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Albert O. Wheatley proposes 15-member HoA

- says Anegada, JVD & VG should have own representatives
Independent candidate for the Ninth District, Mr Albert O. Wheatley believes it is time Anegada has its own representative. Anegada currently falls under the 9th District. Photo: Provided
Mr Albert O. Wheatley addressing residents of Anegada at the Emile E. Dunlop Community Centre on May 17, 2015. Photo: Provided
Mr Albert O. Wheatley addressing residents of Anegada at the Emile E. Dunlop Community Centre on May 17, 2015. Photo: Provided
THE SETTLEMENT, Anegada, VI - At his meeting on Sunday May 17, 2015 at the Emile E. Dunlop Community Centre in Anegada, one of the Independent candidates for the Ninth District, Mr Albert O. Wheatley, laid out his proposal for the island while being careful to note that, “Anegada must be developed by Anegadians for Anegadians”.

Anegada stagnated

Shedding light on the need for development, Wheatley presented the Development Planning Unit’s (DPU) census figures for 1946, 1960 and 2014 estimates respectively. “In 1946, the population on Virgin Gorda was 504 and Anegada was 274. The 1960 figures showed Virgin Gorda with a population of 654 and Anegada with 276. Since that time, the population on Virgin Gorda has grown steadily with the 2014 estimated population at around 4000 for Virgin Gorda and an estimated 311 for Anegada,” said Wheatley.

 He also pointed out the significance of the information presented and what it means for Anegada. “Firstly, without development there will not be population growth, which is essential to providing increased and varied opportunities for current and future generations.”

Mr Wheatley cited how the advent of the constructions of hotels on Virgin Gorda in the 60’s was instrumental in building and shaping the economy of that island. He said he would embrace the opportunity to dialogue with Anegadians about potential development for the island.

Countering the slow season

The Anegada economy depends heavily on the yachting business and when the yachts are gone the economy comes to a screeching halt with months of little to no economic activity. He said resort development would help in filling the void left when the yachting season ends.

An own Rep for Anegada

Based on the population growth and the needs in the district, Mr. Wheatley told his audience that upon being elected to the House of Assembly one of the many things he would work on would be to raise the discussion of increasing the number of seats in the house from 13 to 15. Mr. Wheatley stated that we are in a different day which requires a different approach.

He does not think that Anegadians should have to depend on a representative from Virgin Gorda and they, along with Jost Van Dyke, should have their own representative on the ground addressing their needs and concerns. He is convinced that with a fifteen-member House there would be three members in the House from the sister islands who understand the plight and needs of their constituents and their three votes in the house can carry a lot more weight than a one member representation. Mr Wheatley stated that is the kind of visionary leadership he has for the district.


Mr Wheatley spoke of his Tourism Development Initiative (TDI) for the district and how it affects Anegada. He stated that both islands in the district have only begun to scratch the surface of their tourism potential and he has a comprehensive approach to develop the district. He then went on to state that Anegada does not even have one ATM machine on the island.

Mr Wheatley also referred to the airport and the need for a logical approach for its development. He said that you cannot make mention of the airport and not mention airlines and hotel development. Hotel room inventory, he explained, is what drives the demand for airline seats that create interest on the part of air carriers. “My approach is a comprehensive and sensible approach and not just the usual political jargon”.

He believes that the key to shortening the slow season on Anegada lies in more yachts, hotel construction and tourism events like the Anegada Lobster Fest.

His Tourism Development Initiative (TDI) is based on ensuring that every area related to or connected to tourism should be of a high standard and be reflective of a high end tourism centre. Those areas are ports of entry, ferry service, medical facilities, education system, visitor sites and attractions, customer service and quality of life. His development plan also includes the development of “tourism zones’ which are areas designated for commercial activity to allow for more of the visitor dollars to stay in the local economy.

The TDI also provides for Tourist Board offices on both islands to administer to the tourism needs on each island.

30 Responses to “Albert O. Wheatley proposes 15-member HoA”

  • Great point (19/05/2015, 15:09) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    I think its something worth thinking about....the sister islands needs true representation in the House.
  • money (19/05/2015, 15:34) Like (12) Dislike (0) Reply
    Now we talking!
  • voter (19/05/2015, 15:46) Like (11) Dislike (9) Reply
    I think Mr. Wheatley has the sensable opproach for this tourist district
    which is why he will be the upsetting winner on electiion day.
  • 9th District Voter (19/05/2015, 15:48) Like (14) Dislike (20) Reply
    Albert is the only candidate talking about plans
    for the district, all the other are complaining. Albert
    is on to something, he got me and my family votes.
    • Vg man (20/05/2015, 13:29) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      My main problem with Mr. Wheatley is that he is the unofficial 9th district candidate for the NDP. People would like to vote for him, including myself but not if he intends to join the NDP if he gets in...
  • My boy (19/05/2015, 15:52) Like (14) Dislike (13) Reply
    If the 9th district want meaningful change
    which they should, they should vote for this candidate.

    He is making lots of sense the more i listen to him. If i was
    in your district you had my votes hands down.
    • To Anegadians (20/05/2015, 02:52) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
      "If I was in your district you had my votes hands down."

      How many votes does this voter have for a District? Another NDP trying to sway the voters for that Party.
  • Amen to that (19/05/2015, 15:57) Like (8) Dislike (6) Reply
    I agreed the sister islands needs a new approach
    to become up todate and modern.

    The residence of these islands need to start sending their people
    to represent their interest and not a party telling them who is good
    for them.

    I urge them to think this way, this is a new day and i see a great
    oppertunity for them.
  • oooo really (19/05/2015, 16:04) Like (20) Dislike (10) Reply
    But when Rajah said that it was a problem. You people in the Virgin Islands!!!! There's no way to please you. A set of one-sided crabs in a BARREL.
  • Yes (19/05/2015, 16:30) Like (12) Dislike (6) Reply
    Lord he dead with this stupid comment. Bye Wheatley.
  • voter (19/05/2015, 16:49) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    Plans without a party are just fodder for someone else. No party means his plans are just an idea someone else can steal.
  • Jelly beans (19/05/2015, 17:28) Like (35) Dislike (5) Reply
    Albert stop fooling the people you are running for NDP he works at the ministry of education he is the one helping the young people find work and he claims he's running independent who you think you can fool
    • FYI (19/05/2015, 18:03) Like (8) Dislike (2) Reply
      He does not work at the ministry he has his own office and in main street where he work
      • @FYI (20/05/2015, 02:56) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
        Who pays the salary for his services in the Apprecticeship Program? Not the NDP? You can fool some of the people some of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all the time.
        • 9th District (20/05/2015, 13:06) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
          The Government Pays his salary not the NDP. As a matter of fact Mr. Wheatley is paid out of the public purse. We the tax payers are paying his salary not the NDP Government.
    • knowyour info (20/05/2015, 17:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      he is running as AN INDEPENDANT
  • rooster (19/05/2015, 17:32) Like (6) Dislike (12) Reply
    Now I kno why some in the vip upset with he becuz he didn't run with them .this dude bringing a different agenda
  • wize up (19/05/2015, 17:40) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Government done balling brokes; and my boy wants to hire 2 more clown: yet another 4 eyes/4hands for the people to be watching once in office: make who you choose to elect work on your behalf......
  • Serious (19/05/2015, 20:08) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    Right now there are too many in the house. Some are there just for a show receiving pay for no work.. Maybe we need to cut back. Too much nonsense with some just making up numbers.
  • 9 sense. (19/05/2015, 20:19) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
    There are too much as it is right now-- wasted money--Wheatley there are so many things to addressed--look what nonsense you chose to talk about---- No electricity---no water---Hospital---The board---TRC. Cable TV-=-The cruises ship land reclaiming money, money, money. mooooneey..... enough sh---t--to address and starting making sense.
  • rattie (19/05/2015, 20:47) Like (7) Dislike (4) Reply
    • A VOTER (19/05/2015, 23:29) Like (4) Dislike (6) Reply
      All Out will remain OUT Mr Wheatley will win this race just you wait and see he got what it takes to be effective as a leader in this society
  • FYI (19/05/2015, 22:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Just based on your comments u can tell nun o u live on a sister island. U blinded wid party politics and just hating.
  • Big red (19/05/2015, 22:19) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    Albert is the man ,Vote for Albert he has good plans. Me an me neighbor voting for Albert .
  • voter (19/05/2015, 22:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    @ 9 sense, I think your real name is no sense. Do you think all
    his plans can or will happen all at once?

    Its prioriety is what is needed on the sister islands. If no one
    to put it forward, I don't happen. Ask ralph he will tell you.
  • straight up tall (19/05/2015, 22:29) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Mr. Wheatley be mindful that whatever proposal you bring forward won't be accepted or welcomed by all especially those who don't intelligently understand your purpose because everything for them has to be politically motivated or driven but remember the centurian under the cross of Christ. only after he had pierced the side of Jesus he realised that Jesus was the son of God. so keep focus my friend and God will be with you. we have lost our focus as a nation.
  • FaceLess Family (19/05/2015, 22:56) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    Ayo need to wake up, Bertie you need to wake up to cause the NDP put this man to run against you cause you won't step down, this is who the NDP wanted as their candidate all along!!! I wouldn't vote for none of ayo!!!
  • Billion dollar man (19/05/2015, 23:20) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    He is a good man vote for.
  • VG Resident (20/05/2015, 08:48) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    All the noise if you all know this Jentle man Mr Wheatley you all won't point a negative finger @ him he is not a part of NDP or ever will that's why he is a independent candidate with no one but his own agenda and a stragidy to inprve the ninth district keep calm most high God got this

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