Accumulated years in VI no longer a qualifier for work permit exemptions- Cabinet

The new guideline means that the removal of the category of tenure has taken effect, therefore, persons are no longer eligible to apply for work permit exemption if employed for any specific number of years within the Territory.
As such, the newly revised categories of Work Permit Exemption are Exemption by Marriage, Exemption by Education and Exemption by Minister's Discretion in keeping with the April 2021, announcements by the subject Minister, Hon Vincent O. Wheatley (R9).
According to details of the post-meeting statement of the Cabinet meeting of August 18, 2021, the existing Work Permit Exemption Policy was revised to better reflect the Government's evolving strategy on Immigration and Labour reform in the Territory.
Gov't streamlining process - Cabinet Statements
The meeting statements said the plan will also streamline and reduce the illegal trends associated with Work Permit Exemption holders, relating to illegal work and movement throughout the Territory.
It should be noted that Work Permit Exemption does not grant a person status in the VI, rather it only exempts a person from the Work Permit Fees. If an applicant is not granted an exemption, he or she must apply for a Work Permit at the Labour Department.
Additionally, the revised policy states that all applications for Work Permit Exemptions are to be received and processed by the Ministry of Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration only, and approved by the Minister for Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration, unless otherwise instructed by the Cabinet.
The Government in 2019 had previously revised the policy, where a term limit was added to exemptions, resulting in the ceasing of the issuance of indefinite work permits.

74 Responses to “Accumulated years in VI no longer a qualifier for work permit exemptions- Cabinet”
The way I see it, you, the cabinet is flip flopping, and zig zagging out of control. Too much political game the making nowadays. You are blowing air from various random directions, mixing up the issues to often, lately.
Look how they wreck the party
Good bye to ayo !
NDp will champaign on this cause you all did not kept a promise !
No BVI love
Why can’t the applications be further scrutinized to draw out the non-eligible persons, how bl””dy hard it is to come up with an efficient vetting process?
This is very wrong, you are penalising the wrong people.
Ask anyone with money that was gained honestly. It takes discipline and commitment. Don't hate on someone who has done the work. Just do what they have done, and boob! you will have lots of money too.
Now Ya'll don't be coming in our faces no more 'bout prayer service or fasting.
i aint see nothing wrong here with the changes , such is life anytime the bvi make new laws there will always hate . i agree with wha the minister did . you cant please everyone , i dont give a rat who dislike is bout time some changes come we sitting to much comfortable with the same sh** , expats should not get the same privelage as locals who dont like it feel the heat or catch the other flight out . bout time .
This place really is the pits isn't it. Bottom of the barrel, sh**h*le.
There is no reason to BASH the Minister he has only make it so that WORK PERMIT EXEMPTION does not get abused any longer. Good Work Hon. Wheatley.
Work Permit Exemption was abused in the past by every minister that was there prior to now. Hon. Minister I know you have seen what was done so you have taken a stand. KUDOS TO YOU.
The NEW certificate were paying for never arrive from the Tax department. I paid for it I want it. If not refund the money. Its just a way to tax the expats. how about fining the employers who fail to pay the SS and NHI and Tax for the employees which is just steeling from the government. Keep putting your head in the sand and ignoring the real issues in the BVI.
People going to start get married just for status
What tola have that you guys want other than the US dollars..
Come like alyo forget tola just a full stop compare to you all birth land.