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A travesty of Justice? Najan Christopher's ‘Breach of Trust’ trial starts!

The Breach of Trust trial for the Director of the International Affairs Secretariat, Najan Christopher, began on May 21, 2024. Photo: GIS/File
When Attorney General Smith Hon Dawn J. Smith, right, took the stand, she noted in response to questions from the Director of Public Prosecutions Tiffany R. Scatliffe-Esprit that, in her opinion, Mr Andrew A. Fahie, left, was not eligible for diplomatic immunity, in part because the VI is not a sovereign state. Photo: GIS/File
When Attorney General Smith Hon Dawn J. Smith, right, took the stand, she noted in response to questions from the Director of Public Prosecutions Tiffany R. Scatliffe-Esprit that, in her opinion, Mr Andrew A. Fahie, left, was not eligible for diplomatic immunity, in part because the VI is not a sovereign state. Photo: GIS/File
Ms Najan Christopher is being represented by high-powered Attorney Terrence F. Williams of Chase Law. Photo: Team of Reporters/File
Ms Najan Christopher is being represented by high-powered Attorney Terrence F. Williams of Chase Law. Photo: Team of Reporters/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Many residents believe this is a case that should not have been in the courthouse but addressed internally via the Public Service Commission; however, because the Director of the International Affairs Secretariat was associated with the former Premier Andrew A. Fahie, Najan Christopher was dragged into the courtroom and incurred damage to her good name.

Ms Christopher was charged with Breach of Trust for writing a letter saying that former Premier Fahie was the Head of Government at the time of his arrest and should be considered for diplomatic immunity.

The case, which many legal scholars believe should have already been tossed out, began on Tuesday, May 21, 2024. Ms Christopher is being represented by high-powered Attorney Terrence F. Williams of Chase Law.

At the May 21, 2024 trial, the Director of Public Prosecutions Mrs Tiffany R. Scatliffe-Esprit called Deputy Governor David D. Archer Jr, and Attorney General Dawn J. Smith as witnesses.

High praises for Christopher  

Under cross-examination from Attorney Williams, Mr Archer related that Ms Christopher was a hard worker and highly regarded staff of the Premier’s  Office. The Deputy Governor also admitted that Mr Fahie was still the Premier of the Virgin Islands (VI) at the time the diplomatic letter was written by Ms Christopher. Mr Archer noted that a Premier travelling abroad can still give directives to his staff even though someone else may be acting as Premier.

AG is not an international law expert

On May 22, 2024, when Attorney General Smith took the stand, she noted in response to questions from Scatliffe-Esprit that, in her opinion, Mr Fahie was not eligible for diplomatic immunity, in part because the VI is not a sovereign state.

However, under cross-examination, the Attorney General admitted she was not an expert in international law. She confessed on the stand that she did not have all the information and facts when she gave her opinion on whether Mr Fahie was eligible for immunity. Ms Smith also noted that at the time of Fahie’s arrest, no policy was in place to address the overseas arrest of a Premier and that it would be understandable if there were differing approaches to such a crisis.

Other Breach of Trust cases pending

Many legal scholars believe Ms Christopher was on a target list because she was trying to help the former Premier. She is the daughter of the late legislator Deloris Christopher, who represented the Fifth District before her passing.  

There is a long list of others arrested and charged with Breach of Trust with pending cases, including Hon Myron V. Walwyn (R6), Comptroller of Customs Wade N. Smith and Assistant Secretary in the Ministry of Education and Sports Lorna L. Stevens.

28 Responses to “A travesty of Justice? Najan Christopher's ‘Breach of Trust’ trial starts!”

  • VG (03/06/2024, 10:43) Like (102) Dislike (19) Reply
    send her back to her job from wasting time and monies.
    • 21 May 2024 trial (03/06/2024, 11:37) Like (9) Dislike (3) Reply
      What was the verdict? Was this another case thrown out at the end of the DPP's evidence?
  • Justice for Najan (03/06/2024, 10:46) Like (68) Dislike (8) Reply
    Dear Madam, I am so sorry that you have become the victim of an absurd system in the BVI where you are being charged for something which, through the AGs own admission, she herself is not an expert and there was no policy in place at the time to suggest that you should have done otherwise or that what you did was contrary to what you should have done. The country is ridiculous. This should be a no case to answer because the prosecution has not even as much as established the elements of the crimes allegedly committed since what you did was not a crime according to the AGs testimony. I wish you speed justice and great compensation for the damage your name sustained after you were dragged through the mud.
  • Rubber Duck (03/06/2024, 10:51) Like (81) Dislike (1) Reply
    Is the DPP appearing in Court herself ? When was the last time she won a case?
    • School children are saying that ... (03/06/2024, 11:34) Like (10) Dislike (5) Reply
      ... the case is in the Magistrates Court and the DPP is not frightened to appear there.
  • born here (03/06/2024, 10:59) Like (56) Dislike (25) Reply
    The coi has waponised the justice system against our people
    • Lexicon (03/06/2024, 11:12) Like (17) Dislike (3) Reply
      Go learn to spell. There’s a reason for structured learning, aka school.????
      • School children are saying that ... (03/06/2024, 11:30) Like (13) Dislike (6) Reply
        ... you don't follow a full stop with four question marks. Didn't you learn that at school?
      • @Lexicon (03/06/2024, 12:42) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
        So, you are not sufficiently switched on to spot a typo when you see one.
  • John (03/06/2024, 11:29) Like (6) Dislike (3) Reply
    The young later is going to be free why waste tax payers money
  • Motorola (03/06/2024, 11:42) Like (12) Dislike (16) Reply
    Remember it will be an island man lawyer who will get her off this case. You people need to stop treat other Caribbean brothers and sisters bad. Just remember which lawyer from which nationality getting wade and Najan out them misery next time you open your mouth to disrespect others. Good luck to her. She deserves a second chance.
    • ReX FeRal (03/06/2024, 13:44) Like (22) Dislike (4) Reply need yo shut your dam mouth. What being zn "island man" have to do with this? Jack Donkeys like you always feeding the fire with your divisiveness. In my opinion you are full of sh**.

      • @ReX FeRal (03/06/2024, 18:51) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
        I don’t mind the jack donkey talk at all. In fact they the most abused and misunderstood animals in the world. The truth will sting like a bee. The like of the same island man the accused and probably you discriminated against is the same Caribbean brother getting her out of her misery. It’s not to offend you or make you mad but to bring light to oppression and suppression of Caribbean people. I too want Najan to have justice.
    • The us dollar (05/06/2024, 10:05) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Every island man or woman needs to know their island every fig has to find its own tree than just sucking off tortola tree
  • two cents (03/06/2024, 11:45) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
    Just what if this is the case the DPP finally wins lol.
  • Anonymous (03/06/2024, 12:12) Like (8) Dislike (11) Reply
    Look what they did to this poor child so sad free her this is injustice
  • crime (03/06/2024, 12:21) Like (18) Dislike (5) Reply
    She has been charged with a criminal offence by the DPP. Therefore we assume there was evidence of wrongdoing - it is right for a court to decide not media opinion! Irrelevant of who she is - she is not above the laws of the territory and ‘Breach of Trust is our laws!
  • Malcom X (03/06/2024, 12:32) Like (8) Dislike (9) Reply

    That girl is God child and she will walk free , God on your side sweet girl. And make them pay when it all over

  • Guest (03/06/2024, 12:44) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    I could see where Terrence Williams going with this one. We will see how it ends.
  • rattie (03/06/2024, 13:29) Like (8) Dislike (13) Reply
    Because she does not kiss up to the British they got it in for her but the ark of justice is long
  • Conflict somewhere? (03/06/2024, 14:29) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Which court is this case being tried in? No the Magistrate's Court right?
  • SOLIDARITY (03/06/2024, 15:19) Like (9) Dislike (3) Reply
    She is innocent until proven guilty and that’s what they have to prove. The burden of proof lies with them. But Naj will be vindicated. Our prayers are ascending and we are standing with you. Be strong and keep the faith.
  • bigboomboomandrew (03/06/2024, 20:28) Like (24) Dislike (2) Reply
    And this is the culture of the BVI. They tear each other to bits for their own selfish gain and gang up together to justify wrongdoings of their kinfolk. I have learned to look away and walk away. So you know Najan to be a good worker, a nice person..."God's child"; so what? she she broke the law-breach of trust. She is human and she did it. Simple as that. She knows it, and everyone knows it. Did she follow protocol in the process of constructing and issuing this letter? At the end of the day, just look at who she was trying to help set free. No matter how you twist it, wrong is wrong, but then again, I would be preaching to the choir. I truly hope real justice is served.
  • Colombo (03/06/2024, 22:13) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    when will the head of VI enforcement make an appearance in the same court
  • Only in the BVI (03/06/2024, 22:15) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Can a boss threaten to discipline a worker if he takes a day off as no pay leave. There are too many workplace bullies here. God sees them. They are power drunk.
  • BuzzBvi (04/06/2024, 22:26) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Another VIslander had her sentencing put back again. The other bigger VIslander has sentencing soon. Just Caricomers doing crime apparently. Vi need to wake up and deal with the criminals amongst us.
  • jack donkey (05/06/2024, 11:31) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    We already know the outcome of this trial, the DDP has not won anything, and that trend will continue, incompetent much?!

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