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Agriculture and fishing can boost VI economy – Hon Fraser

-Says PU will reduce import bills and create new export market once elected
Chairman of Progressives United (PU), Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) says that under a PU government in to Virgin Islands (VI) the group will aggressively peruse agriculture as a means of lowering import bills and creating new revenue stream for the territory, which is badly needed at this time. Photo: Facebook
“Progressives United remains determined to establish agriculture in the Virgin Islands despite being at a high tech 21st century level, we will introduce greenhouse technology for the producing of salad, fruits and vegetables that is adequate to eliminate importation. This will save the BVI millions in imports,” Hon Fraser said in a video entitled ‘Progressives United Message, Count Down to Elections 2019,’ release via social media and WhatsApp. Photo: Internet Source
“Progressives United remains determined to establish agriculture in the Virgin Islands despite being at a high tech 21st century level, we will introduce greenhouse technology for the producing of salad, fruits and vegetables that is adequate to eliminate importation. This will save the BVI millions in imports,” Hon Fraser said in a video entitled ‘Progressives United Message, Count Down to Elections 2019,’ release via social media and WhatsApp. Photo: Internet Source
“This operation will take place in Anegada, primarily to capitalise on the transportation it will create between the two islands, while at the same time significantly improving commerce and creating jobs. If you can imagine… the same barge that brings down fruits and vegetables will be taking back badly needed building materials at a far more economical rate,” Hon Fraser implored. Photo: Internet Source
“This operation will take place in Anegada, primarily to capitalise on the transportation it will create between the two islands, while at the same time significantly improving commerce and creating jobs. If you can imagine… the same barge that brings down fruits and vegetables will be taking back badly needed building materials at a far more economical rate,” Hon Fraser implored. Photo: Internet Source
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – Chairman of Progressives United (PU), Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) says that under a PU government in to Virgin Islands (VI) the group will aggressively peruse agriculture as a means of lowering import bills and creating new revenue streams for the territory, which is badly needed at this time.

Hon Fraser in pointing out his agriculture strategy, further alluded to the fishing industry as another means to boost the economy and according to him, create new industries that can vastly reduce the cost of living gap between the sister islands.   

Greenhouse Technology   

“Progressives United remains determined to establish agriculture in the Virgin Islands despite being at a high tech 21st century level, we will introduce greenhouse technology for the producing of salad, fruits and vegetables that is adequate to eliminate importation. This will save the BVI millions in imports,” Hon Fraser said in a video entitled ‘Progressives United Message, Count Down to Elections 2019,’ release via social media and WhatsApp.

According to Mr Fraser, the strategy will not materialise on the main island of Tortola, rather, in Anegada where economies of scales could further benefit the island.

“This operation will take place in Anegada, primarily to capitalise on the transportation it will create between the two islands, while at the same time significantly improving commerce and creating jobs.  If you can imagine… the same barge that brings down fruits and vegetables will be taking back badly needed building materials at a far more economical rate,” he implored.

Fishing & Export

The PU chairman says the goal is not only to focus on agriculture, but the fishing sector will reduce the cost of living gap between Tortola and Anegada by not only providing food, but also economic benefits to the people.

“Fishing is yet to be advanced to a point where its yield is noticed, the BVI being a contracting party to the International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna (ICCAT), gives us a quarter in the fish stock under the control of ICCAT,” he revealed.

“The BVI has the option to either commence fishing to use up this quarter or leverage it… neither of which has been done since its membership eighteen years ago,” he said in revealing that it is a wasted opportunity.

According to Hon Fraser, “This we [PU] see as a no brainier, especially when one stops to think about the lucrative industry, it is common knowledge that a single Blue-fin Tuna can grow up to 1000 pounds and fetch up to $55 a pound.”

13 Responses to “Agriculture and fishing can boost VI economy – Hon Fraser ”

  • Citizen (21/02/2019, 12:45) Like (16) Dislike (9) Reply
    I just don't understand, why we are so forgetful? The VIP government was here for 40year straight in office. They did nothing for the BVI otherthan sell all the small islands and all the prime sea front property in virgin Gorda. The road in Virgin Gorda was built by the VIP, hospital etc. What has the VIP have to show for the 40 years?
    I just don't understand why Vino is supporting the VIP. Where there is no vision, memory is lost and the people perish.
    • wize up (21/02/2019, 15:03) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
      @ citizen: wonderful Prospective: now peep this:

      1. a kool 10 million United States Dollars
      2. a kool 40 million United States Doalls
      3. a kool 8 million United States Dollars

      Please inform some of us where is the money: I understand that some among us obtained fiscal benefits(R U 1)

      The same set that pocket the tax money were given education privileges under VIP thereafter given an opportunity to hold leadership post up in here.....

      some will recall the days of riding on horse back on dirt roads: VIP contributed to what U look at today: roadways were developed from beef island to west end and throughout

      A perspective usually depends on the side of the fence you sitting on: however one should be very objective in conversating around factual issues

      Democracy !!!!!
  • Me (21/02/2019, 12:46) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    Tell ur good friend Kedric that.He gave all away to his rich white friends.Now what nothing for us to earn as.a natural resource.VG fishermen hurting Kedric give them water rights we cant dive conch welk shellfish,but the can feed sharks tons of raw meat come n man this shit sucks.
    • vip (21/02/2019, 13:36) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
      Even me view what Picko and Branson did as wrong, but after looking at the long term goal it was important what they did. It could have been worded or explain better. It’s not about stopping fisherman from catching sharks but more preserving we so can aways have fish around. Without sharks the fish we eat won’t stick around. You guys should google now and again or watch shark week. People are always fussy with what they don’t know or understand.
    • Jessica Jones (21/02/2019, 22:08) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
      Kedrick Pickering killed Agriculture, he slaughtered Fisheries and reduce Conservation to nothing and the idoits will still re-elect him so he can kill dirt.
  • dude (21/02/2019, 14:14) Like (5) Dislike (6) Reply
    The VIP for the most part built the country we all knew and loved the NDP destroyed it simple as that. They did start well but then sell out to white men in suits and now we need to save the country from them. And Kedrick is not good for the territory as minister of natural resources & labour for the same reason he too sell out. So now let's do what we have to do and get rid of them all & save our country from this slippery slope the NDP1&2 have put us on.
  • Just saying... (21/02/2019, 14:46) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    more talks he was there before what did he do?
  • Charley Rose (21/02/2019, 16:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    It baffles me what Hon. Fraser saying sometimes. When one considers that he served as a Cabinet Minister and did not see the need for the revitalization of agriculture. What will he do now that he is not in a position. I would guessed that he should prepare his farewell speech since he may not be re-elected. Poor fellow.
  • please (21/02/2019, 17:06) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    The same things every election. Come with something new
  • Me (21/02/2019, 18:03) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Julian for.u own good take.a back seat or exit through the back while no one notice.The state this country is in ur style of leader is no use so please make room
  • hog city (21/02/2019, 21:20) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hope this is his last term
  • guy hill (22/02/2019, 09:47) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    This is beating a dead horse to run. Haven't we heard about Agriculture and fishing for the longest while? Where is the proof of what any of these goverments did to revive that sector?

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