5th Annual Hon Fraser League tips off in flashy style
In front of a packed crowd at the Save the Seed Energy Centre Gym in Duff’s Bottom, with the four Champions banners proudly hanging from the rafters, Mrs Khalid T. Fraser welcomed the assembled teams, who eventually all changed into team colours, with a little added persuasion from Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3) and John I. Cline, the League Directors.
“We are hoping this year will be even better than the previous four years,” commented Mrs Fraser, who added “and it’s up to you the fans and you the players to make it a smooth operating season.”
Discipline comes first
Hon Mr Fraser added that the League operates under a zero-tolerance policy as governed by rules, regulations, a constitution and bylaws.
“The league was created to catch the attention of the youth, build character within them and teach the importance of being a team player, then we can teach you discipline and keep you out of trouble. Discipline comes first though and myself and the Bishop are both no nonsense people."
Hon Fraser reminded that any infraction of the rules can result in players being suspended from the league. “And you will sit out the suspension. The reason we are doing this is to make sure you learn what it takes to become a productive citizen in our society.”
2016 Awards
Most Points in the Junior League 2016 went to Elroy Bollers, Most Rebounds went to K’Ntenay Maduro, Most Assists, Requan Garraway, Most Blocks, Emerson Kettoy, Best Guards were Elroy Bollers and Garraway, Best Forwards, Maduro and Kettoy, whilst 2016 MVP was Bollers.
In the Senior Division, of course the Splash Brothers received their 2016 Champions rings, Most Assists was Rowan Victor of West Gunners, Most Blocks went to Dextroy D. Manswell of Bayside Blazers, Juan R. Hatchet picked up the Most Rebounds award, Most Steals went to Sean ‘Chino’ Woods and Most Points went to Nathaniel J. Malone.

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