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Accumulated years in VI no longer a qualifier for work permit exemptions- Cabinet

- Revised category will only include Exemption by Marriage, Education & Minister’s Discretion
With effect from August 23, 2021, the new work permit exemption policy of the Government of the Virgin Islands (VI) has taken effect with a reduced number of eligibility categories. Photo: VINO/File
The newly revised categories of Work Permit Exemption are Exemption by Marriage, Exemption by Education and Exemption by Minister's Discretion in keeping with April 2021, announcements by the subject Minister, Hon Vincent O. Wheatley (R9). Photo: VINO/File
The newly revised categories of Work Permit Exemption are Exemption by Marriage, Exemption by Education and Exemption by Minister's Discretion in keeping with April 2021, announcements by the subject Minister, Hon Vincent O. Wheatley (R9). Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – With effect from August 23, 2021, the new work permit exemption policy of the Government of the Virgin Islands (VI) has taken effect with a reduced number of eligibility categories.

The new guideline means that the removal of the category of tenure has taken effect, therefore, persons are no longer eligible to apply for work permit exemption if employed for any specific number of years within the Territory.

As such, the newly revised categories of Work Permit Exemption are Exemption by Marriage, Exemption by Education and Exemption by Minister's Discretion in keeping with the April 2021, announcements by the subject Minister, Hon Vincent O. Wheatley (R9).

According to details of the post-meeting statement of the Cabinet meeting of August 18, 2021, the existing Work Permit Exemption Policy was revised to better reflect the Government's evolving strategy on Immigration and Labour reform in the Territory.

Gov't streamlining process - Cabinet Statements 

The meeting statements said the plan will also streamline and reduce the illegal trends associated with Work Permit Exemption holders, relating to illegal work and movement throughout the Territory.

It should be noted that Work Permit Exemption does not grant a person status in the VI, rather it only exempts a person from the Work Permit Fees. If an applicant is not granted an exemption, he or she must apply for a Work Permit at the Labour Department.

Additionally, the revised policy states that all applications for Work Permit Exemptions are to be received and processed by the Ministry of Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration only, and approved by the Minister for Natural Resources, Labour and Immigration, unless otherwise instructed by the Cabinet.

The Government in 2019 had previously revised the policy, where a term limit was added to exemptions, resulting in the ceasing of the issuance of indefinite work permits.

74 Responses to “Accumulated years in VI no longer a qualifier for work permit exemptions- Cabinet”

  • big head (26/08/2021, 19:25) Like (5) Dislike (12) Reply
    So how many years before you can apply for exemption
  • Rubber Duck (26/08/2021, 19:25) Like (69) Dislike (17) Reply
    Slowly and surely we further enslave our brothers and sisters. Shameful.
  • Scotland Yard (26/08/2021, 19:32) Like (22) Dislike (46) Reply
    its about time
  • ..... (26/08/2021, 19:38) Like (12) Dislike (12) Reply
    what about those that have already done 15 years in the BVI with no intention of leaving
    • ???? (27/08/2021, 07:27) Like (13) Dislike (6) Reply
      @....Let them apply for Status or keep paying Permit Fees. Based on their intentions on not leaving the BVI, ensure they are upright in being good RESIDENTS while respecting and upholding All LAWS.
  • soo (26/08/2021, 19:41) Like (11) Dislike (1) Reply
    What are the criteria for applying for minister discretion
  • Really Now (26/08/2021, 20:06) Like (5) Dislike (9) Reply
  • What kind of political pitch was that one named? Was it a twister in a calculated attempt to get re-elected? (26/08/2021, 20:32) Like (14) Dislike (8) Reply
    but you said that the economy is cash low. Tell us the truth. Is it a 2023 political strategic plan or what?
    The way I see it, you, the cabinet is flip flopping, and zig zagging out of control. Too much political game the making nowadays. You are blowing air from various random directions, mixing up the issues to often, lately.
  • wake (26/08/2021, 21:22) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    We wake up to the new drum roll.
  • Sad. Backwards (26/08/2021, 21:48) Like (23) Dislike (125) Reply
    I dont like this. Time working in a countey should always matter and should account for something., should have value and be rewarded....Another year and a half of this making life hard government..
    • really?? (27/08/2021, 09:32) Like (15) Dislike (10) Reply
      When you go to America to live you must have a green card which is valid for 10 years and then you must renew and pay the applicable fees or pay the fees to become a citizen. You can work in America all your life and still have to do the latter so I don't understand why you think working in the BVI for any amount of time should exempt them from paying the fees. Mind set like this is what have this country where it is and God forbid anyone who tries to make changes good or bad.
      • @really:: (27/08/2021, 10:23) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
        I can agree with you to an extent. Please note that your statement speaks to "go to America to live". This work permit exemption as the article states is separate from your immigration status. In the US the green card allows you to live and work, with the option thereafter to become a naturalized citizen removing conditionalities and opening you up to other benefits. What needs to be clarified is what are the requirements for exemptions under marriage, education and then still at the Minister's discretion. I would like to understand how these categorizations can be viewed separate from requirements to legally reside in the BVI.
      • Really??? (27/08/2021, 14:02) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
        You compare BVI with USA! You are a joker! People come here for dollar, the day the dollar currency is taken out from here, you can’t even imagine what happens after!
    • What is the Problem (27/08/2021, 13:28) Like (4) Dislike (6) Reply
      If you came to the VI 16 years ago to make a better living to support your family, etc. and you have not done that within that time then something says you will never do that. Maybe it is time to go home. No harm in that, home is home or as they say, east, west, home best.
  • Ndp come back (26/08/2021, 21:51) Like (27) Dislike (13) Reply
    Why vip keep going back on there words
    Look how they wreck the party
    Good bye to ayo !
    NDp will champaign on this cause you all did not kept a promise !
    No BVI love
    • really?? (27/08/2021, 09:45) Like (13) Dislike (7) Reply
      Here you all go again with this political party BS. You will never be able to convince me that the entire NDP or VIP party was/is bad and should be voted out. Its time the BVI put their money where their mouths are and maybe vote in a bipartisan government who will work for the betterment of the country. If the leader of this current government made a promise that he has broken, then vote his A.. out next election not the entire party!!! At the end of the day the buck stops with him. He can't want to be " The man" when it suits him. Hold them all accountable for their actions that is the only way.
  • HMMM (26/08/2021, 22:11) Like (14) Dislike (6) Reply
    What this place is coming too
  • Letty1 (26/08/2021, 22:59) Like (17) Dislike (9) Reply
    Well sa, all those money collected from 2020 for the process of those application that's already in should be refunded.
    • @Letty1 (27/08/2021, 07:01) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      Nope the law would only impact applications on or after the date the new legislation comes into effect
    • nope (27/08/2021, 09:15) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
      Those applications were not guaranteed approval. Not all applicants that submit applications are automatically approved
  • Norris Turnbull (26/08/2021, 23:14) Like (34) Dislike (1) Reply
    The beatings will continue until morale increases.
  • malone (26/08/2021, 23:28) Like (12) Dislike (5) Reply
    So your links are the only factor, nice one, yall getting better and better tek rope, bahamas once was hot like this.
  • bvi (27/08/2021, 03:44) Like (13) Dislike (39) Reply
    Wow talk about unfairness what's next
  • Shameful (27/08/2021, 04:29) Like (23) Dislike (14) Reply
    This is a huge mistake. So basically it comes to lining some ministers pocket in order to gain his discretion. What a crock. Time in a country that people have made their home needs to be considered.
    • stop (27/08/2021, 13:36) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      You did not say that when Hon. O. W. Hodge gave out hundreds at his discretion.
  • musa (27/08/2021, 05:36) Like (19) Dislike (7) Reply
    I am disappointed hon leader
  • Eagle Eye (27/08/2021, 06:21) Like (64) Dislike (6) Reply
    Expats. Wize up yourself and leave that territory. I have left and you can too. Pack up and leave sooner than later.
  • Positive Vibration (27/08/2021, 06:34) Like (9) Dislike (9) Reply
    These set of three piece suit wearing baldheaded wanna be will always let the people down. Only Rasta minded people can free the nation.
  • The most important lesson (27/08/2021, 07:09) Like (15) Dislike (32) Reply
    These people dont realize that they need people, they need a life after politics, (Which wont be long from now) they will need a social life and the same people they are oppressing they will want to mingle with....Love people, treat people the way you will want to be treated.. God is watching you!.
  • Pay to play (27/08/2021, 07:25) Like (13) Dislike (21) Reply
    Why not just replace the number of years work with the amount of cash or favors needed in the bribe to get exemptions? That would be allot more transparent!
  • What is (27/08/2021, 07:39) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    What is the minister it like he giving it to who he want to give it to??? And on what grounds can people apply for that one?
  • tell me why (27/08/2021, 07:40) Like (19) Dislike (1) Reply
    By marriage you say, well let me tell you this. plenty of these women come here and married to these tola men and still cheating on them, in other words; they only with tola men for a piece of paper which allows them to remain here.
  • LO (27/08/2021, 07:55) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    Shame on vip. They better refund the people's money..
  • here (27/08/2021, 08:22) Like (6) Dislike (16) Reply
    you came looking work got work and now expect to get the passport. whenever pennies they make most of it is sent to homeland. some do not contribute nothing socially to virgin islands just here for the money which takes over 20 years

  • not fair (27/08/2021, 08:29) Like (11) Dislike (5) Reply
    So they’re changing the rules because of those who have taken advantage of the system, how is that fair on those of us that haven’t taken advantage and have lived here for 15 years plus and have paid into the system and never not worked….
    Why can’t the applications be further scrutinized to draw out the non-eligible persons, how bl””dy hard it is to come up with an efficient vetting process?
    This is very wrong, you are penalising the wrong people.
  • YOLO (27/08/2021, 08:32) Like (10) Dislike (15) Reply
    this is the right decision weather you guys like it or not because, you guys have all the money to buy up my people land and make a life for your self while the local have to struggle. and by time we ready to fast track at age 40 there is nothing. You my say we have our parents place. Some Parents are Greedy so there children have to rent to movie from the drama and it hard to save. and at the end of the day the parents would sell there place and we left with nothing.... local have it hard to
    • @ YOLO (27/08/2021, 09:47) Like (24) Dislike (3) Reply
      You can have money too if you would just stop living above your means. Like driving a car you cant afford, wearing designer clothes worn by celebrities with a net worth of millions. Eating out everyday. Getting your hair and nails done every week and travelling overseas every month.
      Ask anyone with money that was gained honestly. It takes discipline and commitment. Don't hate on someone who has done the work. Just do what they have done, and boob! you will have lots of money too.
      • @@YOLO (27/08/2021, 17:31) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        I eat out once in a blue moon... its all home cook...we have one transportation...and simple right hand truck so i can make a little extra on the side.. i have simple t shirts that i have from the last time i travel which was 2014 with the person i married....nails done by cutting them we done but going by a family member.... now expensive 1500 rent... 189 net fee 525....current 400 -500 every 2 weeks.....water 50.....gas for 2 week for truck.. 150....i own no shoes ....i have slippers that i ware everyday....... so by time we save there is a few dollars left......and so i just had to buy a radiator for my truck 5 months of saving just gone.......
  • Well Sah (27/08/2021, 08:33) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    well look at local gyal getting husband now.. they will band them from getting married soon lol.. sometimes i does think is a little group of idiots sitting behind the school coming up with these ideas, not the leader of our country. smh as someone sneeze is some new S#*T..
  • vi (27/08/2021, 09:08) Like (1) Dislike (5) Reply
    Don’t worry next government will take it down
  • God is not mocked (27/08/2021, 09:09) Like (16) Dislike (3) Reply
    This is wickedness.

    Now Ya'll don't be coming in our faces no more 'bout prayer service or fasting.
    • BVITTB (27/08/2021, 13:22) Like (4) Dislike (7) Reply
      @God is not mocked": What is wicked about it? Like I keep saying. BVIslanders can't go anywhere else in the Caribbean and demand what persons from these countries demand here in the BVIs. Reading comments like your make me laugh.
  • home boy (27/08/2021, 09:37) Like (15) Dislike (15) Reply

    i aint see nothing wrong here with the changes , such is life anytime the bvi make new laws there will always hate . i agree with wha the minister did . you cant please everyone , i dont give a rat who dislike is bout time some changes come we sitting to much comfortable with the same sh** , expats should not get the same privelage as locals who dont like it feel the heat or catch the other flight out . bout time .

    • BS (29/08/2021, 06:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      that day will come , where ayo bvi landers will be begging for expats to come back, you and every one of ayo know yall need the expats to keep the bvi going.. so go ahead take ayo foot now. , time will tell.. sickening
  • Thiefdom (27/08/2021, 09:39) Like (11) Dislike (7) Reply

    This place really is the pits isn't it. Bottom of the barrel, sh**h*le.

  • u see (27/08/2021, 10:18) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
    Here we go again black house slave treating there fellow man worstthan the masa give blk ppl a bunch of keys and u see their true colour hope when god strike on this land again u dont run to prayer he stop listening to yohl sorry my people change will come trust god when we start to goin our head together and march on the streets then the will understand slavery all over again but this time is our own
  • facts (27/08/2021, 10:20) Like (8) Dislike (3) Reply
    I know in the past work permit exemption were only issue to spouses and children who went through the school system, those of you who are talking rubbish needs to check the records. It was never used for individuals who lived here for many years. Those persons always had to go through the system and file for their status if so needed. During that time the years were much less than it is now.

    There is no reason to BASH the Minister he has only make it so that WORK PERMIT EXEMPTION does not get abused any longer. Good Work Hon. Wheatley.

    Work Permit Exemption was abused in the past by every minister that was there prior to now. Hon. Minister I know you have seen what was done so you have taken a stand. KUDOS TO YOU.

    • Wrong (27/08/2021, 12:29) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      You are wrong. Me and many people I know got ours for being here long enough.
  • Agree (27/08/2021, 10:32) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    @Really Now - Why that statement? It's the correct avenue to finally proceeds with.
  • cash cow (27/08/2021, 12:07) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    This is a simple ply on the government of "TAXATIONS WITHOUT REPRESENTATION" the fees are constantly going up. The new work permit process and absolute JOKE as takes hours to pay $50 which should be online.
    The NEW certificate were paying for never arrive from the Tax department. I paid for it I want it. If not refund the money. Its just a way to tax the expats. how about fining the employers who fail to pay the SS and NHI and Tax for the employees which is just steeling from the government. Keep putting your head in the sand and ignoring the real issues in the BVI.
  • BVITTB (27/08/2021, 13:14) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    I applaud the Government. This exemption process was being abused. It needed to be reformed long time ago. The revenues to be collected will help build infrastructure etc.
  • hmmm (27/08/2021, 13:30) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    Now you going see alot marriage with no love
    People going to start get married just for status
  • So ladies, (27/08/2021, 13:32) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    If the man was not interested in marriage before and all of a sudden the question is being hedged, popped or whipped out. Be careful, do not be misled. Don't be used.
  • @ VULTURE (27/08/2021, 14:06) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
  • WOW (27/08/2021, 14:10) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    The pressing continues! God has some serious disciplining coming this way. Followers keep watch!
  • Thats Why I support the COI (27/08/2021, 14:37) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Some peolpe bigger than them...They taking advantage of the small people...
  • What Next (27/08/2021, 20:00) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    All these rules are just affecting the caribbean brothers and sisters who are here on wp. What next instore for them?
  • hmmm (28/08/2021, 02:48) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    I just think it reach a point where them just want us to pack up and leave them alone here, I pray God help all of us expats to find a way to leave here and let them stay and enjoy Them beautiful island alone because once you're not from you counted has nobody.
  • (28/08/2021, 16:23) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    The best thing for people to do is to leave this stress full island...u live in a place for 15 years but can not get nothing is disrimination..they pay tax for the 15 yrs do NHI SSB TAX
  • Well Sah (28/08/2021, 17:08) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    This is BS, the BVI is the worst of the over seas territory. The BVI is just corrupted. All I can say welcome back slavery.
  • Lillian (28/08/2021, 17:37) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    i otally desagree it is terrible what you all doing with expats so how are they going to make it if they work for so less money and paying rents expensive a lot of bills to pay wow it is evil
  • rain (28/08/2021, 18:48) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Most people here only work to pay bill so why stay here....start leaving an let them learn the hard way
  • A bunch or kids i Gov (28/08/2021, 19:45) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    I hope they have not forget about the two hurricain when they needed help, God dont sleep he see every thing and no every thing they will be call on the lord very soon.
  • hmm (31/08/2021, 13:13) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Come work and take you all back side way you all from.
    What tola have that you guys want other than the US dollars..
    Come like alyo forget tola just a full stop compare to you all birth land.
  • moving on (31/08/2021, 19:35) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    See No Evill, HEAR NO EVIL and Do No Evil. Time is man's great equalizer. Mark the blameless man, and behold the upright; For the man of peace will have a posterity.

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