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32 recruits complete 6-month basic police training

- Cohort 6 consisted 14 constables & 18 auxiliaries
Some 32 new police officers are now officially on duty in the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF), signaling their completion of six months of basic police training. Photo: RVIPF
Recipient of the President’s Award for Excellence for Best Recruit, the Commissioner’s Award for Best Recruit and the DCP Award for Best All-Around Recruit was Constable Keimar Greene, left. Right is Commissioner of Police Mark Collins. Photo: RVIPF
Recipient of the President’s Award for Excellence for Best Recruit, the Commissioner’s Award for Best Recruit and the DCP Award for Best All-Around Recruit was Constable Keimar Greene, left. Right is Commissioner of Police Mark Collins. Photo: RVIPF
The Commandant’s Award for Best Auxiliary and Highest Academic Achievement went to Auxilliary Ronesha Jackson. Photo: RVIPF
The Commandant’s Award for Best Auxiliary and Highest Academic Achievement went to Auxilliary Ronesha Jackson. Photo: RVIPF
PARAQUITA BAY, Tortola, VI – Some 32 new police officers are now officially on duty in the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF), signaling their completion of six months of basic police training.

The commencement ceremony of Cohort 6 was held on the lawns of H. Lavity Stoutt Community College (HLSCC) in Paraquita Bay on Thursday, May 18, 2023.

Cohort 6 is made up of 14 constables and 18 auxiliaries, with an even number of males as females.

The new officers are expected to fill vacancies in the newly restarted community policing division which is intended to forge greater or more lasting relations between the public and the Force.

“This boost in the number of officers will also provide more visibility on the streets and needed public assurance,” the Royal Virgin Islands Police Force (RVIPF) stated in a press release on May 22, 2023.

Constable Keimar Greene is Best Recruit

Recipient of the President’s Award for Excellence for Best Recruit, the Commissioner’s Award for Best Recruit and the DCP Award for Best All-Around Recruit was Constable Keimar Greene.

The Commandant’s Award for Best Auxiliary and Highest Academic Achievement went to Auxilliary Ronesha Jackson.

Awards were also given to officers who excelled in the areas of academic excellence, integrity, perseverance, drills, leadership, discipline, evidence gathering, and physical fitness.

His Excellency the Governor John J. Rankin, CMG, Commissioner of Police Mark Collins, and HLSCC President Dr Richard W.E. Georges offered their commendations and support while celebrating with the new officers, instructors, serving officers and the many families and friends in attendance.

The keynote speaker was Head of the Financial Investigation Agency, Mr Errol George.

26 Responses to “32 recruits complete 6-month basic police training”

  • vex (23/05/2023, 10:26) Like (54) Dislike (8) Reply
    The police get the most resources yet they are the most incompetent
  • Jobs for young people (23/05/2023, 10:44) Like (23) Dislike (3) Reply
    This branch of Govt seems to be doing the most hiring...The pay is good.....Hope these young people make the best of it.. Continue to work, learn, be discipline and respectful, put the effort in...
    • @Jobs for young people (23/05/2023, 13:58) Like (8) Dislike (7) Reply
      (This branch of Govt seems to be doing the most hiring.) I don't think it's the pay... are they still given early immigration status to police officers? If so, maybe that's one incentive, plus how much work do they truly do?
  • WOW (23/05/2023, 10:46) Like (17) Dislike (21) Reply
    Send them to Haiti because I don’t see what they are doing in the bvi.
  • Mike (23/05/2023, 11:56) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    How do I sign up?
  • guess wha? (23/05/2023, 12:03) Like (16) Dislike (10) Reply
    Only two are locals
  • hmm (23/05/2023, 12:05) Like (13) Dislike (26) Reply
    Another batch of incompetents
  • a new way to beat the system (23/05/2023, 12:07) Like (14) Dislike (23) Reply
    32 who dont require work-permits along with free medical
    • @ a new way .... (23/05/2023, 12:22) Like (17) Dislike (3) Reply
      32 who you will expect to face the armed thugs with a night stick and a taser! Go join the force and face the challenge if you so want the free medical coverage.
  • congrat (23/05/2023, 12:14) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
  • Winston (23/05/2023, 12:17) Like (17) Dislike (2) Reply
    more police officers yet crime spiraling out of control try put more police officers in view of the public send a message to those that are messing up the place
  • kudos (23/05/2023, 12:39) Like (38) Dislike (2) Reply
    Congratulations to our new police officers and auxiliaries. Ignore the naysayers and serve your community with integrity and excellence. Deal with everyone with respect and without discrimination, regardless of where they are from or their station in life. Don't become arrogant. Hopefully you will be a cohort that will help to overcome the suspicion and scepticism which many people in the territory have toward law enforcement. Best of luck and be safe as you go about your duties.
  • tola (23/05/2023, 15:03) Like (26) Dislike (4) Reply
    Set of new officers to sex with each other like how they always do and don't do no work.
    • hmm (23/05/2023, 19:15) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      Man U hit the nail on the head especially how the expats lol and those philipinos darm.
    • @Tola.. Truth. How you know (24/05/2023, 05:31) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      That's been a slack, irresponsible and an in discipline Practice from way back.. It needs to stop..I was an Officer, I saw it, and hated it. 'Can't tell anyone who to date or who to love, that's a free choice' but I always thought that an officer having an open intimated relationship with another officer who is known to be married should be a discipline matter that the force needs to rid of from its midst.. Plus Intimacy on police campus of any kind with anyone should be a no, no.. I saw that a lot especially doing night shifts...Time for Integrity to take priority..
  • Me (23/05/2023, 16:29) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    Please come and shift these fat lazy women in VG to some other place.
  • Go Keimar (23/05/2023, 16:31) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Pride and industry.
  • Hy (23/05/2023, 17:01) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    Just now you will see none of them on the road. Their friends will put them in some specialist department to nurse mediocrity.
  • wellsa (23/05/2023, 18:35) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Are we creating a police state? The police department is ineffective so what is the use?
  • NICK (23/05/2023, 18:58) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    I would like to say those that are new the police force are a bunch of idiots,they come here with their stupid mentality from other country,some of those cannot drive,yet they tell you how to drive,I was giving a ticket for seat belt on Sunday night although I was wearing my seat belt,telling lies wouldn't go far in life,I am waiting for those officers who doesn't wear belt and I will take pictures and post it on bvi community board,who vex,vex with their own face,they are not exempt from the law..15 years an now giving a ticket for something I didn't do isn't right,and to top it off when I ask for his supervisor he said go look for him,I will report him to higher authority,I have his name and number,them jamaican coming here to my country and telling me crap wouldn't work.
  • ok (23/05/2023, 20:42) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    You wont see locals filling these positions until weed is legal. What's the point if grandpa is a rasta now you are labeled a corrupt officer for not arresting 25% of the community.
  • ok (24/05/2023, 10:31) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    That is 25% of the community they grew up with & went to school with too. If all 32 were local and looking out for crimes locals acknowledge and not supporting neocolonial oppression dictated by what old time colonial master allows... then this place would be cleaned up I assure you. A local knows who is who way better than an expat whos here a couple years or months and can deescalate a situation in a way foreigners wont be accustomed to do.

    Iv been made to feel uncomfortable and called a liar by foreign cops simply out for a walk. They eventually left because they had no cause to stop me but it was a sad situation of racial profiling in my own neighborhood of decades. I have never lived anywhere else to be seen as stranger questioned & 2 minutes from my house on a walk. Perhaps if this was the US they would have pulled guns, again for no reason other than seeing citizens as walking threats.

    Some of them are waste of time just into oppression of people for money like a mercenary.

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