101 of 200 positions filled @ PWD-SFC Report
Director of Public Works Department (PWD) Mr Jeremy W. Hodge told the Standing Finance Committee (SFC), in replying to Opposition Leader Hon Ronnie W. Skelton (AL) who enquired about the number of employees at the PWD, that 101 positions out of 200 were filled.
A report from the SFC that concluded in December 2024, shows that Mr Hodge also informed that the department at that time had four backhoes, four 20-yard trucks, a 7-yard truck, a front loader, a 10 -ton off-road roller, a 7.5-ton asphalt finisher roller, 1 Leeboy paver, a grader, and a coal plainer/milling machine for use for by the Road, Bridges and Traffic Division.
Using the equipment are one Anegadian, seven Virgin Gordians and ten Tortolian employees.
Engineers, surveyors, architects & admin staff needed
Hon Lorna G. Smith, OBE, (AL) queried what the most workable staffing makeup for the PWD was, after speaking to the Ministry of Finance regarding only half of the employee positions being filled.
Mr Hodge informed that the PWD needed “at least four engineers, two quantity surveyors, four architects, and more administrative support”.
Meanwhile, Hon Melvin M. Turnbull (R2) reported that between 2016 and 2023, he wrote seven reference letters for three people from Jost van Dyke for them to be hired by the PWD and every year he follows up only for no one at the PWD to find the application or the reference letters that he submitted electronically and physically.
He proceeded to request transparency between the PWD Board and Human Resources Department.
The SFC was appointed by the House of Assembly to examine the Draft Estimates for the Year 2025 and was held in November and December 2024.
9 Responses to “101 of 200 positions filled @ PWD-SFC Report”
Why is a Minister following up for applicants?
Were these positions advertised in the first place?
“ Meanwhile, Hon Melvin M. Turnbull (R2) reported that between 2016 and 2023, he wrote seven reference letters for three people from Jost van Dyke for them to be hired by the PWD and every year he follows up only for no one at the PWD to find the application or the reference letters that he submitted electronically and physically.”