23 COVID-19 related deaths in VI

According to the Ministry of Health and Social Development in a press release today, July 20, 2021, the deceased are a 50-year-old female who died on July 18, a 71-year-old male, a 66-year-old female a 41-year-old female and a 74-year-female who died on July 19, and a 67-year-old male who died today.
"Five persons died at the Dr D. Orlando Smith Hospital and one person died at home," the press release stated.
Minister for Health and Social Development Honourable Carvin Malone (AL) expressed condolences to the families and friends of those who are hurting and mourning the loss of their loved ones on behalf of the Government of the Virgin Islands.
“This is a difficult time for all of us here in the Territory. We have never seen a situation like this unfold. I pray that God continues to grant us favour and mercy to see us through this very troubling time,” he said.
VI to get support from team of over 45 doctors
Honourable Malone further stated, “We met with a team of over 45 doctors, who have pledged their support and we are calling on the nurses active, retired, at home or abroad to lend their services and support at this very important moment.”
As of July 18, 2021, confirmed active cases had fallen to 1,604 in the Territory with a reduction in daily increase in new cases.
Acting Chief Medical Officer Dr Ronald E. Georges said, “Persons who test positive for COVID-19 need to disclose their positive status especially if they live in a household with other people. We are seeing a number of occurrences of persons not disclosing and therefore endangering persons around them.”
Vaccination drive continues
Operation Protect Each Other Vaccination Drive-Thru which was launched last weekend remains in effect. Persons seeking their first or second jab of the AstraZeneca vaccine can do so from July 20 to 24, 2021, on the Festival Grounds between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm.
"Reduce your risk of contracting COVID-19 by washing and/or sanitising your hands (~20 seconds), wearing masks properly, physically distancing (>3ft) and covering coughs and sneezes regardless of your vaccination status," the Health Ministry said.

62 Responses to “23 COVID-19 related deaths in VI”
Really proud of everyone involved in the vaccine drive. We will get through because of your participation.
Give thanks.
Please BVI, get to the drive thru and get vaccinated, protect each other and save lives.
The healthcare staff have to see all of these people die, they have to hold their hands and they have to tell their families. So for the healthcare workers and the families and yourself - join Operation Protect One Another and get vaccinated. And to all the nurses, and police and other front line workers that have been waiting to get the vaccine, that time has now come. Please don’t wait any longer, get VACCINATED.
No vaccine, quarantine or get fine
Put barricades, check people, charge big $$$
Living proof that the vaccine can save your life.
Praying that people make the choice to get themselves vaccinated.
If they did you and your fellow countrymen would be enjoying the blessings of your country instead of going out into other countries and contributing to the demise of its people and their country one way or another.
You drank Stupid Bush
It not good for good sense.
God Created man, and gave him knowledge and wisdom to use for his own good, but many among us have chosen ignorance, false speculations, false belief, and unproven methods, in hope that they protect from the deadly effects of the covid-19 virus.
Anti-covid-19 vaccine is only proven medical help against the deadly covid-19 virus. Unproven methods is useless.
I beg of you that have not as gotton the two (2) vaccinations jabs, please take them as soon as possible.
God help thoss that use the help to help themselves.
Do the wise thing, today.
Blessings rather than cursings. Life rather than death.
Chose life.
God loves you.
Rwanda did this well. They are building health and activity, education and stewardship of their own environment into their lives. Now they are beating big countries at all sorts.
BVI is hurting! Due to greed and foolishness we are in this state. How much longer for the leaders to do what they need to do? Remember to Test and Quarantine all inbound travellers until you have negative results. The BVI had little to zero cases for more than a year. Cases were imported and allowed to spread due to slackness. BVI Government step up to the plate and do what you know is right.
Something is not right: Is it the Delta Variant?
Before the vaccine rollout there were no spikes like these numbers in many Caribbean islands, and other countries. Note the spikes are highest in countries that resist the vaccines.
I remember in 2020, patients were treated with the Hydro. Zinc, etc…..no deaths and full recoveries in some islands. This treatment was prohibited from being used by the WHO, CDC, PAHO. Soon after came the vaccines, then extreme spikes in cases and deaths.
It would be interesting to know what treatment was used in the BVI prior to the spikes, and when was it discontinued?
Remember when we were all in the same boat fighting this together, 24hr lockdowns etc. without vaccines…..The New Normal…..Before the vaccines…Now we are so divided globally. The Vax vs the Unvax
Divide and Conquer
Pay careful attention to the next six months, be very vigilant. 12/21/21
Imagine if when we had the vaccines first available everyone eligible had taken it....our borders would be fully open, every hotel and charter boat would be booked and all we would be crying about is how we don't have enough workers and trying to get the labourers that were sent home back again.
Would we have deaths? Yes, statistically we would have had 1 instead of the current 23. That sounds damm good to me.
They have every reason to wish it so, as Merck would make millions (AstraZeneca has made $275 million in the first 1/4 of 2021 on the vaccine alone).
Yet they have not approved it for this use. I have looked at the data and yes the are trends in certain sample groups (in vitro) that would suggest efficacy but again, it has not been approved specifically for this use and it's effects are not comparable to taking a vaccine for long term protection, nor is it as effective in the prevention of death.
They (Merck) have a financial incentive to say that it is an effective treatment but yet they have not. Why do you think that is?
They are committed to testing but even they will tell you it is not comparable to taking the vaccine.
Ivermectin is not a sufficient substitute to taking the vaccine. It is being tested as an *additional treatment* on the basis that it *might* inhibit the ability of the virus to bind to the receptors that allow it to enter our cells but the vaccine makes your own body produce antibodies which will naturally kill the virus, long term.
Ergo, the vaccine will remain the better option, particularly into the future.
I would advise you to stop getting your information from right-wing hacks and really dig into the science behind how these things work.
If you cannot trust the very company that makes the drug you are touting then why do you trust the Facebook group you heard about it in?
Any corporation would jump at the chance to pick up the huge contracts going out for the prevention of this disease. Yet they (Merck) have not.
I know I haven't changed your mind but I do hope some other people who may have thought about what you are saying will now look for themselves at why the vaccine is the choice countless doctors worldwide have made for their patients and why Merck hasn't stepped up to offer their drug as an alternative.
The science isn't there.
Kiss your unstable minded MS. You smoking that grass that got you talking sh** but your time coming!
No vaccine for me and my entire extended family, it cannot sure you so why bother to take it?
Too many lies secrecy and cover up with that vaccine people, most of you will come to regret taking it, mark my words.
Mt entire family are like the 3 Hebrew boys, we will not bow down, most of the fake deads were morbidly obesed and have other issues.
People if you do not stand up for what you believe in then you'll fall for bs, something is wrong with the vaccine and our Governments know it.
My half sister is an RN so why she refused to take it?
We don't want it and no one can fired me either, well all have rights, we are not sheep.
Don’t take it , who cares, just don’t come whining when you or someone you know goes down with it.
All the dead are unvaccinated.
No vaccinated people have died.
Two years in a global pandemic it’s inconceivable there is no mainstream recommendation other than to take the $vaccine.
Many medications are derived from natural bio chemicals which are artificially recreated to form a new medication.
Natural medicine is smeared as as fake while the capitalist scientific and pharmaceutical industries gatekeep healing.
Iv never been prescribed a plant in place of or in conjunction to pharmaceutical medication which is made affordable solely due to insurance.
Meanwhile humans have been accumulating knowledge of natural substance for thousands of years.
It’s about the money the doctors are used as good drug dealers... natural remedies are unapproved some are illegal woah, meanwhile artificial remedies are approved often with side effects. If not for the money all forms of valid remedies should be prescribed.
G E T. M O R E. N U R S E S.
Heaven and Earth...
Which is One Singular Being...
Why are we also Reading Now let (US) Create (Man)
Apparently We do not have the correct information at
Our Disposal...????
We are now inclined to pray to God as if God has
No idea of what is actually Taking Place at
Present on Earth (God) Created....????
The Thought might Not have occurred to Us that
The Creators of Heaven and Earth Can have an
(AGENDA)... And apparently We Not Privy to the