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2022 Trade Department Audit to be reviewed but not a priority area– Hon Smith

Deputy Premier and Minister for Financial Services, Labour and Trade, Hon Lorna G. Smith (Al) says a 2022 probe into allegations of corruption at the trade department would need to be reviewed, however, it is not a priority area. Photo: GIS/File
Back in 2022, then Director of Trade, Investment and Consumer Affairs, Karia J. Christopher was accused by tabloid 284 Media, regarding some alleged unethical practices that occurred at the department. Photo: Facebook/File
Back in 2022, then Director of Trade, Investment and Consumer Affairs, Karia J. Christopher was accused by tabloid 284 Media, regarding some alleged unethical practices that occurred at the department. Photo: Facebook/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI– Deputy Premier and Minister for Financial Services, Labour and Trade, Hon Lorna G. Smith, OBE (AL) says a probe report into 2022 allegations of corruption at the Trade Department would need to be reviewed before being released into the public; however, it is not a priority area.

Hon Smith, while at a press conference on June 12, 2024, on the recent Asia Pacific Trade Mission, was responding to questions from the media on the status of the Audit report and whether it would be released to the public.

Back in 2022, then Director of Trade, Investment and Consumer Affairs, Karia J. Christopher was accused by 284 Media of some alleged unethical practices at the department.

Mrs Christopher responding to the allegations on December 20, 2022, told VINO: “I am appalled and saddened to read the article emanating from a local media house on 19th December 2022 entitled Serious Allegations Raised Against Director of Trade – June 2023 Resignation Reported."


The news report accused the then Director of a series of actions done allegedly without due process and said that in some instances, Christopher also circumvented established protocols.

Hon Smith, when asked about the audit report, said: “This was before my time… I can't respond to that right now.” She added, “I will need to review it, but it's not a priority for me right now... But 2022, no I don't have any comment on it,” she added.

The then Trade Director, Christopher, who now serves as  Acting Director of Communications, had slammed the allegations as baseless.

“I was served with correspondence given a mere 24 hours to respond with absolutely no evidence of the assertions made. This alone is an indication of the ill intent of this entire sad affair. I responded in all honesty, and I take this opportunity to reaffirm that these allegations are baseless.”

She further said: “I would also like to note that my resignation from the civil service is personal and completely unrelated to these allegations.” 

8 Responses to “2022 Trade Department Audit to be reviewed but not a priority area– Hon Smith”

  • Maria Louisa Varlack (14/06/2024, 07:57) Like (4) Dislike (4) Reply
    are you politicians in the british virgin islands helping fellow british virgin islanders with jobs and careers and professions to survive in the british virgin islands?
    • @Maria Vsrlsck (14/06/2024, 11:59) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
      can you find something constructive your time because you are all over the place. I am tired of reading your nonsense.
  • Interested (14/06/2024, 08:14) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    The allegations were not baseless.And one wonders why Lorna dies not consider the investigations as priority. Could it be their friendship?
  • I beg to differ (14/06/2024, 09:15) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
    Corruption has and always be a priority area grab it while you can before the UK gets here!
  • Hon Trickster (14/06/2024, 09:41) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
    What going on with minimum wage. Why are yiu keep lying to the people? Why not consider the opposition suggestion of increasing the tax increase exemption to bring immediate relief until you and VIP get you all lying ways right..You all seem to have no plan, getting almost everything wrong.
  • Norris Turnbull (14/06/2024, 09:49) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    Wow..Alleged corruption not a priority area . Wow
  • Stealth (14/06/2024, 11:29) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply

    Even the appearance of any allegation(s) of corruption, wrong doing, etc should be an exigency for any leader. It is in the best interest of the public, the organization, the accused person that any such allegations be treat with alacrity. Hon Smith show some leadership! I is a big &^%$ to the public. There is a binary choice,for the allegations are either baseless or not.

  • live and direct (14/06/2024, 15:00) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply

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