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19-year-old charged for allegedly shooting 16-year-old near day care

- Deschon Hodge remanded to prison
Deschon Hodge was remanded to Prison on Monday, December 16, 2019. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI- A 19-year-old Huntums Ghut man, Deschon Hodge, allegedly fired multiple gunshots, injuring a 16-year-old male in the process, while parents were picking up their infants from a day care in Huntums Ghut, Tortola, in a heavily trafficked area last Tuesday, December 10, 2019.

Prosecutor O’Neil Simpson said during Hodge’s first court appearance on Monday, December 16, 2019, that the matter started when a friend of the Defendant got into a fight with friends of the Virtual Complainant (VC) earlier that day.

During the altercation, the Defendant’s friend reportedly lost a hand chain.

After the incident, the Defendant and another young man approached the VC in a garage where he was spraying his motor scooter to address the conflict.

The young men wanted the VC to tell his friends to return the jewellery they allegedly took during the earlier altercation.

During the argument, Prosecutors said the VC became upset and a heated argument erupted between them.

It was then that the Defendant allegedly pulled out a concealed firearm from his clothing and made threats to the VC before leaving.

Later that day, at about 5:00pm, the VC and his friends were near a bar traversing on a scooter and in a Suzuki grand Vitara when they came under gunfire.

One bullet caught the VC on his thigh, another hit the scooter, and a third lodged into the jeep’s exterior.

The VC and his friends escaped without any further injury and transported the VC to the D. Orlando Smith hospital for medical attention.

Defendant turned himself in

Two days after the shooting, Hodge turned himself into police custody at the Road Town Police Station and was later charged with possession of a firearm with intent to endanger life and unlawful and malicious wounding.

He did not enter a plea because Prosecutors said they were proceeding with the matter in the High Court.

Prosecutor Simpson said they are in possession of surveillance footage of the incident, and three spent shell casings from the crime scene.

In addition, police retrieved a white short-sleeve shirt and black jeans that eyewitnesses allegedly said the Defendant was wearing.

When the allegations were put to the accused during a police interview, he admitted to being present during the shooting, but denied being the triggerman or knowing who the person was. 

Nonetheless, the accused man admitted to visiting the VC at the garage and threatening the VC.

No bail granted

Magistrate Christilyn Benjamin said she was denying Hodge bail because the matter was still ‘live’ and the likelihood of the Defendant reoffending through retaliation concerns her.

She said it appears that the Defendant’s rap sheet is escalating from common assault to a sexual-related crime to now the offences before the court.

The Magistrate noted that the firearm is still at large.

“Bail is denied,” she stated, before ordering the Defendant to be remanded to Her Majesty’s Prison.

Hodge, who is represented by Stacy Abel, is slated to return before the court on January 16, 2020.

50 Responses to “19-year-old charged for allegedly shooting 16-year-old near day care”

  • Ftz (17/12/2019, 08:37) Like (22) Dislike (18) Reply
    Jail for a long time. Yess!!!
  • Wowww (17/12/2019, 08:38) Like (26) Dislike (9) Reply
    He need to do some good time until he’s 30-40 of age.
    • Setta immature people (17/12/2019, 11:21) Like (4) Dislike (12) Reply
      Just stfu ayo sound so retarded
      • @ setta immature people (18/12/2019, 08:31) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply

        There is nothing immature about wanting someone who tried to kill you to go to jail. What if it was your @#$ that got shot and had to be limping around in pain right now. Our your son with a hole in him that you had to care for. We need to stop covering the ills of our society and report what we know and see. I think inspite of evrything even the accused knew he did something wrong and turned himself in. Nobody should rejoice that ANOTHER young black male is in trouble regardless of who he is. My GOD another mother has to look her son in tha face knowing he could do hard time. We just laid Ryan to rest, a victim of another out of control teen. We are our own problem. People have to be able to look a loved one in the face and tell them NO. I love you and I will be there, but this is wrong. Too many parents hustling the $$ and nobody home with these kids. And yet some of us continue to have more knowing our pockets can't handle it and we don't have the time.

    • Hmmmm (17/12/2019, 11:21) Like (1) Dislike (14) Reply

      Don’t worry about him you stupid @#%*k he will be good . Remember be careful your maybe granted on your side of the fence . Keep the hell off him

      • @hmmm (17/12/2019, 20:26) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply

        Everybody has 2 faces. Which one you see depends on what you mean to that person. This child has been a storm brewing for a long time. He has been in and out of trouble for years. The only reason he hasn't been locked up before is because GOD was trying to give him a chance, but he didn't even realize. This child has allegedly wreaked havoc especially on females. Threathening and bullying them into silence after allegedly sexually assaulting them. And all of this while attending secondary school. Look at him good, he needs help and I hope he gets it regardless of the outcome. If he is this lethal now do YOU think you could deal with him in 5-10 years??

        • wow (18/12/2019, 04:57) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
          So you knew all of this was goin on with him and you never take him in for counseling, and now he got into bigger trouble,now you talking???
          • @SMH (18/12/2019, 08:35) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
            You cant tell people what to do with their children. His parents were never on the same page when it came to raising and disciplining him.
  • Jordana (17/12/2019, 08:50) Like (17) Dislike (1) Reply
    Hmmn.. is something wrong with these youth or today? What happen to the days when people would use their hands and fight (not condoning violence in any way) .. now it’s guns and knives and bats etc.. just shameful man! r all the guns getting in?.. been saying for so long our borders are too open Minister Fahie.. we also need proper Port Health in place ..
    • Peaches (17/12/2019, 15:28) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      My dear, those days are long gone. We are approaching the end of time. Those days will never come come and things will only get worse.
  • Wild wild West (17/12/2019, 09:04) Like (30) Dislike (3) Reply
    It is alarming how many guns are on our small island. Some of these young men have no care for human life at all. The police need to start to raid certain areas (block) where these young men hang out on a daily basis. You pass up Belle vue, they are by an abandoned house all day and pass Huntum's Ghut, they are by the basketball court and the list goes on
    • @wild wild west (17/12/2019, 10:00) Like (2) Dislike (12) Reply
      So wa the court build for? To stay empty?...ayo does jus kno how to bring down other ppl...not because they on the court means illegal activities goes has normal ppl living same way u bout ur woman or man banning u before u talk bad on others especially if u knows nothing#sickahayoMS
      • Wild wild West (17/12/2019, 10:45) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
        Awww, like I struck a nerve with your MS cause I'm sure you are one of the fools who have no life and want easy money. Go look a job
      • @ @wild wild west (19/12/2019, 07:25) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        I think you misunderstood what was said. However I do agree with you. Just because a group of boys gather in a spot don't mean they are up to no good. While these areas serve as chill spots where boys can sit back and thrash talk, make friendships, play dominoes or cards, and other things they also provide opportunities for offenders to network and 'hide' amongst innocent people like you. It is a known fact that on any given day these sites are also laced with drugs, alcohol, and weapons. You and countless others might not be doing anything wrong when you guys go to these spots but bad things have a nasty way of happening to good people, when they are in the wrong place at the wrong time. You are known by the company you keep.
  • (17/12/2019, 09:26) Like (21) Dislike (5) Reply
    He was doing so good
  • Clown 4 life (17/12/2019, 09:55) Like (10) Dislike (2) Reply
    These man cant touch who drop them lord but touching lil man
  • concern (17/12/2019, 10:03) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
    He ain't the same one that was going college for marine now he gone and messed up his future.
  • williams (17/12/2019, 10:20) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    Come up the jail leh me talk to yuh for a second man
  • Stewart little (17/12/2019, 10:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Somebody drop a big statement
  • come (17/12/2019, 10:34) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
    Well come town see is clown
  • Ups to u (17/12/2019, 10:37) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    You going go shoot after people bullet don’t have eyes u could have kill the young men’s and then u turn your self in ( clown ) stop acting hard cause u know u soft u the fist man going jail when them shots let off (lol)
  • Truths (17/12/2019, 10:55) Like (9) Dislike (10) Reply
    That boy have a serious problem the law needs2 deal with him harshly. Rumors has spread he is the same guy that kill that guy in huntum gut with the stray bullet. Please let's take a stand&make sure he is put away 4a long time.
    • dumb a$$ (17/12/2019, 11:09) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
      He was the same one who got graze from the gun . ayo tola people dumb asf
    • tretretrete (17/12/2019, 11:24) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Idiot he didn’t shoot nobody up no ghut so get your facts straight . Hope your ass don’t get down at no time nor your peeps
    • stfu (17/12/2019, 12:52) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply

      Ok yeah he been in some stuff but you really just say that it have a rumor about him killing somebody. If it don’t have any evidence pointing at him don’t put murder on somebody name talking bout “rumor” with ayo @#%$ aye ayo people does make me sick

    • @truths (26/02/2020, 15:30) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      how tf a ghut man going kill another ghut man thing ayo looking to talk
  • .... (17/12/2019, 11:16) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    Timmo dropping ayo team that’s why ayo ain’t checking he, the lil man ayo checking. Lmaoo
  • guess who (17/12/2019, 11:21) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
    Timmo dropping them man, thats why they don’t fw he no more. He should go for life......
  • yagga (17/12/2019, 12:39) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ayu stop this confusion and jus be friends nuh
  • (17/12/2019, 12:50) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ayo sound clowny nobody kno was really happen
  • Hmm (17/12/2019, 13:09) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
    Bars and gatherings on the base entry of every route to the countryside- huntums ghut, Purcell, de ghetto, fahie, carrot, Apple, cane, fat hogs, stickett, ..........
    It's a shame
  • double standard (17/12/2019, 14:42) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    Its amazing how no body give a harsh comment because they are hypocrites BUT MAKE HIM WAS SO CÀLLED DOWN ISLAND PEOPLE SOME OF IS WORST DAN THE FAKE NEWS arguing were it happened and all other stuff if it's not him he knows who it is ..... the real thing is that SHAME!!! DISGRACE!!! ITS NOT A PARADISE!!! ITS YOUR OWN DOUBLE STANDARD HYPOCRITES!!!!! LEARN THIS JUST BEFORE DISGRACE THERE IS PRIDE !!!!!
  • one BVI (17/12/2019, 15:05) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
    Y'all people cant be serious.........NO MAN!! You people are here on a public website going back and fort, about what this young man did you people sound like little kids.....Yes the young was wrong, that doesn't mean we have to sit back and argue what punishments he should receive, at the end of the day we can't do or say anything about it, (IT DONE HAPPEN).

    All we can do is keep him in our prayers, and try to help other young people who have chosen this path, and help them to get back on track.
  • Guellsah (17/12/2019, 16:11) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
  • upset (17/12/2019, 19:04) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    He got what he deserved.... that's it better he go to Gail and not to get kill for doing foolishness.
    • Mds (17/12/2019, 22:39) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply

      How tf you going say he got what he deserved you know he to be saying he deserves anything all of y’all that talking %^& need to mind yours big 30 plus all y’all could your mds fr you going kill he .. y’all just like to talk a heap a sh&^

  • Seeking Answers (17/12/2019, 20:58) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply

    How this man O’Neil Simpson got back into our prosecution’s service. 

  • Paddi (19/12/2019, 01:27) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Free my daawg ! Your people some 69 with thode comment
    • @paddi (19/12/2019, 07:11) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply

      I hope you never find yourself in a position to be shot at. Let's see if you would support the freedom of your shooter. The only reason the boy turned himself in is because he trying to one up on the system. He thinks that after doing sh** the system will show mercy because he 'coorporated' and turned himself in. I don't think he really is sorry. I think given the chance he will continue to do shit because he would have gotten away with THIS s***, and countless others. People like this are easy to turn and stab you in the back if they think it will earn them street credit. My advice to you is to go get new friends, and use your energy to advocate for some real causes, like encouraging young people like yourself to stop robbing the BVI paradise of the peace it so urgently needs to keep.

  • NotNice (19/12/2019, 07:56) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
  • Glee (19/12/2019, 10:08) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
    Free My Dawg‼️

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