50% increase in new HIV cases reported in VI- Levons-Clarke
According to the Coordinator of the National AIDS Programme, Noelene Levons-Clarke, this reinforces the need to scale up sexual health promotion specifically to the older cross section of the VI population via the health sector, work places, faith-based organisations and via the media.
Speaking at Government House on Friday November 22, 2013 at the fundraising auction held by the HIV/AIDS Foundation, Mrs Levons-Clarke said the 50% rise in the number of new infections over the last year does not necessarily mean that HIV is on the rise in the Virgin Islands.
“Compared to previous years, we have increased access to HIV/AIDS counseling and testing within the health sector and have been diligent with contact tracing so that persons who have been infected with HIV over the last ten years now know their status,” Mrs Levons-Clarke stated.
According to the National AIDS Programme, the first case of HIV was reported in the VI in June 1985 and that 114 cases of HIV were reported at the end of October 2013. The number of reported cases between June 1985 and December 2007 was 67. There were nine new cases reported in 2008 and 2009 respectively, 7 in 2010, 6 in 2011, 5 in 2012 and 11 so far for this year.
Since 1995 there have been a total of 38 AIDS related deaths. Five babies were born to women living with HIV, two of which tested positive. One infant died in 2006 and the other is still alive on anti-retroviral treatment.
“Of the 41 persons living with HIV, 20 males and 21 females that access care and treatment locally, all are on anti-retroviral treatment. 36 clients are prescribed first line treatment, and 5 are on second line therapy… Many other clients access care and treatment in the United States Virgin Islands, Puerto Rico, the US mainland, the Eastern Caribbean and Europe,” Mrs Levons-Clarke added.
Meanwhile, a moment of silence was observed for the 38 persons who have died from AIDS related illnesses in the Virgin Islands. Balloons were also released into the air as a sign of remembrance and persons were asked to whisper a prayer for the deceased on releasing the balloons at Government House.
The auction was hosted by Acting Governor Mrs V. Inez Archibald and Foundation Patron Mrs Jennie McCleary. Both Governor McCleary and Mrs McCleary were said to be out of the territory.
Mrs Archibald thanked Mr and Mrs McCleary for allowing the use of Government House for the fundraising activity and added that the couple has been “extremely generous in opening their homes to all sorts of charities and foundations to raise funds and I believe their hearts are with us this evening.”
She also thanked the HIV/AIDS Foundation for its noble efforts and said there was much wisdom in the multi-sector approach to its fundraising as no entity could do it alone.

18 Responses to “50% increase in new HIV cases reported in VI- Levons-Clarke”
Too much b**ty man in dey place
It is common in the region for a man or even a woman to have a main thing and one or more side things. And the side things may in turn have one or more side things. This is a deadly sexual pepper pot. We need to take AIDS seriously and change our promiscuous behavior. At least we need to acknowledge that AIDS is a KILLER.
To my beloved sisters, I say that if your partner has a roving eye and is whoring around, you must put things in lockdown. Secondly, if you still want to fool around and he does not want to wrap it up, you must lock it up. Sisters be strong . Abstinence is a better choice than living a life of heartache, pain, suffering, torture, regret and ultimately a premature death . You have an obligation to protect your health. Stay alive.