2 pregnant women among 32 hospitalised for COVID-19

Mrs Malone-Smith made the announcement during a COVID-19 webcast, last evening yesterday, July 23, 2021, on the Facebook page of the Government Information Service (GIS).
“As of today, we have 32 patients in hospital, 16 in the special care nursery, 6 in ER, 6 in ICU, 2 in the Behavioral Ward Unit and yes, 2 on the OB unit,” she said.
Mrs Malone-Smith said the two moms-to-be came as COVID-19 positive paitents, however, the hospital is managing the cases.
Vaccinate to protect relatives - Mrs Malone-Smith
With a discharge number of 25 persons to date, Mrs. Malone-Smith also revealed the scope of ages that have been hospitalized with COVID-19 while she encouraged vaccination.
“Our age ranges for admitted patients on the ground right now of the 32, the ages [are] 16-94,” she said.
The acting CEO also reminded that when persons get vaccinated, it should not be for themselves, rather, to protect relatives like elderly grandparents and young children in the home, “those folks are now in the hospital unvaccinated and positive,” she said.
The VI as of July 23, 2021, currently has 1,109 active confirmed COVID-19 cases and 25 deaths, with cases gradually decreasing following a virus outbreak in the past two weeks.

38 Responses to “2 pregnant women among 32 hospitalised for COVID-19”
I went past the drive thru today. Volunteers soaking wet waving and smiling trying to encourage people in their cars to turn in
Don’t let more people die because you won’t get the vaccine.
Thank you to all the hospital team for all you are doing. We really appreciate you and pray for you.
You All are the one who has been drinking the conspiracy theory Kool-Aide.
What is BitChute:
"BitChute is a video hosting service known for accommodating far-right individuals, conspiracy theorists and for hosting hate speech"
This is where you're getting your hard-hitting facts?
Tbh I don't know what to say.
You're deep in the rabbit hole.
I hope one day you can make it out. I also hope you're not forcing these ideals on your family.
Pray you get some help. Take care of yourself.
You fools who are getting your information from that White Supremacist website, you ever thought that it's those racist conspiracy theorists want black and brown people dead? The Proud Boys and other white Supremacist racist groups don't want us in the same world as they. People stop reading those pop up websites that is spreading false news and propaganda. Use your brains. Does this website looks like a legitimate source to get accurate information from? That's why they think that we are stupid and undeserving because we take whatever they feed us, and don't investigate. Stop being so gullible. God bless my people.
Ignore them and stick to mainstream facts. Use your brain.
the gentleman who is the new operation leader stood in every sitting of the house ranting about open the ports the young man made sure to sponsor personal press conferences just to push for ports to open(hon penn knew the seriousness of this thing call covid 19....look at other nations in this world fully affected by covid 19) almost everyone in this country owns radio; owns tv and follow global news
some of you have the thing to be a joke especially the ones that broke: stop send all your money out of the territory save some for rainy days: stop buying fake hair and fake nails save some money in bvi as well
Approved: December 30, 2020
Phase 3 trials data
Efficacy at blocking symptoms (one dose): 70%
Efficacy against severe illness (one dose): 100%
Real world data:
Efficacy at stopping transmission: 70%
Efficacy at blocking symptoms: Between 60 and 73%
Efficacy against severe illness: 80%
How it works: Adenovirus vaccine – To make the vaccine, the common cold virus is genetically modified to trigger it to make the Covid spike protein — which the virus uses to invade cells.
When the vaccine is administered the patient’s immune system attacks the spike protein by building antibodies, priming it to fight off Covid before it leads to an infection.
O dead from taking the vaccine.
You got it wrong, you got it wrong.
Furthermore, when we were inoculated against polio/mumps, we didn’t get it nor transmit it like you can Covid.
Everything is being pushed, but would our health officials share the diverse findings of the side effects?
Please, unvaxxers accept help while you are able to. Stop gambling with your own precious life, and endangering the lifes of your family, your friends, and your neighbors. This is an old, and meaningful saying: "check yourself before you wreck yourself."
I urge you to take both anti- covid virus vaccines jabs.
You msy or may not experience side effects, but you will not become lifeless corpes. But on the other hand, if you become with the covid-19 virus, not vaccinated, you most likely will be added to the list of the dead.
The chose is your own to make. Sooner or later all humans will die, but life is far more valuable to you and others than death. Also, the vaxxers are far more wiser than the unvaxxers, believe it or not.
This is why expectant mothers must be super careful during these trying times!
Distancing is key! Avoid crowds, ALWAYS wear masks, even around family members and friends NOT living in your home!
Walk with your own sanitizer and sanitize hands, before AND after, touching ANYTHING!
Do not wear clothes more than once before laundering THIS is so critucal..Now is NOT the time for fashionable of anything. Wash and wear clothing only!
This stuff walks in on clothing, bags, shoes, inside cars, etc.
Only VIGILANCE is gonna get us through this!