‘Aggressive’ consultations on new Public Service Salary Scale ongoing

Following the completion of the review and job classification exercise, the final report was presented to the Cabinet on November 8, 2023.
Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) announced during his 2024 Budget Address that Cabinet made the decision to include nearly 10 Million dollars in the budget to effect the new Public Service Salary Structure to come into effect on January 1, 2024.
According to Government Information Services (GIS) in a press release on December 8, 2023, following the Premier’s announcement, the project committee, led by Deputy Governor, Mr David D. Archer, Jr and Permanent Secretary in the Office of the Deputy Governor, Mrs Sharleen S. DaBreo-Lettsome, MBE began “an aggressive consultation project” with plans to ensure all public officers receive accurate information on the results of the report, including the new salary structure.
Report to be laid in HoA
“Public officers have the opportunity to ask any questions they may have on the further execution and the delivery of the project.
“Cabinet has also instructed that the report be laid before the House of Assembly upon completion of the consultations,” the press release stated.
Once a report is laid in the House of Assembly, it becomes a public document.
It added that presentations first began with Senior Managers from across the Public Service. Permanent Secretaries gathered with the Deputy Governor to discuss the overarching recommendations of the report, as well as provide input on plans to move forward.
Officials from the Office of the Deputy Governor also met with representatives from the Teachers Union, Police Welfare Association, Civil Service Association and the Customs Welfare Association.
According to GIS, consultation and input on the recommendations of the report by public officers remain a high priority for the Office of the Deputy Governor.

12 Responses to “‘Aggressive’ consultations on new Public Service Salary Scale ongoing”
Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) announced during his 2024 Budget Address that Cabinet decided to include nearly 10 Million dollars in the budget to effect the new Public Service Salary Structure to come into effect on January 1, 2024".
A person who retires in 2023 would have worked in 2022. Would that retiree would have been included in this completion of the review and job classification exercise?
Premier and Minister of Finance, Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) announced during his 2024 Budget Address that the Cabinet decided to include nearly 10 Million dollars in the budget to effect the new Public Service Salary Structure to come into effect on January 1, 2024".
Would that Retiree salary in 2022 studies would have been included in 2024 in regards to that 10 million?
Final question if you worked in 2022 to say June 2023 and you retire why are you not entitled to an increment? You have worked half the year in 2023 you should be compensated up to the time you worked.
Secondly experience must be considered, as mentioned in prior comments.
Thirdly possibility exsist that when you are place in the new scale you might land in a grade that actually has a lower incremental value than the old salary scale. But anyways time will let us know, we will see..
Mr. Minister urgent attention is needed or you are going to be left with an empty building patients and no qualified staff.
The attrition is rapid fire and the recruitment is snail's pace. HR itself needs shot in the arm.