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2 more imported coronavirus cases recorded in VI

- Possible illegal trafficking @ borders a concern- Hon Malone
Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Carvin Malone (AL) has announced that the Virgin Islands has recorded two new imported cases of COVID-19, bringing to territory's total confirmed cases to 11. Photo: Internet Source
Hon Carvin Malone made the announcement during the Government's latest COVID-19 update tonight August 17, 2020, noting that the cases remain mild and that the individuals have been placed into quarantine. Photo: GIS/File
Hon Carvin Malone made the announcement during the Government's latest COVID-19 update tonight August 17, 2020, noting that the cases remain mild and that the individuals have been placed into quarantine. Photo: GIS/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Carvin Malone (AL) has announced that the Virgin Islands has recorded two new imported cases of coronavirus, the virus that causes COVID-19, bringing the Territory's total confirmed cases to 11.

The Minister made the announcement during the Government's latest COVID-19 update tonight, August 17, 2020, noting that the cases remain mild and that the individuals have been placed in quarantine.

Hon Malone said, "Please note that both patients have recently returned to the Territory, quarantined and in accordance with the established health protocols were tested at the end of their 14-day quarantine period. 

"Both persons will remain in isolation while they will be monitored, administered the necessary treatment services and thereafter, tested by the BVI Health Services Authority until recovered."

Illegal trafficking reported- Hon Malone 

He said the VI's border control measures continue to work for the Territory, by quickly identifying and limiting the possibility of person to person transmission of the virus.

So far, according to the Minister, 1890 persons have been tested and 6 additional results are pending.

He also said Government is probing reports of illegal trafficking of persons at VI's borders.

"If this is so, my simple advice is to stop, it is dangerous, it is wrong, it could bring harm to the Territory," Hon Malone underscored.

37 Responses to “2 more imported coronavirus cases recorded in VI”

  • mad (17/08/2020, 20:57) Like (6) Dislike (67) Reply
    These island people
    • Idiot (18/08/2020, 03:29) Like (25) Dislike (2) Reply
      idiot island people and work people have been recently restricted to enter the country . 14 days us someone with exemption or belonger. u just want to be noticed or what
    • life (18/08/2020, 05:18) Like (21) Dislike (2) Reply
      @mad why you can’t keep island people name out you mouth only BVI islanders and belongers are allowed to enter
    • HMMM (19/08/2020, 14:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • Honestly (17/08/2020, 21:03) Like (20) Dislike (26) Reply
    Honestly don’t care about this scamdemic y’all keep talking about just don’t lock the place down again
  • Stop playing (17/08/2020, 21:06) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
    Enemies on the borderline.
  • open eye (17/08/2020, 21:21) Like (5) Dislike (22) Reply
    Dont trust them uk soldiers oressents
    • @ Open Eye (18/08/2020, 08:39) Like (7) Dislike (3) Reply
      Your right. If people are paying attention you will find out that most of the wickedness (like plandemics & spreading of many other diseases from the past) that happened throughout the world were carried out by the military. A few of them came clean and made that confession. They are trained to take out their enemies with some of these tatics and they go as far as practicing on civillians .The powers that be (Deep State) is who control the military and the media so they only let us know what they want us to know. We have to be vigilant of Helicaptors , planes and drones flying over our territory because dispersing Biochemical Agents (something you cant see or smell) into the atmosphere is one of their tatics. Their objective is to find an inhumane way of getting rid of people so they are not responsible.
  • 2020 (17/08/2020, 21:25) Like (15) Dislike (41) Reply

    From COVID. free to now 2. This is like a joke. When these people been here? Who they spread it to?
    • @2020 (17/08/2020, 21:55) Like (41) Dislike (0) Reply
      Don't just read the headline. Read the entire article and you would understand that they have been in quarantine upon arrival to the island.
      • @2020 (17/08/2020, 23:58) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
        Anywhere that you travel, once you get to your destination, you are going to be checked once you get off the plane. Are you beginning to understand? You’re Welcome.
      • We have to co-exist. Get use to it. (18/08/2020, 05:14) Like (5) Dislike (6) Reply
        We need a co-existing plan to move forward, this vitus aint going no where,, What i dont understand, they are asking passengers to bring a test 48 hrs old and still het tested up on arrival so if both test are negative then why havd the person lockdown in quardntine for 14 days, itsa wasted funds, and backward, not lke the 2 negative tests going turn positive in the 14 days of quarentine. They need to put their heads together and come up with realistic, common sense forward moving plans. This present plan is not a good one...Quit the fear messages and instill confidence and hope in your policies, the people and the economy. ....Yep.
        • Local (18/08/2020, 08:08) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
          Every thing for you people is economy money over lives and the health of a country.
    • Hehaw (17/08/2020, 22:21) Like (10) Dislike (9) Reply

      You sound like an #$$

    • 2021 (17/08/2020, 22:25) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
      @2020 it could have been from covid free to 15 or even more. Seems like y'all dont understand how germs and diseases spread. Just think for no more than one minute how many persons you or the average person comes in contact with on any given day. Even if you just sharing the same air space with an infected person, it opens you up to receiving whatever they may have. What is so complicated about that to understand? U can't see it to say you gonna run in the opposite direction. Ya'll keep joking and playing.. Who don't hear, will feel.
    • wize up (18/08/2020, 06:43) Like (5) Dislike (3) Reply
      @ 2020. It's obvious you are either dunce or you read without understanding
  • Well (17/08/2020, 21:59) Like (5) Dislike (7) Reply
    here we go again do not lockdown the place again govt
    • @Well (18/08/2020, 00:03) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
      You guys should and needs to go back on lock down. You guys got out of your cages and is now acting the fool more than you did before.
    • wize up (18/08/2020, 06:49) Like (14) Dislike (1) Reply
      If the 2 are in isolation why would they lick down the country? The people were in quarantine since their arrival. Let's wish them a speed recovery..and stop telling the govt how to do their job. Even if push comes to shove and they have to lock down (as much as I hate it) it's for the best interest of the people.
      • @wize up (18/08/2020, 08:41) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
        You are a dunce! Before they came into quarantine they were in contact with others, including BVI Nationals, straight up to the point they were placed in the hotel (quarantine). Use your dumb brain and stop calling others dunce. AND we know sometimes many of the assistances are not well protected.

        The thing is AIRBORNE.
  • Sea rover (17/08/2020, 23:03) Like (1) Dislike (6) Reply
    So you saw those English helicopters flying around and the englishnships here, I was told they installing a state of the art round the BVI radar to catch dem drug and people smugglers.. times going to get tough
  • lord o. (17/08/2020, 23:05) Like (6) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hope they get well soom......The Virgin Islands St Thomas , St Johns for been this close to us, with their large amt of cases is a real threat..They have to pay heavy if they want to smuggle in and bring the Vifus.....
  • Dingo (18/08/2020, 00:53) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
    What countries did these passengers with the new found positive covid cases come from?
  • Wondering minds (18/08/2020, 02:12) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    Could it be those two that came in last week illegally through West End ?
  • Yea Please (18/08/2020, 02:52) Like (4) Dislike (5) Reply
    You have some amongst us on radio; television and social media advocating to allow the tourism sectors to reopen and where these tourists traveling from full of COVID 19. the boat owners want to pull out of BVI because they economic playground is now disrupted but when one door is closed many more are open. Some talking smack in this territory however where they hail from have travel restrictions and borders are closed with entry by special permission......some of the so called rich willing to pay big bucks to return to BVI to look after their property BUT we all know they real estate agent all ready proving that service for years, they miss those private parties because in the territory certain neighborhoods are off limits and they free to “get down” with the spoon
  • Thankfull (18/08/2020, 05:16) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    that it is not wise for the border to be opened so fast we have to be careful this will happened as long as people are returning what about all those that are on the plane? no borders yet please
  • Give the economy some focus. (18/08/2020, 05:29) Like (2) Dislike (10) Reply
    Two negative test in 48hrs then u still get lock down for 14 days in quarantine, someone explain to me, the sense in that... And, Tell me the difference when you leaving quarentine 2 days before you get your test if its negative you free to go... U getting the same govt test at the airport....St Vincent test you at the airport you quarantine at your own cost until the results come out, 2 to 3days if negative you free to go, thats common sense, .and progressive..Seems like our Govt people are over thinking on this one issue and under thinking on how to move the economy forward...
  • mmmmm (18/08/2020, 06:05) Like (3) Dislike (4) Reply
    And now are they also going to blame the Dominicans for this new case?
  • tan (18/08/2020, 06:29) Like (5) Dislike (8) Reply
    Premuer you just lift the curfew look if we get another complaint you may have to lock down the country wether people like it or not you did a good job and everybody want to killyou Premier those who donot know how a country is run will forfver talk LOCK DOW THE COUNTRY IF YOU HAVE TO IN ORDER TO KEEP THE COUNTRY AND PEOPLE SAFE WE DONOT HAVE ANY THING AGAINST NO BODY BUT THESE ISLAND PEOPLE I CAUSING THIS COUNTRY MANY PROBLEMS do what you need to do send home the un used people we have to keep the BVI clean continue to check the boders morning noon and night that is the only way we is going to keep things a float Thanks again Premier
  • LOCK DOWN (18/08/2020, 06:36) Like (11) Dislike (3) Reply
    If it has to be lockdown then that's just it. We have to do what we have to do to be safe.
    • I am for it (18/08/2020, 08:06) Like (11) Dislike (2) Reply
      I wish for another lock down. With the lock down, I don’t have to see, hear or deal with anyone. And stop pestering the Premier to open the boarders. He is doing the right thing by keeping the boarder closed. Seems like someone is trying to set the Premier up to take the fall. He open the boarder, we get a spike, then you same people is going throw the Premier under the bus and blame him. Stand your ground Sir. Don’t open the boarder as yet.
  • yea (18/08/2020, 06:41) Like (2) Dislike (9) Reply
    you have to put another quarantine for 24 hours for two months again in all the BVI island
  • Boo Thang (18/08/2020, 06:58) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    The quarantine thing is annoying, but apparently a neccessary evil. Investing in our marine security is the next step.
  • hi hopes (18/08/2020, 07:59) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
    so i think we have a right to know where these people have returned from......if they are returning from hi risk countries ( or areas of high risk within a country)...Brazil, Mexico, Dom Rep certain areas of USA
    then they need different protocols in place or should simply say no you cant come in..regardless of immigration status.
    What i dont understand is if these 2 were tested at the airport on arrival and were negative yet they test positive after 14 can that be ?
    government made big deal out of testing the navy crew the other day.......means nothing doesnt it ...if its the same test that these 2 had at the airport and then within 14 day 24 hours a day quarantine managed to become positive..... it just doesnt make sense.
    government state that certain peoole who wish to do business here can come in for no more than 5 days WITHOUT quarantine, but they must uave a test from country they depart from and get tested when they does that protect us if.this recent 2 cases happened with testing and full quarentine.....imagine if they had been released directly into the community upon arrival...wham bang thankyou mam..we.d all be in lockdown again.
    we either have to accept that we will get cases and be prepared for it ( which i assume is why we have the Cuban medical team here.....or we keep ourselves wrapped in cotton wool for the next 6 months and watch our economy crumble...its a difficult one and i dont envy this government.
  • white power (18/08/2020, 08:55) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    hope its not the governor's friends from the UK who questions are around about if they go though quarantine
  • Mamita (18/08/2020, 09:32) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    DR has close to 90,000 confirmed cases.
    Between the USVI, the smuggling and illegal entries and DR our survival will be a miracle.
  • carvin (18/08/2020, 09:38) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Me malone , make it mandatory for any person traveling to the bvi to have with them a covid19 negative test certificate in their hands before boarding any plane destined to the bvi.

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