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100-Year-Old Virgin: 'Say No To Sex And Yes To God'

May 6th, 2015 | Tags: Olga Christie virtue God wisdom virginity
Olga Christie (centre), who recently celebrated her 100th birthday, poses with family and friends. Photo: Jamaica Gleaner

At 100 years old, Olga Christie has many pearls of wisdom to pass on to young women about preserving their virtue and never giving up.

Christie, who said she is still a virgin, recently celebrated her 100th birthday. In an exclusive interview with The Gleaner, she stated: "Women can change the world. We are powerful, and if we keep God in mind, we can achieve all things."

The former schoolteacher who opened her Christie Basic School in 1951 and inspired thousands of students to be leaders, noted: "Education is very important. I never thought I would live to see a female prime minister, let alone a black president in America.

"When I was growing up, black people - especially girls - had to work twice as hard to get somewhere in life. So it is important that girls pay attention in school and get a good education. They must also keep their virtue and not allow boys to be a distraction. Get an education and follow your dreams. Say no to sex and yes to God," the virgin senior advised.

Born April 25, 1915, and now the only surviving twin to deceased parents Ethel McCarthy and Henry Christie, she had four siblings. Christie was raised in South Side, Kingston, and attended St Michael's School. She travelled to the United States in 1988, but not being bedazzled by the fast life of America, Christie returned home.

She revealed: "When I was 25 years old, I remember attending tutorial school and I passed all my exams. I then opened Christie Basic School after a large storm came and destroyed all the schools and the children had nowhere to go. At 50, I was still teaching, but I continued to be very devoted to church and to God." She remains well loved by past students because she showed them respect and kindness.

The centenarian recalls that there was far less crime in the neighbourhoods in her days and that there were also fewer people on the streets.

"I joined the senior citizens' club when I was 75 and also polished my embroidery skills. Now that I am 100, I am patiently waiting to meet (my) God and Saviour. I am looking towards the eternal world. I don't like all the wickedness that is going on now, so I stay focused on God even more now than ever," Christie said.

Still full of life and possessing a sharp wit at 100, Christie is described as the "great-, great-, great-grandmother of the community. She told The Gleaner, "I believe I have lived this long because I have always honoured my mother and father," quoting Exodus 20:12, which guarantees long life for children who honour their parents.

Having never been married, or had a romantic or sexual relationship, Christie expressed her strong Christian faith, declaring her love for and devotion to Christ since a young child.

"I have never had an interest in men because my interest was always in God my Saviour and salvation. Yes, there were men who were interested in me, but I was not interested in them. My love was with Christ. I am a strong, devoted woman of God who honours the Bible and its teachings," she said when asked whether she had had any sexual urges or romantic affairs.

An avid reader, she also likes to sing and bake and reminisced that the biggest change she has witnessed over the last century is with food. "When I was growing up, food was so much cheaper and the quality was far better compared to what is available now. I don't know how growing families survive," she said.

Peace To Prevail

Regarding the high crime levels, Christie yearns for Jamaica to be how it used to be. "The crime in Jamaica breaks my heart, and I always pray that peace will prevail on my beloved island. Education is the key. If every child learns a skill, they could set up their own business and become future leaders, contribute to society rather than destroy it," the community elder said.

Christie maintains that her secret to longevity rests in her devotion to God. Supported by her nephew, Mervin McCarthy, whom she describes as "the son I never had," his partner, Wilma Blackburn, the community members from Bower Park, Kingston, and her North Street Seventh-day Adventist Church family, she reiterates: "I live by the saying 'Do to others as you wish others to do to you'," something she regards as important in all situations. And also on the words of Psalm 90, her favourite Bible passage, especially when she was physically or spiritually challenged.

"My aim in life was to always do God's work and help others to come to Him. Women play an important role in doing God's work. We must honour that role and calling and always lead by example.

21 Responses to “100-Year-Old Virgin: 'Say No To Sex And Yes To God'”

  • karma (07/05/2015, 01:51) Like (16) Dislike (0) Reply
    May God continue to bless you Ms. Christie
  • maybe (07/05/2015, 08:17) Like (39) Dislike (58) Reply
    Maybe she was ugly younger and no one wanted to mate with her then when when she reach a certain age she gave up and pretend like it was a god thing just saying no harshness
    • True (07/05/2015, 10:30) Like (5) Dislike (21) Reply
      (Y) Second That.
      Real Thing
      • THOT Provoking (08/05/2015, 09:13) Like (6) Dislike (29) Reply
        Talk about dust and cob webs gives new meaning to the name of her fish. OLD WIFE. THOT Provoking indeed.
    • Wendy (09/05/2015, 19:53) Like (40) Dislike (1) Reply
      Since when is being physically unattractive a deterrent to sexual experiences. If that was the case,half of Jamaica would be a convent. I know some people uglier than sin who are married or have a lover(s) or both. This lady said she was never interested ,end of story. Long time ago,women were picky. Today as long as he is breathing ,desperate females will find a man even if they have to buy him and live with blows.
    • I WANT TO VOMIT (10/05/2015, 10:38) Like (16) Dislike (2) Reply
    • So (16/05/2015, 16:09) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      This comment is not nice at all.
  • Alaric (07/05/2015, 09:18) Like (38) Dislike (6) Reply
    to Maybe...Listen to you; you yourself must be ugly that is why you would make such an ignorant comment. Idiot.
    • maybe (09/05/2015, 14:04) Like (2) Dislike (21) Reply
      Your mom is ugly
      • True (09/05/2015, 14:27) Like (3) Dislike (21) Reply
        It look her mom is ugly for real maybe said no harshness and he specifically said just saying what is ayo problem I agree with maybe ayo cud comment all yuh wan
  • king (07/05/2015, 09:51) Like (22) Dislike (3) Reply
    You are soo foolish, disrespectful and ignorant to make such a remark that you made MAYBE. Just can't believe what some people blog.
  • @Maybe (08/05/2015, 08:50) Like (13) Dislike (5) Reply
    You sound like the Devil...envious and jealous and full of hate!! Advise: Get rid of those traits before it is too late. The old lady did you nothing and that is your comment? BOL at you, Maybe!
    • **** (09/05/2015, 16:06) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
      You people are weird maybe made a comment leave it as that how can some be the devil think before you type jeez
  • Real Talk (08/05/2015, 19:53) Like (10) Dislike (1) Reply
    Nobody loves us like Jesus do. If you really find that love you feel so content that you don't feel like you need a man. You decide to choose a man if you have the desire to have a family. If that story is true I big up that Centurion for her efforts and devotion to her God. I wanted to do just that but ended up wanting children so I didn't hold out. God bless you good people.
  • maybe (11/05/2015, 19:43) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Ok I am sorry for saying that I was just think about it and everyone hates me now
  • i was hacked (12/05/2015, 12:27) Like (5) Dislike (4) Reply
    WASTED HER YEARS thinking she did right by God.
    He said to be FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY. Not save your virgin

  • View point (17/05/2015, 10:28) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    @ "I was hacked" The bible also praises those who do not marry; it also says that the single can be more devoted to serving God. Nothing is wrong with being married since marriage is ordained by God and is honorable. However, the married woman has to study how to please the husband and likewise the husband, the wife. Both lifestyles are a choice and God can be honored in each.
  • juckz (30/07/2015, 05:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    What you people saying its tru.

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