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Aircraft heading to VI makes emergency landing in USVI; STT airport closed until 2PM

- as plane remains on runway @ Cyril E. King Airport in St Thomas
The private aircraft departed Martinique for the Virgin Islands on Tuesday night but diverted to Cyril E. King Airport in St Thomas, US Virgin Islands, after aborting its landing in the Virgin Islands. Photo: VIC
Damaged tires of the private jet following its landing at Cyril E. King Airport on Tuesday night, March 11, 2025. Photo: VIC
Damaged tires of the private jet following its landing at Cyril E. King Airport on Tuesday night, March 11, 2025. Photo: VIC

CHARLOTTE AMALIE, St Thomas, USVI- The Cyril E. King Airport in St Thomas, US Virgin Islands, remains temporarily closed following an emergency landing by a private aircraft that was originally en route to the Virgin Islands from Martinique. The plane, carrying one pilot and two passengers, experienced a critical mechanical issue mid-flight, prompting the diversion to St Thomas.

According to officials, as the aircraft neared the VI last night, multiple warning lights illuminated, signaling a fire in the hydraulic system. Recognizing the severity of the situation, the pilot made the decision to abort the planned landing in the VI and instead proceed to Cyril E. King Airport, where the plane landed safely.

Despite the safe landing, the aircraft remains disabled on the airport’s only runway, disrupting normal operations. The [US] VI Port Authority has been working to remove the aircraft as quickly as possible. VIPA Executive Director Carlton Dowe has mobilized all available resources, including private sector partners, to expedite the reopening of the territory’s busiest airport ahead of the estimated time.

As of the latest Notice to Air Missions (NOTAM), the expected reopening time is set for 2:00 p.m. today. However, authorities continue working to clear the runway, and further updates will be provided should this timeline change.

Passengers and airline operators are advised to monitor official updates as efforts continue to restore airport operations safely and efficiently.

13 Responses to “Aircraft heading to VI makes emergency landing in USVI; STT airport closed until 2PM”

  • hmm (12/03/2025, 08:47) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    The kind of people working on and maintaining our equipment TODAY are not the same as the old heads who took pride and care before them. We really have to think about this new generation who are nothing like grandma and grandpa who built things from scratch and relied on their hands on knowledge and not what computers told them. Education standards, moral standards and care for work ethics have been on the decline for decades which was by design for purposes of control but that's another topic. Needless to say, the fall as spoken of in scripture is coming to pass but we never knew exactly how until now. Only a matter of time before other things begin to fail on a large scale.
  • Rick city (12/03/2025, 09:04) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
    Better they crash land in st thomas than Tola mehson
    • Wrong (12/03/2025, 10:58) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      The poor people survive a plane crash and land in St Thomas which has the highest murder rate per capita.
  • Isn't Beef Island closer?? (12/03/2025, 09:04) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Geographically wouldn"t one have to PASS beef Island to get to STT? Just asking
    • Mr Shovels (12/03/2025, 13:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Pilot didn't want to risk landing on a shorter runway (Beef Island) with a potential braking issue
  • Tariff (12/03/2025, 09:17) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Bryan is gonna throw that in our face now
    • Tariff 2 (12/03/2025, 10:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      And he will be silly to do so as aircraft emergencies take precedence over tariff wars any day. It is what it is an EMERGENCY and should be treated as such period.
  • This (12/03/2025, 09:34) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    All these plane issues this season....
  • More ammunition (12/03/2025, 09:36) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
    Bryan gonna throw that in our faces in the future
  • safety (12/03/2025, 10:17) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    Longer runway in St Thomas , feared trouble with undercarriage.
    • Thanks (12/03/2025, 12:19) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      that explains it .Thanks, another reason for us to extand our runway.
  • Anonymous (12/03/2025, 11:09) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    Hope all is well but we need our runaway extension
  • 2024 (12/03/2025, 11:55) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    u think USVI will send VI a bill(just asking)
    Government really needs to upgrade our airport
    some of us might recall using a tent was part of the airport but the airstrip need expand

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