‘A certain race… involve their children in almost everything’- Angelle A. Cameron

Mrs Cameron, who also highlighted the importance of failure for children, was at the time speaking on the Tuesday, February 4, 2020 edition of her radio show, ‘My BVI’ on Zking 100.9 FM.
Parenting for the future
“I hope this doesn’t come out the wrong way… there’s a certain race of people who, they involve their children in almost everything. If they are having adult conversations and the child interjects they are ok with that,” Cameron told the listening audience as part of her commentary on raising children in the 21st century.
The former beauty queen continued, “they want that child to know, it's ok for you to have questions, it's ok for me to answer those questions and it's ok for you to be involved in a level of discourse that is potentially beyond your age,” she said.
Mrs Cameron's contention is that children should be allowed to listen in and engage in adult conversations as part of the learning and growing process.
“Then there’s another race of people, who the minute your child opens their mouth… you say we’re not talking to you, this is grown folks business, you need to go sit down, learn a child’s place.”
She pointed to the contrast between parenting styles as a possible factor of why people of different races would end up disenfranchising each other based on how they were raised.
African Americans worst off
“Those of us who were raised in a more African American household or households that believe children have a certain role to play, there are certain things we miss out on or learn later in life, whereas, in other cultures, their kids embrace everything from a very early age,” she said.
The radio host noted that as a result of an inclusive parenting style, children would then be able to learn faster and understand the meaning of words all by being a part of adult conversation.
According to Cameron, the youth agenda is not only about being involved with children but to help them better understand the world around them, “I have three children and let me tell you I got it wrong the first time… so my daughter did not get all that she could have out of my mothering skills.”
Cameron noted, “I could only emulate what I know,” which she said included preventing children from being a part of adult conversations and interjecting, before realising that it is quite fine to allow children to be inquisitive.

45 Responses to “‘A certain race… involve their children in almost everything’- Angelle A. Cameron”
She has no statistics or facts to prove her points. There is a time and place for everything and children need to know their place in adult conversations and business. This is not a family dinner or a game night. Discipline and respect comes in different forms and if you want your child to be in every sauce pan that is your perogative and not for the general public to condone and giving the wrong connotation towards parenting etc. May I ask what races or cultures is being used used as a benchmark or in comparison?
Does she have children?
However, don't generalize in this way. There are much more similarities between people than that you are aware off. The color of your skin does not define your behaviour.
Virgin Islands being raised in a more African American Household.
prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.
"a program to combat racism"
racial discrimination · racialism · racial prejudice/bigotry · xenophobia · chauvinism · bigotry · bias · intolerance · anti-Semitism · apartheid
the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.
"theories of racism"
great point, speaks to multi-generational "curses" that race like to claim, if you raise a man to be a duck, he gets what the duck gets......so does he ducklings an so on and so on....you get the Point.
I take issue with all this!.. Like I said I agree with some of what you’ve written to an extent however persons do have a right to their own style of parenting; may not be as we’d do it , but that’s their right unless the way they’re raising their child/children is deemed abusive or is not in the best interest of the child.. I do believe your assessment is based on subjective data rather than objective data as in a study..it is not right to speak of one race over the other without objective data to back up your claims..my advice to you is - do your research on topics thoroughly; have objective data to substantiate your claims before putting your own personal thoughts out there to the public as “facts” ..
She should too or maybe her head is filled with propaganda and that’s why she speaks in parables and not FACTS... digg deep y’all already kno where I’m comin from some jus don’t want to know this but CHOOSE to JUS BELIEVE
A child must be a child. This inclusiveness , while you may proffer good arguments for it, does more damage to the child.
Are you oblivious to the fact some adult conversation adults are not constructive…
The problem is we want to modernize everything including raising children ; we put weaves in their hair instead of plaits/braid. We put on make up on our little girls.
Now you want us to emulate this certain “race” and your best argument is that the children will “learn faster and understand the meaning of …..
Not because a particular race is doing something does not make it right.
The mess you creating now, who is going to live in it and clean it up in the future???
I also always wished I’d grown up in one of those households where the parents encouraged conversations at the dinner table, with questions and “adult” content about current events, concerns, and current reading, etc...it seemed to me that kids raised in those kinds of households were more confident and intelligent and curious.
It’s a matter of traditions of parenting in different cultures and I’d definitely recommend anyone who feels it’s their job to keep their child quiet, to try listening to them and questioning them more instead.
That’s cause all they do is believe what they are told about and don’t study to show themselves approved seeking knowledge and truth before vengeance and destruction
Before David
Naturally, the above are generalisms and obviously can’t apply to all kids or all families.