4000 Filipino workforce in VI more than population of VG— Skelton-Cline

He was speaking on his March 4, 2025, broadcast of Honestly Speaking on ZBVI 780 AM, where the political commentator referred to the growing expatriate population, particularly among Filipino workers, and warned of the potential long-term consequences for native Virgin Islanders.
“They tell me the report reflects that we now have some 4,000 Filipinos employed, living in the Virgin Islands; That’s more than the population of Virgin Gorda.”
The population of Virgin Gorda is said to be about 4000.
Expressing an appreciation for the Filipino community, Mr Skelton-Cline said his concerns were directed at the broader issue of immigration governance.
“I love me our Filipino brothers and sisters, so Filipinos, I want you to know, this ain’t for you, this is for us right now... what I’m going to say is not disparaging against our Filipino brothers and sisters, what I’m going to say is about us.”
Immigration problem
With this in mind, he reiterated that the large expatriate workforce in the Territory, which spans some 122 nationalities, had resulted from the needs of the VI’s economy, and lamented the government’s failure to enforce immigration regulations that ensure a balance between incoming workers and the interests of Virgin Islanders.
“We have not been able to enforce any immigration rule, law, principle, precept that says after three years or after whatever amount of years, you have to leave the country and come back and your time ends and have to begin afresh.”
He also warned that prolonged stays by expatriates have naturally led to claims for rights and privileges, which he said could not be ignored, “Because once you let people sit here for X amount of years, then they’re looking for rights, rewards, and privileges just like everybody else and they would have a right to do so because we have not put in place and enforced the mechanism—the triggers that move people out and move people in accordingly.”
Virgin Islanders becoming a minority
Another of the key issues raised by Skelton-Cline during his broadcast was the diminishing presence of native Virgin Islanders in their own country, warning that they (Virgin Islanders) could soon become a minority if immigration policies were not properly addressed.
“We are going to continue to be a decreasing minority in a majority country that is not Virgin Islanders.”
Calling for greater awareness and empathy from the wider expatriate community on the issue, he reasoned, “...now the rest of you, my white brothers and sisters, my other 121 nationalities. This is not against you, but it’s for you to understand and begin to appreciate and empathise with the implications.”
Framing immigration as a global issue; however, Pastor Skelton-Cline noted, “... you see, belongership in the whole world, immigration, the sense of belonging, is the new and biggest problem in the earth. It’s not just with us.”
He was nonetheless pellucid, the priority should be preserving the Virgin Islands for its native people, “We must be unapologetic and unashamed about that; I can’t go to Poland and do certain things. I can’t go to St Kitts and do certain things. I can’t go to the UK and do certain things. You are here. We need you to appreciate what that means.”

109 Responses to “4000 Filipino workforce in VI more than population of VG— Skelton-Cline”
talking about a community
Your statement demonstrates that BVIslanders worked in another country for a time and then returned home. Please follow suit.
If it were more than 4,000 then every 6th person in the Territory would be Filipino!!!
Comment is reckless. The BVI needs more immigration. It just needs to be welcome and controlled. Racism works in many ways you know. Don’t throw stones if you live in glass house
And get your facts straight 3/4 are coming in for accountant, trust, skilled tradesman, manager jobs and the others domestic where some aim straight for husbands.
RECOMMENDATION: Try them for yourself. If you hire one - 60% chance they will stress you into releasing them so they can go to the job they really wanted. Hire - more than one in the same company and they will gang up on you so fast you will get rid of them.
They represent the group with the highest job turnover in bvi.
And a last fact for you, they have a very well oiled advice system. the reason why they are 4000+ is the employers cannot afford to pay $3000 to send them packing back to Philippines. So the stay and dominate the system.
Work with a few and that they are all nice tune will change quickly..
Businesses like Western Union and VI Motors have Filipinos filling entry-level positions under work permits, while recent graduates are struggling to find employment. It’s not that they don’t want to work—they simply can’t because the jobs are already taken.
I don’t understand why work permits continue to be issued when there are capable individuals already here who can do these jobs. When young people leave, it’s often because their own country isn’t providing them with the opportunities to grow. Jobs are being outsourced, limiting local prospects. This issue needs to be addressed.
Mr. Claude Skelton Cline is right on top of things on this issue. This critical problem that is being high lightening is crucial to the natives, residents and belongers of the B.V.I. the question remains, when will the employed, Gvernment Cabinet leaders away from their slumbering sleep?
We should not allowed a feeling of caring for others needs and want take preimminence over our main duty of taking care of our own people needs.
Politically speaking, VIP stands for Virgin Island Party. It can also stands for very important persons. Not only those, but it can also stands for: Very ignorant party.
A person, or let us say, or people are ignorant in only two ways. 1. He or she does not know. 2. He or she know, but chose and does opposite of what is known.
The two biggest problems that hinders progress in and country are lack of knowledge, the failure to activate known knowledge.
May we all submit to God's righteousness,
2. Monitor during nights and administer medications as needed.
3. Prepare meals
4. Assist in taking patient for doctor visits when necessary.
5. Be a loving kind considerate companion and ensure the daily comfort of your elderly relative.
6. House keeper to execute daily activites like keeping the house clean, to include; laundry.
Put your AD in the papers for such a person and see how many locals will apply. When you comolete this exercise please use this medium to let us know.
Businesses in the past enquired at the High School for school leavers before graduation, right now is a good time for that, and the school sent their brightest and best to be interviewed and that's how many of us were hired. Now persons are hired by one expat sharing that they have a friend and introducing them to their employer. It is wrong. It is very wrong. The poor young people don't stand a chance in a system like that. So they ride around on motorcycles idle and the little girls sit at home. Some of them have graduated from HLSCC and sent out 20 odd letters and not one reply. I have assisted many with their resumes, so I know. This is wrong. There is no reciprocity in this. We cannot send our children to Santo Domingo, Jamaica or the Phillipines to find work.
The remaining 3 locals were a bag of tricks. Always trying to find a way out of work but seeking higher pay.
The minister for Labor and other members of Cabinet is not seeing it's time to put a hold on work permits and work with who we have. They are speaking about indigenous people we hardly have any indigenous people it's a nation without any roots because we have been overtaken by greed.
Apartments rent have gotten sky high. Yes I am not saying expats are not welcome because am one, but no country should have more expats than natives
It's all because of money. When will we open our eyes. When it's too late
They in da place like r*** they are everywhere the cap should be put on Nowwwwwww
Everywhere u go u see them 9 of them in a 2 bedroom apartment really
No more
Some here dressing up nicely and you think they working. Not a piece of work except studing to see how they could con people and rob them. Time for this territory to get militant. We need an boots on the grounds like Trump orders hate him or like him he told the american people he was going to do it and he kept his word. We got to many criminals walking and driving our streets.
They are just like them only undercover. Remember both countries where conquered by Spain. The Santos open about it but the fillipinos are undercover. Don’t let the smiles and polite demeanor fool you.
Based on the numbers processed by the Philippine Embassy, there is an estimated number of 1000 Filipinos in the territory.
BVI Census Office is still in the process of collecting data for the territory. Once that has been completed, the most recent figures would be posted.
Thank you,
Richard Cister
TFABVI Vice President Internal
Dr. Christine Harry
The Filipino Association of British Virgin Islands (President)
Personally, I'm more concerned about the seclusionary nature of some expats. They don't like the people. They don't like the culture. They just want the money. It's not a healthy mentality to foster.
However, some folks may have the “power”, but not the desire!
Labor department is easily bought on VG and in Tortola. Not only for larger companies but for individuals that don’t have the community’ s interest at heart. I’ve even heard of employers intimidating yheir workers because of how deeply bought out these systems are.
The locals are fighting for resources. They are being sold out.
1. People here don’t want to do their jobs because of the nature of the work and wages offered.
2. Employers here don’t want to hire local people, possibly having something to do with tardiness, lack of productivity and general disinterest except for the paycheque. That could be mitigated by offering better wages.
Love .Filipinos though they are such nice ppl and give great cusyomer service but one must wonder what will happen to the bvi ppl looking for work?
They are the best from any anglez!!!
Trump agrees and he has put the word out.
Their children aren't carrying guns to school,drug running or prostitution.
They are civil.
They are notccreatjng poverty rnvlaves.zTheir children aren't hanging outside on. The corners..no break ins, loud music.
You don't know they are on the island unless you see them at work...diligent and on time.
From me,they ar the best.!!!!!!
Hire 4 people from the same areas and they will gang up on you each time. Serves you bosses right for not hiring your local youth.
Mass migration movements of people migrating because of crime and violence, people seeking a better life or people just looking for work
Overseas Filipino workers (OFW) sent over
USD $38.34 billion in remittances back to the Philippines in 2024, marking a 3% increase from the USD $37.21 billion recorded in 2023
Vi living in the USA or ENGLAND
now that you know so much. BADMIDED
And some are VERY VERY rude. Don't let that yes ma'am no ma'am BS fool you! They do not integrate with the local population and have NO interest doing so.
What's worse is that they have started having children here who ACTUALLY hold Virgin Islands passports while their parents is on time.
I don't know what the head of labor and immigration doing but a cap to the amount permits granted should be in place (no more than 500). In addition, they shouldn't be allowed to reside in the territory longer than 5 years.
WE HAVE TO TAKE CONTROL! They done have an Asian supermarket which means the population here can sustain it. They could hold basketball tournaments and have many teams without the need to include any other nationality. TOO LATE SHALL BE THE BVI CRIES.