping and do what is paramount to protect themselves and others .. also most important, that we turn away from our sins and repent so that God Would Heal the Land. sin has brought this plague upon the earth..
  • My smart people (06/07/2021, 10:14) Like (29) Dislike (2) Reply
    Everyday people are smuggled in the territory and they don’t quarantine you people looking every reason to go at each other’s neck. Truth is if you never saw this coming you are very shallow, from the boarders open I knew it was coming. People from Stt going Willy T and White bay they not testing and the American dancers they ant being checked so stop blaming anybody do what you have to do to keep your family safe.
  • WHAT!!!! (06/07/2021, 10:42) Like (7) Dislike (11) Reply
    Should have moved quicker
    To late now
    11.00 pm curfew start is rediculos bars still going to be opening.
    All the anti vaccers crying now.
    • wow (06/07/2021, 14:27) Like (44) Dislike (0) Reply
      Actually we aren't crying now, i know atleast 2 persons fully vaccinated and going through the same horrible symptoms as me. So again what's the point in taking it and if you do, remember you fully vaccinated people are spreading it as well cause you think you don't have it. Mask up and wash your hands, that's to unvaccinated and fully vaccinated.
  • Dino (06/07/2021, 10:56) Like (15) Dislike (6) Reply
    Why shutting down businesses that have nothing to do with the outbreak, like gyms and hair saloons? Why going for the low hanging fruit? Just to be seen that you are doing something? Just looking at the official data alone 2 things are evident: 1 third of the cases are vaccinated ppl and the majority of the new cases are related to travel. What did change about travel? Vaccinated ppl were exempted from most of the quarantine measures. So, actually it's not the antivaxx ppl or unvaccinated ones the origin of this. Quite the opposite.
    Anyway, it's just a flue. The new variants are more contagious but less deadly than the ones that circulated last year. These are facts.
    Shutting down businesses and lockdown is just kicking the can down the road.
    • Sit down Dino (07/07/2021, 07:51) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Don’t shut down salons or gyms, indoor spaces where people congregate? Exactly how well ventialted are these places? Where is the evidence that majority of cases are related to travel? This is mostly an asymptomatic disease (meaning those infected don’t know they even have it), so how do you know it wasn’t already in the community? Just the flu you say….? Is that what you’re reading in the medical journals? Refusing to get vaccinated, refusing to wear masks, refusing to staying away from crowded indoor spaces, refusing to listen to experts, refusing to accept the facts, now that’s kicking the can down the road, and here we are walking right past that can, so you can keep kicking it.
  • Sick (06/07/2021, 11:00) Like (25) Dislike (1) Reply
    People trying to cast blame for the uptick, YOU CANNOT RUN FROM A VIRUS! You can mitigate risk but the more we get back to life the higher the risk of contracting. The focus should be less about number of cases and more about the severity, hospitalization etc. People need to focuse on lifestyle changes instead of panicking. Covid is not the only thing that can make you very ill or kill you!
  • MyExperiencewithCovid (06/07/2021, 11:08) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
    My experience after having a positive Test result, this is coming from some one who doesn't get sick very often and have had the FLU a few times.

    Flu symptoms only last a day.

    Covid-19 symptoms lasted 3weeks, day 1-3 felt like I was coming down with something. Day 4 got tested, a nasal swab which is a little uncomfortable, day 4-5 my first signs that this would be different (body aches norm and fatigue not my norm..., took precaution and got some over the counter meds, vitamins, sun and home made mix. Day 6 felt better and thought my sickness would be short like usual. Day day 7 back to feeling sick..day7-19 I had fatigue not normal.. would wake in the morning felt fine but by mid day I had no energy NONE could hardly walk. Day 20/21 started to feel better fatigue isn't lasting as long and isn't starting the usually mid day.
  • Vaccinated (06/07/2021, 11:13) Like (11) Dislike (9) Reply
    Too many persons wearing their masks on their chin instead of covering mouth and nose. Wash hands or sanitize often. By practicing this, we can live with the virus instead of shutting down the island. Stop blaming vaccinated persons for spreading the virus. Misinfomation and false narratives! There are many in the medical profession who enter the territory and never quarantine. I have heard nurses and doctors enter the territory continue to work without quarantine. Many of these persons are not vaccinated. The virus entered the hospital and elderly home that way! Why isn't that being addressed. Stop blaming the vaccinated who took both shots and took a test to enter the territory.
  • Tolan (06/07/2021, 13:25) Like (7) Dislike (6) Reply
    I dont see how they going curb this big spread with curfew , this escalated too much and too quickly this could be in the 1000 range which is quickly climbing . lockdown on weekends or 3 days out the week or something. something got to be done.
    • Hmm (06/07/2021, 15:56) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
      • Doctor Know (06/07/2021, 18:29) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
        Too late to lock down the country. The virus is here and many have it. Now we have to minimize it’s effects.
  • Capt (06/07/2021, 17:06) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    time we people stop blame vaccinated people or not vaccinated stop blame the government stop protect yourself do your part wear u mask wash u hands we acting like lil children playing the blame game the same people ayo blaming say bring the virus pass tru Stt but there att 44 active case Stt never been lockdown never had over 100 active case come on people lets do or part mask up wash dose hands
  • Knowledge is power? Not using wisely it brings hardship and death. (06/07/2021, 20:29) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    Evidence shows that before covid-19 vaccines were develop and taken hundreds of thousand died from its deadly complications. Evidemce shows that anti-covid- 19 vaccines are not perfect, since they hve been ministered to people a much lesser percent of the did not get covid19 and of those that did, the percent show a high percent of revovery. For this same reason millioms of people all over the world are sccepting the vaccines jabs without fear, and more anticovid-19 vaccones are being developing by more countries.
    But here the B.V.I ignorance, Lack of medical knowledge? Suppossttion, negative mindset, media bliss, etc. have blinded the minds of many people thst don't seem to understand that pasivity is equal to stupidity, that lead to severe sickness and death.
    If 100 person take covid-19 vaccines jabs, and 2 died, that will mean 98 did not. But if a 100 persons refuse to take the jabs, a far greater number than 2 of a 100 will die, amd contamidated others before thy die.
    What it seems to me and to others that see things similar as I do, wonder at times, why do so many people in the BV.I, black ethnic people are so gullible to grab hold of negativity, and spread it like wild fire without proven evidence? The 480 persons, last recorded covid-19 count is a troubling number.
    God gave water and foods ? But He neither dronk and eat for us. He gave knowlledge to make wise decisions. Let us act wisely, not ignorantly.


  • closed (07/07/2021, 08:49) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Barbers and hair/nail salons are closed. Why are the spas still open? Spas seem like potential virus spreader activity.

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