2015 Election Observers questioned independence of Election Office
Requested by then Opposition Leader at the time Hon Ralph T. O’Neal OBE to have independent election observers, Governor John S. Duncan OBE agreed and invited the Commonwealth Parliamentary British Islands and Mediterranean Region (CPA BIMR) to observe the June 8, 2015 elections.
Election Office not independent?
In their final report laid on the table of the Eighth Sitting of the First Session of the Third House of Assembly on April 18, 2016, the observers questioned the independence of the Office of the Supervisor of Elections headed by Ms Juliette Penn.
The General Elections Report of 2015 included the Observer Mission portion in which they made over eight recommendations on how to improve general elections in the Virgin Islands (VI) and restore confidence and transparency by the voters and political parties.
One of the many recommendations from the Observer Mission titled ‘Election Administration’ is that “there is a need for the creation of a permanent independent Elections Commission to provide adequate democratic oversight of the Office of the Supervisor of Elections and thus add a further layer of public accountability.”
The Observer Mission believed that “such a Commission would provide clarity over the complaints process which is currently in the remit of the Complaints Commissioner, the Attorney General, Director of Public Prosecutions, the Governor and the Deputy Governor.”
They further stated that an Independent Commission having oversight over Juliette Penn and her Office “may reduce questions over partisanship within the Elections Office or appointments processes….”
Even the Supervisor of Elections Penn admitted that due to security requirements for storing ballot boxes and more importantly the sealing of ballots for the advance polls, that the current election office “is not fit for purpose and a larger more secure facility be sought.”
Fixed election date?
The CPA BIMR 6 member team mission headed by Hon Stephen C. Rodan SHK, Speaker of the House of Keys, Isle of Man also recommended “to avoid any unfair advantage or undue influence in the timing of an election, consideration should be given to introducing legislation on fixed terms Parliaments, which would fix the timing of elections. This would in turn allow all parties and candidates, as well as those involved in the administration of an election, the appropriate time and awareness to prepare accordingly.”
The NDP won the 2015 snap elections in a landslide taking 11 out of 13 seats with the Opposition Virgin Islands Party securing the other 2.
29 Responses to “2015 Election Observers questioned independence of Election Office”
So what is the "other part" of the general public that has not accepted the 11-2 shellacking.
Yes it was a snap election but the opposition VIP had always stated that there would be early elections.
They should have been ready so can't sympathize with them on that.
You will grieve to death if you don't let this go. Dancia lost over 5 yrs ago and you're still with this nonsense. Free your mind and the rest will follow.
1. Voter registration card.
2. The use of ink during voting.
3. Video footage of all polling stations.
We have enough time to buy the equipment, train the staff and become more transparent and accountable.
Voter registration card could stop election fraud. Also, follow St. Lucia lead and make nursing homes and hospitals polling stations for the elderly. Avoid having to droge them to the polling station.