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22 nationals of SVG stuck in VI return home

- repatriation was done by SVG Gov’t with support from VI Gov't
Twenty-two (22) Vincentians returned from the [British] Virgin Islands on Wednesday, May 6, 2020 at the Argyle International Airport (AIA). Photo:
The return of the Vincentians from the Virgin Islands was facilitated by the Ralph E. Gonsalves Government. Photo: WIC News
The return of the Vincentians from the Virgin Islands was facilitated by the Ralph E. Gonsalves Government. Photo: WIC News
ARGYLE, St Vincent & The Grenadines- Twenty-two nationals of St Vincent and the Grenadines (SVG), who were in the [British] Virgin Islands and were unable to return to their country due to the coronavirus pandemic, were returned home on Wednesday, May 6, 2020.

The return of the Vincentians was facilitated by the Ralph E. Gonsalves Government with support from the Government of the Virgin Islands.

The 22 persons landed at the Argyle International Airport (AIA) and were welcomed by Chief Medical Officer (CMO), Dr Simone Keizer-Beache, among other health professionals, who walked them through registration and health checks.

According to the CMO, they had information on these persons prior to arrival in Saint Vincent and the Grenadines. 

“We had information on them. We required that they submitted their names, their passport numbers to verify they are Vincentians and then we went through a process of determining whether or not their homes were appropriate for quarantine, that you have a bedroom and bathroom, preferably to yourself,” Dr Keizer-Beache said.


SVG Minister of Health Robert Theodore Luke Vincent Browne, speaking during a press conference on May 7, 2020, said 18 from the group were able to self-quarantine while the other four are under quarantine at a public facility. 

Minister Browne stated the government is also working hard to facilitate the safe return home of Vincentian crew members on cruise ships. 

He added a significant number of sailors from cruise ships are expected to be home at the end of the month and assured protocols are in place. 

St Vincent and the Grenadines currently has eight active COVID-19 cases.

102 Responses to “22 nationals of SVG stuck in VI return home”

  • great news (10/05/2020, 08:24) Like (20) Dislike (34) Reply
    We more of them to go back down the island. Especially those unemployed
    • Smith (10/05/2020, 08:42) Like (43) Dislike (0) Reply
      I think is best for those who unemployed to leave if they can’t support themselves but if them can and have jobs I don’t see a reason them should.
    • Man of the People (10/05/2020, 12:45) Like (23) Dislike (0) Reply
      This is what I like about Ralph. He looks after his people.
      • P (11/05/2020, 17:44) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        Ours only look out for us before Election it my people after election it the cabinet made a decision. We always say the young people don't hear and they do what they want. The same thing with the Cabinet they are the same.
      • ReX FeRal (12/05/2020, 20:40) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply

        And when the Premier Fahue look after Virgin islanders a lot of you expats b*t*h and have a lot to say .

    • Trying (10/05/2020, 21:27) Like (4) Dislike (5) Reply
      ungrateful nasty people. When you need them to build your houses and clean your assets they are good enough.
      • @trying (12/05/2020, 14:59) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
        Naaahh, its fine we dont need yall for that either. The bvi was a cleaner and better place before it got over crowded with expats. And more than half dont even like it here. If you dont like the island or the ppl go to where you are comfortable. Why cause yourself suffering by being here?
  • VG (10/05/2020, 08:25) Like (10) Dislike (51) Reply

     I hope m***n wi*e was one of the 22 persons

    • Strupes hater (10/05/2020, 08:56) Like (15) Dislike (30) Reply
      Don’t worry she good and she will be First Lady in 2023
      • @Strupes hater (10/05/2020, 11:14) Like (6) Dislike (26) Reply
        Dream on darling if it makes you feel better. Jerez, is she that desperate for First Lady name and status? Funny man is Premier, the Vincys is going to run rampid and take over. My Dear Strupes hater, we locals is not about to let that happen.
    • student (10/05/2020, 12:52) Like (18) Dislike (3) Reply
      The Britsh Virgin Islands is divided into several casts. There are the "indigenous" Persons who could trace their ancestry to their Grand or even Great Grand Parents. These are those within that group who enjoy certain privileges based on their names. So if your name is so and so although you are "indigenous'" you are looked upon as being lower on the scale and may not enjoy certain parts of the cake. Then there are those who, just because of where they live, let's say Long Look, Jost Van Dyke, Anegada, or to some extent Virgin Gorda who are accepted as being "indigenous" but again are dealt with even lower on the scale. Let's move to another cast. Persons were born in the British Virgin Islands from expatriate parents. They are accepted as being "born here" but not "indigenous". They are mostly the ones who received cake after all the others are filled have eaten. Even then their qualification to eat is always questioned. We saw it several times when one Government was deemed as the Islands Government based on the fact that some of their candidates felled within this vein. Then there are the expatriates. You have the right to basically nothing, regardless of how long you reside here, deemed to be a belonger or Natraulised even worst if you are from the "Islands". I personally witnessed an incident where an animal went into a building it should not and an "Island
      person" attempted to drive it out and they were told by a Native that the animal, a dog, has more rights in the territory than they. I need not say more. On the other hand, I have seen BV Islanders who would give of their last to 'Island people" but these are the special few. In the end, one should always count the cost when moving to this Island. It is better to" leave them with their money, band your belly and die with dignity'' in your own country.
      • nonsense (10/05/2020, 13:34) Like (34) Dislike (6) Reply
        Unless you are Carib Indian you are not indigenous - it is only that your family has been here for a little longer than somebody else’s family - but we are all relatively recent arrivals and nobody comes close to being indigenous.
        • @nonsense (10/05/2020, 19:11) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
          Wrong...History lesson.

          1. Caribs never inhabited the BVI.
          2. The Tainos were all killed off by the Europeans. There is none in the BVI today.
          • The watchman (11/05/2020, 06:10) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
            Number 2 is not true. Not all were killed off, check the archives in St Thomas and Puerto Ric,, my familly can trace their Tiano heritage.
        • Comment (10/05/2020, 19:21) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
          Some people will change people’s history just to seem relevant, in order to stay in someone else’s nation. The power of the US Dollar!
      • Real Talk (10/05/2020, 15:11) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
        So right
      • @student (10/05/2020, 17:55) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
        Well said.
  • locals (10/05/2020, 08:26) Like (12) Dislike (11) Reply

    Let’s not complain that they left better for us

  • Behind the scenes (10/05/2020, 08:27) Like (24) Dislike (9) Reply
    I hear the government planning to send home some Jamaicans when the borders open. That’s real nice
    • civil servant (10/05/2020, 08:57) Like (15) Dislike (1) Reply
      I could attest to that they planning for them. Them think them living here without paying rent and bills. Nopeeee
    • True (10/05/2020, 20:54) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
      we at least the 4 that ran away from the quarantine area after the lady died, they had no paperwork thats why they ran
    • Trying (10/05/2020, 21:35) Like (3) Dislike (6) Reply
      its amazing that you hate them but copy their culture. Amazing
  • musa (10/05/2020, 08:27) Like (12) Dislike (11) Reply
    22 That’s not enough
    • True (10/05/2020, 20:57) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
      I want my employees from SVG & T&T to stay bu they have opted to leave after only 1 month of furlough with rent and utilities paid for them, now I have work and no one to employ live in $36k and people still complain they being treated badly and BVIslanders will not even take a job
      • Nads (11/05/2020, 14:15) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        What jobs do u have available. I’m sure I know a few persons looking for work until the tourism industry catches itself .. email me
  • Wowwww really (10/05/2020, 08:28) Like (14) Dislike (8) Reply

    Them ready to run home u******ful people but hey that’s what we locals wanted anyways.

    • @Wowwww really (10/05/2020, 12:10) Like (22) Dislike (0) Reply
      How to please you, people? You call for Island people to go home now they are doing so you calling them ungrateful. If the famed cities of Sodom and Gomorrah were allegedly destroyed because of wickedness surely this act must repeat itself!
  • Govt (10/05/2020, 08:29) Like (29) Dislike (28) Reply
    Government y’all want to move forward with this 1000 jobs in 1000 days for locals we need to start sending home a lot to get our locals in jobs.
    • lodger (10/05/2020, 16:18) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      I bet we wont hear much more about that!
    • @Govt (10/05/2020, 16:57) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
      I agree with you but here is the problem. 1000 jobs would have to leadership positions. BV Islanders don't work unless they are in charge. Even so when they do decide to work, the employment lasts only for a week or so, They will go home, and don't come back. The truth is while many local business owners are willing to hire their they know that is the problem.
    • Big Slick Willie (10/05/2020, 22:08) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
      There's so many technical jobs local people can't even do. Other countries are trying that local only thing and are realizing that the work ethic and knowledge just isn't there. Cute little romantic thought though.
  • bvi (10/05/2020, 08:30) Like (15) Dislike (6) Reply

    Less mu****s and cutting th***ts now. Thank you st Vincent prime minister

    • old (10/05/2020, 09:13) Like (17) Dislike (2) Reply
      To much Jamaican here and not working and no permit. And bag.on there back all the time Easy to catch
  • Yessss (10/05/2020, 08:31) Like (21) Dislike (12) Reply
    Best news ever !!!!! Ayoo rest prime minsters call for them Haitians and Jamaicans next..
  • usvi (10/05/2020, 08:32) Like (15) Dislike (7) Reply
    Why he ain’t call for them heep that up here st Thomas we need them out as well. Come on
    • So, So, Sad (10/05/2020, 09:33) Like (12) Dislike (1) Reply
      Only the BVI are ignoring their Citizen.. Englnd and America is going to soon send them home...Drop them off at Beef Island and leave them there...
    • @usvi (10/05/2020, 17:03) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
      Tola people don't get us involved that hot soup! That's not we style.
  • vip (10/05/2020, 08:37) Like (14) Dislike (7) Reply
    Let’s clean up the BVI all don’t need to go but those who walking the streets looking so filthy no jobs nothing need to hit the booth. LIAT where you at
  • Island person (10/05/2020, 08:44) Like (24) Dislike (7) Reply
    The hate against island people here in the Virgin Islands is disgusting i over heard a conversation by some locals talking so bad about expats from the Caribbean islands. What seems to be funny is that they don’t hate the white peoples who not from here.
    • Hmm (10/05/2020, 10:38) Like (25) Dislike (5) Reply
      No wait. When them start see the financial implications that's when their eyes going open up. By then 2 late. Potential investors look at these rhetoric, they observe the climate before investing. This xenophobia is ridiculous and has gotten put oc hand. When the economy tanks; blame your selves. Natives along cannot carry the country. And you cannot attract skillful talents with such animosity spewing from your mouths on such a regular basis.
    • A (10/05/2020, 12:09) Like (17) Dislike (5) Reply
      I tell you it pain my heart so must to see one set of black people hate another set of black people so much if they were white I could understand they disrespect and underestimate people so much I wonder if somebody can let them know that bvi is a island as well an island is classified as a piece of land surrounded by water don’t they know that I wish everyone that is from a different country leave bvi and go to their country bvi people don’t like black people they are so stupid every country in the world has mixed nation so I guess bvi in not on planet earth the way they are behaving never have I seen these kind of behaving I only read about it with white treating black people like this not black to black kmt
      • watch (10/05/2020, 17:29) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
        Oh so if the ignorant racism is against whites it is ok . Be careful what you wish for .
        • @watch (10/05/2020, 22:07) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
          Just to clarify... this isn’t racism. Both groups are of the African race. Try another word.
    • Big Slick Willie (10/05/2020, 22:05) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Sad really. I wonder how they would feel if we were as racist to them if they could even get to the mainland U. S. That's right. They would cry and try to play that worn out old race card. What goes around comes around people. Karma.
    • @ island person (11/05/2020, 14:31) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
      so expats don't call down local?
      the same expats don't even like BVI!!
      Some are just here to make their money to better them self and leave and they proudly advertised it!!
      so whats the big deal now?

      White person not ignorant like expats and local living in the bvi.
      They have more knowledge and common sense to ignore!!

      • Deh Watcha (11/05/2020, 21:32) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        Expats don't even like other expats.

        Check how those who in managerial positions or own their own companies treat and speak to expats.

        Don't always mind the noise.
    • Hmmmmm (12/05/2020, 06:50) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Let me say this, A LOT of island people come here and instead of being humble you complain about every damn thing, you want to change the laws, you not satisfy with this, this too high, this too low, I can't stand Tortola/BVI because...........Wth, I can't go to your country and change nothing, if I in another man country and I hate it so much, I pack my bungle and leave. Tell me which country don't look out and protect its own first. Come on. You make things more difficult than they need to be.
  • Expat (10/05/2020, 08:46) Like (4) Dislike (9) Reply
    Vincentian nationals is the most hated expats in the Virgin Islands for sure in Saint Thomas and Tortola. I lived on both islands and the words from the locals are just terrible and sad.
  • History (10/05/2020, 08:48) Like (14) Dislike (5) Reply
    If you didn’t know the history between Tortola and St Thomas the truth is that the locals they do not like people from other Caribbean islands if you’re not from the BVI or USVI or PR, UK or US they look down on you.
    • Does In Favor (11/05/2020, 06:37) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ History you should update your list: BVI, USVI, PR, UK, US or Asia
  • SHUT UP (10/05/2020, 08:49) Like (21) Dislike (16) Reply
    Come 2023 don’t worry karma will bite a lot of locals when myron will be our premier and we will have a Vincy First Lady.
    • @shut up (10/05/2020, 14:00) Like (7) Dislike (19) Reply
      And both of them will get run out of town. Myron did a lot of mess, he was on a power trip, he think he is smarter than everyone else. No matter what you think or say, he is not getting back in office. He was born here but his alliance is with the down Island people.
    • Fed-Up (10/05/2020, 14:30) Like (20) Dislike (2) Reply
      It is high time you guy stop call n Myton name now man he is somebody child you all getting on like he fall from a hollow tree.his wife. really bothers a lot of you the ppl living their best life my goodness. And this island ppl story has grown distasteful all these Caribbean island were once under England they were BRITISH OVERSEAS TERRITORY JUST LIKE tortola but they choose to go Independent I am so upset sick and tired
    • at SHUT UP (11/05/2020, 07:01) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
      Its ok. The Vincy woman and all the other women will all be first ladies. Sharing is caring.
  • Callwood (10/05/2020, 08:51) Like (14) Dislike (29) Reply
    As them reach st Vincent I bet them bawling to come back tortola.
  • West Indies (10/05/2020, 08:53) Like (24) Dislike (2) Reply
    Them locals like to work island people as slaves and want them to get send home at the same time. BVI people just not appreciative. I love the bvi I made it my home, some of us don’t disrespect nothing we just trying to live a better life peacefully.
  • Run run (10/05/2020, 08:55) Like (4) Dislike (15) Reply
    Just like after Irma they ran. They got enough $US dollars now them gone.
  • So Sick (10/05/2020, 08:55) Like (21) Dislike (3) Reply
    Everything is island people I’m over this mentality of Virgin Islanders
    • :) (10/05/2020, 09:56) Like (18) Dislike (4) Reply
      What proof do you have that it’s Virgin Islanders that are making the comments. What proof do you have that it’s not the same persons commenting repeatedly. Stop letting a few idiots turn your opinion into facts.
  • Hatred (10/05/2020, 08:58) Like (18) Dislike (0) Reply
    Why all the hate against island people? They don’t want us send out or money they don’t want nothing
  • Daughter of the soil (10/05/2020, 09:04) Like (3) Dislike (14) Reply

    We need our jobs. We dont have no work for them here.

  • Well (10/05/2020, 09:25) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Every cloud have a silver lining.
    Wonderful news. Unless their Gov will be supporting them here while unemployed, the right thing to do, is to send for them. Thank you SVG.
    • Jah Rasta - Fari - Selasie I (10/05/2020, 09:56) Like (28) Dislike (1) Reply
      My hed hurts My heart pins My soul scream out for Mercy... Imagine Hurricane Season around the corner 20 name storms 8 predicted to be serious and my people, My Devilish people displaying their devilish ways.. We all need to pray and seek Mercy... Another Hurricane like Irma can make will make this Corona Virus look like baby Mut Dog... Like it never exist...Stop the hate, We are like leaves that the wind can blow away..We live in houses that can tumble down on us, Your neighbor may just be one of those Island people u scream to for help......Selasie I. Have Mercy on us.... Forgive us of our iniquities.. Ur the King kings , Lord of Lords Conquering Lion of Judah, The prophecy that fulfilled, ..What is to vome is greater, We depend on you Protect us from all Evil.. With you in Our hearts their is no Space for fear.... yeah, yeah.
    • Tongue Fu (11/05/2020, 00:06) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply

      Their government did not send for them. Their company sent them home as there is no work. All the Vincentian authorities did was made sure they met the health criteria and that they had place to quarantine or if not they would have to pay to be quarantined.

      Caribbean governments on a whole have been very disappointing in the way they have handled their own people during this crisis. Locking them out of their own country. They don’t mind collecting taxes and remittances though. India repatriating their own. Philippines the same. USA , UK but Trinidad reject Trinidadians, Jamaica the same and even the BVI.

      We are own worst enemy.
  • Excellent.. (10/05/2020, 09:29) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    Your Citizens are your citizens your #1 Priority...This is relly nice by St Vincent Prime Minister, I guess After Reading all those hateful blogs.... St kitts did a similar thing get all their Citizen who were studying in Jamaica out.... Grenada and Antigua did the same thing...Bringing their citizens home from other caribbean countries...only from caribbean countries..
  • BEHIND THE SCENE (10/05/2020, 09:52) Like (22) Dislike (5) Reply
    If I can it them JAMAICAN who came to help restore electricity after the hurricane.
    • facts (10/05/2020, 10:35) Like (9) Dislike (7) Reply
      for free?
    • @BEHIND THE SCENE (10/05/2020, 11:00) Like (26) Dislike (1) Reply
      ...yep, and guess what?...Vincentians too.
    • @behind the scenes (10/05/2020, 21:30) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      They got paid to do it. The did not even come for free. Some of them even protested and did not work until the payment issue was sorted out. Even at our lowest after the hurricane people were coming to the BVI looking for paid jobs. Some were even begging for handouts even though they saw our houses mashed up.
    • Hmmmmm (12/05/2020, 06:59) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      It was not cherity work. So what's your point
  • I (10/05/2020, 09:54) Like (15) Dislike (2) Reply
    Guess u people could see S V G Primer don't leave his people to go down d drain and also remember he d one help a lot of u out of trouble I have a old saying that rat always forgot but d trap don't forget
  • BVIslander (10/05/2020, 10:20) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    Some of these comments are so painful to read. If a BVIslander was in the same position they would want to go home too. Please guys this is a tough time all around the world, support those who are just trying to survive. Unfortunately more people will leave if things dont get better and that is because they must regardless of your comments.

    Love alone.
    • A (10/05/2020, 12:15) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    • My BVI (10/05/2020, 20:13) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
      Its very degrading to read some of these comments reality is things are bad very bad of ALL PEOPLE. The Economy around the world may or may not recovery. There will be food shortage or you may not be able to purchase because of the high price. I was born and raise in the BVI there are good people here, and bad people just like any place around the world. I have visited some of these Islands in the Caribbean (down islands as you call them) strangers came up to me ask where i was from, treated me like a king, when they found out i was not a native. I never drink more coconut water in my life. Everybody brought something trying to make me feel comfortable and enjoy there island. Truth is its just a handful of people are rude with no respect for NOBODY and them make things bad for there self and there country man and women from which they came. (Respect to my Grenada, St Lucia, St Vincent, St Kitts/Nevis, Jamaica, Anguilla friends)
      • @My BVI (10/05/2020, 22:32) Like (9) Dislike (1) Reply
        I believe that the hatred is equal on every side and yes, by a few bloggers, it all depends on the article of the day. Some persons are BVIslanders, Citizens, our Caribbean Brothers and Sisters, Europeans and others ‘masquerading’.
  • legal team (10/05/2020, 10:35) Like (16) Dislike (1) Reply
    Best wishes the Vincentians,I confident that they will have good things to say about the people of the BVI,who welcome them and ensure their comfort.I am sure,the vincentians would have made many friends with persons native to the bvi,and will certainly missed each other.

    I Do not anticipate that their friends in bvi will go to SVG to reside,but may be to visit, but I would expect,the Vincies,to return after the economy is able to produce jobs for them again.

    The bvi people will have no problem welcoming them again.

    It is always nice when persons of different nationalities in a small country like bvi,can live together in harmony,which is an indication,that we all follow the principles of god.

    Bon Voyage.
  • Concern soul (10/05/2020, 10:45) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    Bvi is such a small place with so many churches these Caribbean islands are more Christian but yet we full of so many hate for each others, this is what we are teaching the next generation all thinking people something is wrong the devil is winning.
  • Really? (10/05/2020, 10:48) Like (20) Dislike (0) Reply
    You people can't read, the article says they were stuck here...that tells me they did not reside in the BVI. Probably on vacation. On a job contract that ended, etc. Why you people have to always be so negative and speak as though you are speaking for all BVIslanders. You need to stop. There are so many beautiful things about this story, such as the measures the SVG government has put in place to ensure their safe integration back into the country to ensure their numbers do not increase should any of them have the virus God forbit. But you don't see that. You turn this into a war between US$ Island people and EC$ Island people. You all need to stop. And those if you unleashing curses on the BVI because of the opinions of a few, you need to also stop it. If BVI has been good to you, you too will reap what you have dished out with your tongue so I say to you too. STOP IT!!! You don't have to bite every bate. Time to start living in harmony and stop the nonsense!!!
    • @ Really (10/05/2020, 12:22) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      I am a belonger and I agree with u 100%. Every genuine good deed we have to put a spin on to pit locals against expats. Some of us will never learn that unity is strength. We are all one people trying to do the best for ourselves and our families.
      May God bless and protect these beautiful virgin islands and all who reside here.
  • Love (10/05/2020, 11:22) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
    The wider world is watching and laughing at us the people's we reject today we going to need them tomorrow trust me.(One love).
  • S (10/05/2020, 11:27) Like (13) Dislike (1) Reply
    @ calwood thay will barl to come back to take u all out of your sinful act such as a*****t
  • hello (10/05/2020, 12:50) Like (6) Dislike (1) Reply
    ungrateful So called Locals that born us vi to get welfare SIGH U ALL DNT LEARN eyes still close AFTER IRMA NOW COVID . Still worshipping vanity still dnt no the meaning of love .just a little reminder the VANITY WONT SAVE U ALL. You all dnt have to believe me ..... in due time u all going to see hope u can say wat u saying that time
  • @shut up (10/05/2020, 13:02) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply

    Not before duncon get he @$% ...myron wanted big time ..........second lady of balsam ghut....pumpkin the first ....

  • Manabouttown (10/05/2020, 13:33) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
    I will ask where is your home on earth? This world is not our home, we are just passing through. However the Bible says," The earth is the Lord and the fullness thereof".
    I am of the opinions that our parents have thought us the principles of God's love, but some of us refused to adopt to good teaching and developed evil within your hearts against each other. We are just occupancy on earth until God call us home..
    Let's respect and love one another and make it right with God.
    Heaven is my home , people we need to turn from our wicked ways. Peace beyond to all of you.
  • @@Really (10/05/2020, 14:37) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Unity is strength in truth...not hypocrisies it ur kind that sell u out all the time welcome them with eyes on them ...gealousey is that first sin of birth....there come see u with wat u have and all want to size up there self with u .....ur own kind ...but for me i see no colour or boundaries I how u deal with me ...eye 4 eye in kindness and or the worst the book can throw at u
  • @@wow really (10/05/2020, 14:52) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
    Look who talking..these set of money lovers who stup low for a dallor bill....more man selling there a$$ undercover of the closet than the bit..h.down scatliffe ally....
  • GG (10/05/2020, 14:55) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    All that they want is the island man spirm.then to hell with you. Lol
    • A VOTER IN #6 (10/05/2020, 21:13) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      A lot of these girls from here don't want their local man they are not good in bed.
  • @Fed Up (10/05/2020, 14:58) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    That the mark off the consequences of the beast he dab his hands in ...divide and rule ..weapon he take up .....real back on him u sick and tired u best chose a side before u get run the f..Ik over..this judgment
  • immigrant (10/05/2020, 15:10) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    This whole island people talk is only coming from a few lazy idiot's.the locals the own businesses here donot want them to work for them because they know that they are lazy and do not like to work. They are not doing anything for them selves and when they see outsiders start making progress they sit there and start to hate when they wanna use these island people they start behaving all nice i am a local but i hate to see the way we are treating our own black brothers and sisters. We need to cut it out
  • VINCY MAN (10/05/2020, 15:37) Like (26) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am a proud Vincentian National living and working in the BVI for almost 30 years. I’m a naturalized citizen here. The BVI is a wonderful place to live, and I have made numerous friends in and still making friends. I appreciate what the BVI has done for me over the years and still doing. I will agree that some Vincentians came to the BVI and did things that seems to spoil the good name of others and shed a bad name on our beloved SVG. Generally Vincentians are loving people and many of you who has visit SVG can attest to that. Of late there are some people who are spewing nothing but hatred for expatriates on these online blogs. I will encourage all expatriates that when you see this negatives blogs of hatred, please do not respond to them, live above them, the minute you try to answer you are just adding fuel to the fire. Let the few who set about to sow seeds of hatred continue to dwell in there ignorance.
  • Big Slick Willie (10/05/2020, 19:50) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    And just think. I'm just waiting on Native Son to start running back to St. Thomas. But honestly Tortola has been the best place to experience this pandemic. The Premier has provided excellent and fair leadership. Actually better than St. Thomas and no lockdown with 4 times the cases here. That plus my rental car company and "host" (who was my Airbnb before this all started) have definitely enjoyed the revenue in these hard times. I'm in no rush. Let's just get Aroma open and all go enjoy a cigar and cold drink (6 feet apart of course) or maybe enjoy some dancing girls (where social distancing could sure get interesting) Thanks for the hospitality y'all.
  • Covid19 (10/05/2020, 21:52) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    You mean to tell me while the world is faced with a world pandemic callws ww3 world war 3, ppl are there talking about vincy and tolian..ohno.
  • Black man killed by two whites (11/05/2020, 03:06) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    Black people on here should be ashamed of themselves, bring down their own color, when other races already have you down. SHAME, SHAME SHAME ON YOU A STUPID NATION.

    Look at what a white man and his son did to a black guy:
  • @ immigrant (11/05/2020, 08:18) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    No truth is ...because there can't do us local like there can do u hungry m f ..wat will do anything beyond good morals for a dollar
  • expats (11/05/2020, 11:29) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Don't sit and expects job will come...not right now take the little you have and go home. don't make any sense living job free and here begging and moving out n in with other people...that will soon lead to botheration.
  • uh (11/05/2020, 16:03) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Tolan with this heat punch time Fe ripe remember d longest rope has an end today for u and tomorrow for me I hope when this hate crime begin to hant at u a**at u don't some one pass hand on u all angreatful bunch of no good
  • Apt ASAP (12/05/2020, 00:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ok... is there any available apartments??? Cheap one bedroom

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