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$20M allocated to Works Ministry for capital works in 2024 Budget

-additional $54.57m earmarked for recurrent expenditure in almost $75M total allocations
The Ministry of Communications and Works under Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5) is set to receive 15.92% of the total budget or $74,950,000 to fund a variety of infrastructural development projects in the Virgin Islands (VI) as set out in the 2024 budget, including the expansion of the T.B. Lettsome International Airport. Photo: VINO/File
Premier and Minister of Finance Honourable Dr. Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) in his 2024 Budget Address on November 21, 2023, said the allocation for the Ministry is comprised of $54.57 million in recurrent expenditure and $20.38 million for development. Photo: HoA/File
Premier and Minister of Finance Honourable Dr. Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) in his 2024 Budget Address on November 21, 2023, said the allocation for the Ministry is comprised of $54.57 million in recurrent expenditure and $20.38 million for development. Photo: HoA/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - The Ministry of Communications and Works under Hon Kye M. Rymer (R5) is set to receive 15.92% of the total budget or $74,950,000 to fund a variety of infrastructural development projects in the Virgin Islands (VI) as set out in the 2024 budget, including the expansion of the T.B. Lettsome International Airport.

Premier and Minister of Finance Honourable Dr. Natalio D. Wheatley (R7) in his 2024 Budget Address on November 21, 2023, said the allocation for the Ministry is comprised of $54.57 million in recurrent expenditure and $20.38 million for development.

Premier Wheatley gave a synopsis of the various projects that the funds for development will go towards, including the development of the air and seaports in the Territory, road network infrastructure upgrades, and water and sewage network upgrades.

He added that renovations to buildings that house the staff of the Water and Sewage Department, Public Works Department, and Fire and Rescue Service will also come. 

Airport expansion 

“For our industry to continue growing, it needs the supporting infrastructure. The upgrade and expansion of the Terrance B. Lettsome International Airport to handle increased passenger arrivals and larger aircraft that are capable of bringing in visitors from further distances is critical to the further development of our tourism industry,” he added.

Dr Wheatley added that the construction of the new West End Ferry Terminal will make a tremendous contribution to boosting the Territory’s tourist arrivals and creating business opportunities across the islands more so in the western part of the Territory.

“We are moving forward with plans to expand the airport. Informed by the results of the recent visioning meeting with stakeholders, $3 million has been allocated for development projects at the international airport to improve facilities, enhance capacity, safety, efficiency, create jobs, and attract visitors,’ he added.

10 Responses to “$20M allocated to Works Ministry for capital works in 2024 Budget”

  • 2023 (25/11/2023, 15:08) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    will the public roads be fully restored or more patching to be continued

    Jost Van Dyke will the folks ever get stable electricity

    Looking forward to stable street water where possible

    Is the allocated money good enough to deal with the drainage concerns

  • Zone 5 (25/11/2023, 15:11) Like (0) Dislike (8) Reply
    Kye will get it spent he is an action man
  • Bush Professor (25/11/2023, 15:52) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
    Numbers without context means little, for they by themselves don’t tell the whole story. What is the context? Is the the $75M equal to, less than, or more than in previous fiscal years? From the seats of our pants, this $75M seems insufficient given the condition and state of our physical infrastructure. What is the current backlog with cost of capital improvement projects(CIP)? Knowing what this number is puts the $75M in context. Nonetheless, as the saying goes, “ government can do what ever it wants, but it cannot do everything.” It has to skillfully plan and prioritize. Talking about prioritizing what percentage of the $75M is earmarked for maintaining and reconstructing the road network? Nevertheless, the budget is what it is, so the Communication and Works Ministry as other Ministries must work to maximize budget efficiency with allocated funds to deliver the most/best services to the most people. This should be the aim and target of all government activities, and statutory bodies.

    Moreover, the bottom line is that a First World physical infrastructure is a must to improve and grow the economy. A First World soft infrastructure goes in hand with the physical infrastructure to keep the economy humming. I’m assuming that the $75M million earmarked for Communications and Works is coming from current government revenue (1924). But to really put a dent in the current physical infrastructure backlog, government has to borrow, ie, engaged in prudent borrowing. The backlog is a rolling backlog, for infrastructure get worst by the minute. That is why infrastructure has a define lifecycle and must be managed based on their projected life.
    • GateKeeper (26/11/2023, 08:07) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
      The BVI boasts of having one of the highest standards of living, quality of life, and per capita income in the region. Nevertheless, the conditions on the ground, and the quality, condition, state of its physical infrastructure do not reflect this claim, lagging other regional countries in infrastructure development which is critical to economic growth and development. Its road network is poorly designed, constructed, and maintained, water supply is inadequate and unreliable, raw sewage runs in the street and raw sewage is discharged into its pristine waters, its education system underperforms and is not meeting labour requirements, its airlift capacity is limited, its health system is not First World, etc, etc. Unequivocally, $20, 000, 000.00 is severely inadequate and cannot meet even the minimum capital projects needs. The backlog of capital projects is supposedly in the hundred of millions so dropping $20M will not even cause a ripple in the huge requirement capital projects pond. The backlog instead of getting smaller is increasing. It seems revenue intake is one of the BVI’s obstacles in managing its capital needs. Poor planning, budget management efficiency are other hindrances.

      Moreover, the BVI lags its major small regional competitors, ie, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, etc.., in annual revenue intake. For example, Bermuda’s 2023/2024 revenue intake is an estimated $1.16B; Cayman Islands too was over $1B. According to on line sources Cayman Islands had an approximate $47M budget surplus in 2022. Further, the BVI is a small resource poor locale and so too is the Cayman Islands and Bermuda. So it cannot adequately meets its physical infrastructure, and social (soft) infrastructure needs from revenues. It has to borrow , ie, prudent borrowing. It has a low debt to GDP ratio of less than 20%. For example, per on line sources, Bermuda debt is approximately $3B. Dropping a $20M pebble in the hundreds of million capital project pond is not going to move the capital projects backlog needle. If the UK permits Bermuda, another OT, to accumulate billions in debt to spur growth and development why can’t the BVI do the same?

      Disclaimer: The numbers listed have not been verified with either Bermuda or Cayman Islands official government sources. The numbers are from on line sources.
  • Native Senior Citizen of the British Virgin Islands (25/11/2023, 16:17) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Changes, infrastructural development is a must, how it is done matters. What area of the BVI are the best areas for infrastructural development matters. It is of a truth that many of our citizens are calling for rapid development of our infrastructure. Yes this need to be done in the short term, medium, and ling term. The Terrance Lettsome's Airport do need to be urgently upgrade, and, of course, our Sea Ports, and others must-have business services in order for them to function productively. Seeing that many other projects that need current attention, and realizing that the current budget estimate is not enough to meet all our expected need, and the preparation for these foreseeable lags behind, and possibly unexpected misfortune may be closer than we can anticipate, and unnecessary venturous spending of our finances often occurs, and rising food prices and fuel prices continuing, I truly believe that infrastructural development is a continuing need, but we should be careful not to allow our mind to reach beyond our finances are able to pay the cost for in the short term.

    The $399.8 plus millions, in my view, is not sufficient enough size to award Works and Communications. For the year 2024 coming I believe that $70M will do, if spent accountable. The $4, 959, 000 should be used to raise the salary of low paid government workers, and jobless others in need of daily support.

    It is of a truth that serious crimes is rapidly rising in the BVI. Wise budget estimate $$$ spending will help in more ways than we know not now.
  • Just Sayin' (25/11/2023, 18:32) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
    Forget this airport extension. It's a wait of money and we don't need it. All we need is more reliable connections to STT, SXM, ANU and SDQ!
  • $20mil (25/11/2023, 21:03) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    That’s like spending $20 thousand to expand the airport you all know it can’t do anything
  • @2023 (26/11/2023, 06:27) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    I wont blame Mr.rhymer to much asphalt can't ever be good cause it's cold everytime it's mixed I have seen thoes 3 yard trucks working n it's so cold these boys are actually standing in it and when they put it in the holes it becomes clumps in the road making the patch worst n unreliable. I've seen the trucks actually dumping the material cause its no good n when they use to get it from pockwood pond it use to be hot n mixed well . They just need burst the work in half look at fish bay road the ashalt has actually hold on the road
  • WTF (26/11/2023, 07:58) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply

    Showande how much for Health Services? The government hospital is grossly neglected. You can't even get a bottle of water. No hospital gowns, bed linens and every day necessities for patient comfort. Why patients of Peebles have to get some urgent services from Eureka because the %^&* morons would not put money in the budget to purhase the most basic eqiipment and furnish the hospital. Education and Health Care are on the bottom of their agenda. Dr. D. Orlando Smith Hospital is neglected under funded and we the people have to start choosing pricipled and effective leaders going forward. Slowande and his gang of slow walkers is not cutting it. Do you think every body that is admitted to Peebles and come out in a body bag needed to die? I think not. Most die because of lack if expertise and lack of the necessay equipment to run tests, and lack of basic daily care.

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