After 5 yrs & 1 term, Senior ESHS students return to main campus tomorrow

This is possible with the completion of the ESHS Redevelopment Project delivered in 9 months by the Virgin Islands Recovery and Development Agency (RDA), using several local contractors.
Since the hurricanes of 2017, the senior students of ESHS have been housed at the Old Clarence Thomas Limited (CTL) Building in Pasea Estate. Junior school students were also initially housed in Pasea but returned to the main campus with the rehabilitation of the L. Adorothy Turnbull L-Shaped Building in September 2019, although on a shift system.
‘The time has come’- Hon deCastro
Minister for Education, Culture, Youth Affairs and Sports, Hon Sharie B. deCastro (AL), speaking at the opening ceremony for the new school building today, January 3, 2023, said the Elmore Stoutt High School facilitates teaching and learning for about 150 educators and just over 1400 students.
She also said educators and students have been desperately awaiting the rebuild and reconstruction of the facility.
“The time has come. After 5 school years and 1 term, tomorrow the full complement of staff and students of Elmore Stoutt High School will teach and learn on the same campus for full-day school for the first time since the storms of 2017.”
‘We were short on options’- Premier Wheatley
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Honourable Natalio D. Wheatley (R7), who said he was a proud member of the Class of 1996, said the temporary accommodation had the children in a disadvantageous position, especially since they were not able to have full-time classes.
He admitted that the building that housed the students temporarily at Pasea was not built to accommodate a school, “but lest we forget we were short on options at the time because of the extent of the devastation that was wreaked by the 2017 hurricanes.”
The Premier mentioned, among other persons, that former Premier Andrew A. Fahie was instrumental in pushing the project.
$14.2M spent on facility so far- Ronnie W. Skelton
Mr Ronnie W Skelton, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the RDA said the Agency was a little apprehensive about the timeframe given to construct the building; however, it was accomplished with the help of all the contractors.
The main contractors noted were Quality Construction, Metro Construction Limited, Autland Heavy Equipment Co. Limited and Sunleaf Construction and Northam Construction Limited (Joint Venture).
“We spent 14.2 million dollars on this facility so far,” Mr Skelton disclosed. $11,650,800 was initially budgeted for the project.
Meanwhile, Mr Skelton made it known that the RDA is not a maintenance agency and said the responsibility is on the government to maintain projects delivered by the RDA. “If we don’t maintain them, they will fall apart so I beg you to put a maintenance team in place. We can assist you to make sure this is done.”
Among the persons giving remarks was Ms Desha Skelton, ESHS Student Government President, who said the students have been through a lot of challenges after the hurricanes.
“Now, after five school years and one term, we finally have the opportunity to experience a full day’s worth of school where we have the time and space to access a more complete high school experience.”
Skelton urged her fellow students to not take the facility for granted. “Let us appreciate what we have been given and take care of it,” she pleaded.
Notably present at the opening ceremony was former principal Mr Elmore Stoutt.

52 Responses to “After 5 yrs & 1 term, Senior ESHS students return to main campus tomorrow”
And if the government does have one, this school by itself will need a maintenance crew just for it.
You are correct. Myron secured the building from one of his main supporter to house the ESHS student and teachers for a warm $80k per month. After that he forgot to follow up on getting them out sooner rather than later. Also remember the VIP was hit with covid as soon as they went in office and everything shut down for almost 2yrs which posed challenges with the economy worldwide. Also Myron failed to repair the L-Shaped building after it was severely damaged by Irma on 2017. Fahie government also fixed that. So post all the facts. Myron cannot get free from this cr***** like act he did our teachers and students.
just make sure our children and grandchildren gets good teachers
It only took 5 years to rebuild the only public high school on the island. Let’s applaud! Never mind the inhumane and unsanitary conditions our students and teachers were forced to endure. During a pandemic no less!
Fahie was known for his rhetoric, he had no vision.