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$2.5M Burt Point Wastewater Treatment Plant re-commissioned

The Government of the Virgin Islands (VI) on Friday, April 12, 2024, recommissioned the Burt Point Wastewater Treatment Plant at Burt Point in the Virgin Islands. Photo: Biwater
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) speaking at the recommissioning of the Burt Point Wastewater Treatment Plant on April 12, 2024. Photo: Facebook
Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) speaking at the recommissioning of the Burt Point Wastewater Treatment Plant on April 12, 2024. Photo: Facebook
Damaged since the hurricanes of 2017, which resulted in raw sewage flowing into the sea, the plant was repaired for $2,594,317.86 through an agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands via the Ministry of Communications and Works with Biwater International Limited. Photo: Biwater
Damaged since the hurricanes of 2017, which resulted in raw sewage flowing into the sea, the plant was repaired for $2,594,317.86 through an agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands via the Ministry of Communications and Works with Biwater International Limited. Photo: Biwater
Minster for Communications and Works Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5) speaking at the recommissioning of the Burt Point Wastewater Treatment Plant on April 12, 2024. Photo: Facebook
Minster for Communications and Works Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5) speaking at the recommissioning of the Burt Point Wastewater Treatment Plant on April 12, 2024. Photo: Facebook
The agreement allowed Biwater International Ltd to procure the necessary equipment and material to replace the damaged equipment and materials at the plant. Photo: Biwater
The agreement allowed Biwater International Ltd to procure the necessary equipment and material to replace the damaged equipment and materials at the plant. Photo: Biwater
BURT POINT, Tortola, VI– The Government of the Virgin Islands (VI) on Friday, April 12, 2024, recommissioned the Burt Point Wastewater Treatment Plant at Burt Point in the Virgin Islands.

Damaged since the hurricanes of 2017, which resulted in raw sewage flowing into the sea, the plant was repaired for $2,594,317.86 through an agreement between the Government of the Virgin Islands via the Ministry of Communications and Works with Biwater International Limited.

The agreement allowed Biwater International Ltd to procure the necessary equipment and material to replace the damaged equipment and materials at the plant.

Speaking at the re-commissioning, Premier and Minister of Finance Dr the Hon Natlio D. Wheatley R7) said, “This is a very good day. It is a welcome day for us, as we see that this sewage treatment plant has been re-commissioned here, after it was damaged in the 2017 hurricanes. 

“I know that the member for the Third District is exceedingly pleased, because we will not see that raw sewage going out into the harbour as it was before, and I think that's something that we can all rejoice about,” the Premier said.

Keep plant functional - Hon Fraser 

Third District Representative and Opposition Member Hon Julian Fraser RA (R3), who had been vocal about the situation at the plant, called for authorities to do what is necessary to keep the plant functional.

Meanwhile, Hon Wheatley said his government is committed to solving the infrastructural challenges being experienced by the people of the Virgin Islands and high on that list are sewage, roads and water.

“So delayed is not denied. Of course, we know sometimes these things take longer than we want to but the Minister for Communications and Works and this entire government, we remain resilient, and we continue to push until we get to our ultimate goal, which is ensuring that the people of the Virgin Islands have the standard of living that they deserve,” he said in thanking all involved with the project. 

Also present at the ceremony was Minister for Communications and Works Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5), who spoke about the importance of the plant, ahead of receiving the manual for the plant in a ceremonial handover by the Biwater International Ltd Project Manager, Mr Richard F. Smith.

14 Responses to “$2.5M Burt Point Wastewater Treatment Plant re-commissioned”

  • long live fraser (15/04/2024, 11:16) Like (1) Dislike (8) Reply
    For bringing Bi-Water here.
    • NDP and Ocean Conversion (15/04/2024, 13:20) Like (0) Dislike (5) Reply
      Would've never done that.
      • @NDP and Ocean Conversion (17/04/2024, 18:59) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        He process was started with NDP. I beg anyone from VIP to say different.
    • @ long live fraser (15/04/2024, 21:07) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Dwelling on the past will continue to divided us. I prefer to have future candidates like Willock and sandy
  • Fam (15/04/2024, 11:28) Like (0) Dislike (6) Reply
    Told you all the vip was jamming watch us work baby
  • who (15/04/2024, 13:28) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    is BiWater?
  • Some good news!! (15/04/2024, 13:33) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Finally we have a wprking Sewerage Treatment Plant!! Looking forward to have the one at Paraquita also operational!!

    Let's hope that the plant is properly managed now!
  • SCB (15/04/2024, 14:30) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Does this mean the outfall just west of Prospect Reef will be less foul and disgusting and unhealthy for south shore residents and fisherfolk?

    • @SCB (16/04/2024, 13:03) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Yes, lots of people fish those shores and, I imagine, eat the fish they catch. It is worrisome!
  • Concerned (15/04/2024, 14:32) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    The plant is not working. It stinks on the whole of the burt point area. There is no was they could have opened this plant without coughing on the stench. Another government project not being managed correctly.
  • Lessness (15/04/2024, 15:52) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Another example of Lessness, taking 6 years to recommission a critical wastewater treatment plant. 6 six years of unnecessarily dumping raw sewage into pristine waters. Is the seafood, ie, whelks, conchs, fish, etc caught down stream of the outfall tested before being allowed for consumption. Talking about testing, will the discharge from the plant and outfall be tested? And if so to what standard, ie, PEL? Further, now that the plant is back in operations, will it be effectively operated, ie, properly staffed, operated, maintained, etc?
  • WEW (15/04/2024, 15:54) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    A NORMAL person would be embarrassed going to a “recommissioning” of sewage plant that has been inoperable for 7 years dumping poo directly into the sea. Then again it was the hurricanes fault not his… again
  • hmm (15/04/2024, 16:39) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Finally all of Road Town’s chit wont be floating off SCB
  • See (15/04/2024, 17:26) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    Seven years .... But lots of parties and first class travel.

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