2 men arrested on ferry to VG last evening November 16, 2024
The ferry included basketball players and fans travelling to the annual Summer Jam Basketball League and others going to Virgin Gorda for entertainment.
According to three eyewitnesses, who spoke to our news centre on condition of anonymity, police seemed to be hiding out on the same vessel and moved to arrest the two men. The nationality and names of the two men are unknown at this time.
However, it's alleged that the two men arrested were wanted in connection with alleged burglary and assisting a local gang.
Sources close to the arrest told our news centre that a gun with ammo was found on one of the men arrested.
They were arrested while onboard and taken off the boat in Virgin Gorda where other police officers were on the dock waiting.
We will bring more details of this arrest and if any charges are laid against the two men.
39 Responses to “2 men arrested on ferry to VG last evening November 16, 2024”
The whatever it takes to
Get those elements off the street
Is either we against it or we harbor it
Searches as proposed in the Police Bill,which was rejected by your dillydandy elected...
A plane the boats need to do the same also
You wouldn't be saying that if you went to the station, met it closed and had to listen to the top police man say the stations were always open. One youth got shot and they woke up but what about the Spanish man who got killed by the bank or the one killed by the market square. They hold back information, hire foreigners who question you in your own neighborhood to where you are going only to accuses locals on their way home of lying like I'm a haitian escapee, and their top foreign cop lies to the public.
When the police are local they wont need undercover or to ask where you live because they will know what is going on. Sometimes they need to go the places and have a talk with the people encourage them to do good and let them know there are other options, if there are any with all the foreigners hired for cashier jobs.
Set them straight instead of spying on them.
The #1 way to fix a problem is to prevent it from happening.
With the recent shooting one comment said see see unmarked vehicles to witness the crime. OK but the marked police vehicle prevents it from happening, police already knew about money boy gang and did not talk to them but wait until they start shooting and say we have no law against gangs....
What happened to community policing? Do your job one which they are paid highly to do. They arent volunteers to be praised for mediocre service.
Was arresting them on the ferry with others around plus visitors really necessary?
Hope the officers involved get a medal job well
The #1 people who put the passengers in danger was the officers choosing to arrest them on the ferry. They could have got them before, or after on the dock.
Where would the wanted go jump in the ocean and swim away like a fish in shoes and heavy clothes?
There is a difference between a criminal and a terrorist.
Those people are not trying to hijack the ferry, no they were not trying to do any such activity that would harm the passengers on the ferry.... but by arresting them on a ferry full of people.... the police put the public in direct danger of a potential altercation in an enclosed space, an enclosed space that can sink.
Iv been tolerant my whole life but there are too many foreigners dictating how this place should be run against the locals and the police are already on a mission to paint the BVI in the worst way possible.
The places most of you come from have more guns and senseless crime than the BVI, none of those passengers where in danger until the police activity. Public safety is #1 but they could not wait until the ferry reached and passengers departed onto the dock.
You step off the ferry in single file there really is no excuse; please where ever you come from on this earth stop praising the police for this reckless behavior.
More police were waiting on the dock and could have arrested the people on the dock. Plain out no excuse to put the public in danger.
These BVI are soooo corrupt. Say goodbye to decency and saf livjng.. I pray that these leaders of the demise of these VI, will get their due during my lifetime. Despicable infidels!
Boss I pay taxes, do my part in the community and this is my home. If the cops do something I dont like I will speak.
No one was in danger until the arrest happened at sea, which probably meant officers pulling out their weapons and handling an unfamiliar gun, in an enclosed space at sea.
That is a fact. I would no appreciate that scene at all as a passenger.
None of us is a god among man to be unquestionable. Certainly not the police, politicians or whoever wants to be the new slave master and overseer.
I have faith they would have & could have caught them on the dock.
I never said not to arrest them but doing it in close quarters next to civilians that was not the safest way to do it period. Even the cops know that.
A lot of dumb people in this world. Dislike all you want none of you have the capacity to reply with substance.
Slavery is over this is time for free speech.