11 of 12 patients hospitalised with COVID-19 are unvaccinated- BVIHSA Acting CEO

‘Vaccinations work’
Malone-Smith was at the time urging persons to get vaccinated against COVID-19 as, according to her, “vaccinations work.”
It was announced that of the 12 persons hospitalised with COVID-19, two are in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) and 10 are in the Special Care Unit.
One person, a male passed away from COVID-19 at Dr D. Orlando Smith Hospital on the morning of July 8, 2021.
“The Minister mentioned the passing of one of our young ones today and that was a very sad, hard moment for the staff. We do not want to see that happen…
“I am taking the opportunity to say we have 12 patients in the hospital, 11 are unvaccinated and one is vaccinated,” Malone-Smith said during a COVID-19 update last night, July 8, 2021.
“We discharged a gentleman today, he was vaccinated, he was positive, he did had some symptoms, we stabalised him and he got to go home,” the Acting CEO added in making the case for persons to get vaccinated.
“I am very much for the vaccinations because I know they work, I am seeing it in action as we speak.”
AstraZeneca effective against Delta variant- PHE
There has been a low uptake of the AstraZeneca vaccine in the Virgin Islands, even as government has been seeking to educate the public about the vaccine while debunking conspiracy theories.
As of July 8, 2021, only 9, 670 persons had received a second dose of the AstraZeneca vaccine. Some 13, 803 had received a first dose.
The AstraZeneca vaccine, according to Public Health England (PHE), offers high protection against the Delta variant.

82 Responses to “11 of 12 patients hospitalised with COVID-19 are unvaccinated- BVIHSA Acting CEO”
What a joke joke joke joke .....
And all I took was some supplements 3 at morning 3 at night 500 mcg (1500mcg) on day 2
Day 3 I needed to take nothing.
I can boast COVID in my experience was nothing more than a flu which I didn’t even cough sneeze runny nose.
Ive had flu virus many times and it was actually worst than COVID 19.
Persons who had Zika And Chikungunya and got COVID said it was far worst than the Rona.
While I note others may not experience this
The God that I Serve is awesome
He’s a wonder working God.
He is Alpha and Omega the beginning and the end.
King of king lord of lords hallelujah wordy is his name.
Glory glory glory be unto him
Hosanna to the highest amen.
Let’s not play Russian roulette with our lives but if you want to let’s feed into @wait comments. The ignorance is beyond me
You seriously think ppl with jabs are a threat to you? Lord help us. What do you think will happen to you? Will your WiFi cut out? Car not start? Fridge explode? Ppl are so dumb.
11 unvax to 1 vax. Check the maths
The is an old saying that is still currently true: "The ship that is not steered by thd rudder, end up on the rock."
Even worst, at the bottom of the ocean.
Regular exercise
Regular sea water soak
Regular consumption of locally grown organic fruits and vegetables
Regular exposure to sun light
Daily intake of proven natural herbs and bushes.
All that is great for your general health!
But none of it will protect you from becoming infected with the Delta variant if you are exposed to it. And, with community spread, you stand a great chance of being exposed to it.
The one thing that will give you significant protection from that
variant is a double dose of the Covid 19 vaccine.
You’re welcome.
You can bring a horse to water..
Meanwhile the unvxxx strong as a mule !
For example everytime the number increases for active cases the numbers for Asymptomatic, mildly symptomatic, severe and critical remains at 0.
If you have underlying health problems (Diabetes, Over weight etc.) you have a VERY high risk from Covid-19.
You can significantly reduce your risk of getting Covid-19 by Social Distancing & Mask wearing.
You can significantly reduce what happens to you, if you do get Covid-19, by being fully Vaccinated.
Social Distancing AND Mask Wearing AND being Fully Vaccinated, is the best way to lower your risks.
And the individual is doing good at their home.
Almost recovered.
I also had my brother asthmatic recovered also no hospital admission he took a pack of Emergen C plus that’s it by night he was good next day as if he never had it .
Someone I also know another individual
Whose lungs was compromised having TB years ago caught it from my bro something his family feared and he was sick for almost a month at Home never went hospital (bobo shanti )
He’s alive and well.
Not all that caught COVID regardless of ones health means they’ll die.
Enough done with preacing the virtues of vaccination. Comes a time when nature balance the population with some weeding out and we have no control there.
Start moving forward and do what is best for those who will be continuing on this life's journey
I am not against any who took the jab.
I am anti this particular experimental one.
Now the way the the vaccinated behave as tho they can’t contract yet they Scared of the unvaccinated
The only thing that differentiates is that
The vaccinated won’t be as severely ill making them super spreaders
The vac don’t need no quarantine no testing on arrival
The unvaccinated needs
Soo ego is super spreaders here ?
Let common sense prevail.
My point was 11 out 12 hospitalized unvaccinated
1 fully vaccinated hospitalized.
Stop acting like this jab is a holy grail because CDC says it’s not take the jab and combaya
That one must still follow protocols
Each party should stop blaming each other ok
So what u must to protect yourself wear your mask wash or sanitize your hands stay 6ft apart that’s all.
That being said of course I hope for a safe recovery for all infected stop this unvaccinated and vaccinated groups.
We are all humans we all want good health and to live
Yet it doesn’t mean one can bully d other what to do it’s jus like voting it’s ones right to choose.
Take your jab and cool yourself u shouldn’t worry about anything follow protocols it’s that simple.
End of the year Pfizer coming out with their 5 day pill for the virus let’s see what happens.
Ron Johnson holds adverse vaccines effects press.
Can the testing process be evaluated?