Advance polling carded for Nov. 4
Election officers and police officers working on Polling Day, Monday, November 7 are eligible to vote on Advance Polling Day.
Additionally, a voter who is incapacitated by reason of being an elderly person, (with the definition of an elderly person being seventy years or older), by reason of illiteracy or physical cause, is eligible to vote on Advance Polling Day.
Any voter accompanied by a friend, and the friend who must be a voter in that local electoral district, will be permitted by the presiding officer to mark the voter’s ballot paper for him. However, a person shall not at any election be allowed to act as such a friend to more than one voter. “Friend” in this instance includes family and relatives.
The Advance Polling Stations are located as follows:
DISTRICTS POLLING DIVISIONS POLLING STATIONS First Zion Hill West End Community Centre Second Brewers Bay Brewers Bay Community Centre Third Sea Cows Bay Valerie O. Thomas Community Centre Fourth Road Town House of Assembly Chambers Fifth Huntums Ghut Enid Scatliffe Pre-Primary School Sixth Baughers Bay Alexandrina Maduro Primary School Seventh Long Look Long Look Methodist Church Hall Eighth East End East End/Long Look Community CentreNinth The Valley Catholic Community Centre

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