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109 total returnees released from COVID-19 quarantine - Hon Malone

-as of June 25, 2020 with pre-emptive Novel Coronavirus testing continuing
Deputy Premier and Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Carvin Malone (AL) says a total of 109 returned nationals has been released from COVID-19 quarantine in the Virgin Islands (VI) as of June 25, 2020. Photo: HoA/File
Hon Carvin Malone said the government remains pleased that no new positive cases of COVID-19 have been detected in the Territory since the end of March 2020 and that the VI's testing capacity now stands at 3,150. Photo: Internet Source
Hon Carvin Malone said the government remains pleased that no new positive cases of COVID-19 have been detected in the Territory since the end of March 2020 and that the VI's testing capacity now stands at 3,150. Photo: Internet Source
DUFFS BOTTOM, Tortola, VI - Deputy Premier and Minister for Health and Social Development, Hon Carvin Malone (AL) says a total of 109 returned nationals has been released from COVID-19 quarantine in the Virgin Islands (VI) as of June 25, 2020.

Speaking at yesterday's Friday, June 26, 2020, sitting of the House of Assembly (HoA), Hon Malone said the returned nationals have been released from quarantine after testing negative for the virus that causes COVID-19.

"Phase One of the Restricted Border Reopening Plan continues to be rolled out with 255 nationals and permanent residents having arrived since commercial flights resumed with a weekly arrival average of 79 travellers,"  Hon Malone further said. 

Gov't satisfied with process - Hon Malone 

According to the Health Minister, the Government remains satisfied with the progress made to provide safe and efficient processing for nationals, belongers, holders of permanent residence and naturalised citizens returning home.

"Should a new case be detected we are well poised to detect it through active monitoring and testing, contain it through secure quarantine and contact tracing arrangements, and effectively manage it through the delivery of the best available healthcare services," he said. 

The Deputy Premier further told the HoA that a total of 621 re-entry registrations have been received with 500 verified by the Immigration Department with sixty-nine (69) of the registration requests having not met the requirements for re-entry in Phase 1 of the re-opening plan. 

"For the remainder of June 2020, approximately 78 more nationals and permanent residents are expected to arrive in the Territory and 80 arrivals scheduled for July," Hon Malone revealed. 

VI remains COVID-19 free - Hon Malone 

He said the government also remains pleased that no new positive cases have been detected in the Territory since the end of March 2020 with a local testing capacity of of 3,150.

Hon Malone said pre-emptive COVID-19 testing continues to be carried out on persons who meet the case definition for COVID-19, all emergency room admissions, hospital inpatients, persons undergoing surgery, returning residents in exiting quarantine, persons requiring COVID-19 tests for travel and Health Care Workers. 

14 Responses to “109 total returnees released from COVID-19 quarantine - Hon Malone”

  • We in trouble (27/06/2020, 17:50) Like (2) Dislike (23) Reply
    Good News.... We progressing nicely.. When will we be receiving our first cruise ship?
    • @ We in Trouble... Hmmm (27/06/2020, 18:18) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      We getting our first cruise ship in December.....St Marten, St Lucia, Antigua and Bahamas have full Cruise ship bookings from October this year.. all down to April...The rest that continud to lock down, . Will get a few starting December...
    • Yh Yh (27/06/2020, 18:49) Like (8) Dislike (1) Reply
      And most a them out clubbling every night
      • @ Yh Yh (27/06/2020, 19:05) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
        I seen so much of them already out of them quarantine when night come
      • @yh yh (27/06/2020, 19:45) Like (6) Dislike (4) Reply
        Let’s keep the T real, what else is there to do on Tortola but club it and drink. That is why so many people here drink there is nothing else to do. This place is boring.
        • @yh the (27/06/2020, 22:09) Like (9) Dislike (0) Reply
          An old teacher of mine had a saying,
          “If you’re bored, you’re boring”.

          Read a book, learn an instrument, volunteer to help others. Drinking and clubbing is a waste of Time and Life.
    • hmm (27/06/2020, 19:04) Like (10) Dislike (0) Reply
      We’ll address the two locals and already brought in the virus they show no symptoms what about the people on the plane. People becareful
  • T (27/06/2020, 18:42) Like (4) Dislike (2) Reply
    109 release from d quarantine bar have been open where there is no social distance and can u till me why d churches still limited Mr minister
  • ADDICT (27/06/2020, 20:04) Like (0) Dislike (4) Reply
    @ T poor thing need to get your Uncle Tom slavery indoctrination, pie in the sky bulls..t fix. Y'all insist on keeping your people in bondage. You people are clueless, heartless and hopeless. White people know you all are fools programmed to keep each other down.
  • y (28/06/2020, 05:23) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
    @@ t what are you trying to say with your useless comments do u read your comment before you posted it go back and read it do me a favour
  • Outsider (28/06/2020, 07:14) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    BVI should limit arrival of people coming from highly infectious states in US if the want to keep Covid down.
  • guy hill (28/06/2020, 10:53) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    We need to reiterate the need to wearing masks and washing hands.
  • Calico (28/06/2020, 21:42) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Could somebody tell me when the ferries will start running pls give us a date?!!!

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