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UK to impose a Financial Advisor in Anguilla; is the VI next?

-The Financial Advisor is to report to the Governor and has veto power on financial decisions by the elected government in the Overseas Territory
Chief Minister of Anguilla Hon Victor F. Banks and Premier of the Virgin Islands Dr The Hon D. Orlando Smith. Photo:
In a protest letter to the UK Prime Minister Hon. David W. D. Cameron written last month Hon Banks outlined the dangers of the new Financial Advisor. Photo:
In a protest letter to the UK Prime Minister Hon. David W. D. Cameron written last month Hon Banks outlined the dangers of the new Financial Advisor. Photo:
Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) a senior member of the VIP has labelled the NDP Administration as “the most corrupt government in modern history.” Photo: VINO/File
Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) a senior member of the VIP has labelled the NDP Administration as “the most corrupt government in modern history.” Photo: VINO/File
THE VALLEY, Anguilla, WI - Even with a new Government elected this year 2015, Anguilla and the United Kingdom (UK) its colonial master continue to battle over power, race, and policies.

Chief Minister the Honourable Victor F. Banks is now doing battle, as the latest attempt by the UK to further colonize the Caribbean Island of fifteen thousand residents.

Financial Advisor to have veto power over elected government

The UK is in the process of imposing a Financial Advisor via law on Anguilla with wide ranging powers according to Chief Minister Banks.

In a protest letter to the UK Prime Minister Hon. David W. D. Cameron written last month Honourable Banks outlined the dangers of the new Financial Advisor.

The UK plans is to enact legislation dealing with fiscal matters without that legislation going through any process in the House of Assembly and without consultation. If the Governor so decides, “our Government and people will therefore have no voice in what becomes law in relation Anguilla’s finances” according to Chief Minister Banks.

Hon Banks said in his letter that the plans are to “appoint a Chief Financial Adviser whose office shall be a public office. I am subject to correction, but this suggests that the Chief Financial Adviser will be paid by the Government of Anguilla, as would any other public officer.”

The Anguilla Government leader wrote, “Imagine having to pay for the whip used to give us licks.” However, it is clear that the Chief Financial Adviser is no ordinary public officer, but rather a spy sent by the UK Government to assist the Governor to keep an eye on Anguilla’s tax-payers money, tell us how to spend it, and to do their bidding for him or her “has to comply with any directions given …by the Governor”.

Additionally, the functions of the Chief Financial Adviser will be prescribed by order of the Governor and published in the gazette (which means given legislative teeth without having to pass through the legislative process in House of Assembly and therefore without input from elected representatives) which is certainly not the usual course for someone holding a public Office the Chief Minister wrote.

In the letter read out at a press conference Chief Minister Honourable Banks said, “It is interesting to note that in at least one other OT, their Constitution was amended to set out the duties of the UK imposed Chief Financial Officer. We certainly do not want constitutional change of this nature, but we must wonder whether the UK is seeking to entrench the powers of the Chief Financial Adviser in our governance framework more craftily. While we are not privy to the proposed powers of the Chief Financial Adviser, we know for certain that the Chief Financial Adviser will have significant clout because the Governor is bound to consult him or her (not consult the Chief Minister or even the Attorney General) before making legislative proposals to Executive Council.”

Another aspect of the new Financial Advisor is to “direct Ministers of Government and the Parliamentary Secretary on matters related to Anguilla’s financial obligations, which they will be legally bound to comply with. In other words, override the decisions of our elected representatives and impose what the UK Government thinks is in its best interest even if it is detrimental to the people and future development of Anguilla.”

According to Chief Minister Banks another power of the UK imposed Advisor is to “dissolve any board and reconstitute them as he/she sees fit,” which he said gives the power to in effect exercise ultimate and unfettered control over the governance of Anguilla and any public institution.

Is the Virgin Islands next?

The Virgin Islands Party (VIP) opposition, the media and civil society have been hammering the ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) about over spending, lack of accountability and corruption. Honourable Andrew A. Fahie (R1) a senior member of the VIP has labelled the NDP Administration as “the most corrupt government in modern history.”

They have also complained about the fact that four Accountant Generals have left the Treasury Department since the NDP came to power in 2011 and there have been no audited financial statements since the Administration of Dr. the Honorable D. Orlando Smith took office in 2011 as Minister of Finance.

Critics of the NDP financial stewardship have also pointed to two reports; one on the Ports Authority Project done by the Virgin Islands’ Auditor General and another by the House of Assembly Public Accounts Committee concluding that there were violation of financial laws, conflict of interest, and corruption on the project.

The question is would the UK also impose a Financial Advisor on the VI in the light of this history?

41 Responses to “ UK to impose a Financial Advisor in Anguilla; is the VI next? ”

  • Wow! (01/12/2015, 09:50) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    At the end of the day one must know who holds the handle and who holds the blade. Only children need parents to guide them and unfortunately sometimes elected officials do act like kids in a candy shop.
    • Stupid sensationalism (01/12/2015, 12:30) Like (30) Dislike (6) Reply

      The use of words like "colonisation" are inflamatory and serve no useful purpose. The U.K. Would happily give Anguilla, and the BVI, independence if only they would take it. However, as long as the oversea territories require a connection with the UK, the UK will impose rules. If we don't like it, the choice is clear and we should opt for independence.
      Please let's have a little more grown up journalism.

      • @ stupid sensantionalism (01/12/2015, 16:06) Like (8) Dislike (7) Reply
        Hush your racist ram and do some work in the governors office
      • nonsense (01/12/2015, 16:56) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
        Stop been naive the Governor and the British are responsible for the investigations of financial crimes by the Gov. The people even civil servants have voice their opinions about certain projects to at least investigate them and nothing is been done. But when it get a lot worst they will come in and push everybody aside rather than dealing with the few spoil apples in the bunch.

        It is strategy and it was the same in Turks and Caicos. People were crying foul while those who could have stopped it did nothing until it got to a point where everybody must suffer with direct rule. This sought of thing can never go on in Uk there would have been already several investigations launch every investigation launch here is stopped and never heard of again.
    • Justice Prevention (01/12/2015, 16:46) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      Its not about kids in a candy shop how did things get to that point in Anguilla as far as corruption. The people of Anguilla kicked up and told the British Government they wanted the former administration out and that they would vote them out. When the country was walking down that corrupt Road why didn't they stop them.

      The British government. It is the same thing with here politicians don't go jail only civil servants go as scapegoats. Justice never goes up to a ministry-level here as far as the people who are responsible for preventing such things of happening is concern maybe it is British tradition.
  • ndp (01/12/2015, 10:06) Like (7) Dislike (1) Reply
    We are all scared.
  • bring him on (01/12/2015, 10:24) Like (14) Dislike (2) Reply
    We need him!
  • wow (01/12/2015, 10:27) Like (26) Dislike (1) Reply
    at the rate our government going we are going to be next
    • VICKIE (01/12/2015, 11:42) Like (9) Dislike (2) Reply
      The leader of the BVI have to wake up before the UK take over he never could answer questions about the waste spending that is going on under his watch plus he have other people doing what they want with tax payers money .I will like to know why we have some one from the UK here when every thing is out of control with this government I guess he is on a long vacation.
  • THE ACCOUNTANT (01/12/2015, 11:12) Like (23) Dislike (0) Reply
    What is the UK waiting on? We do not have an Accountant General; we do not have an Auditor General; and the Standing Finance Committee does not function. This leaves POW who is controlling the Ministry of Finance in charge of the Territory's finances. Where does that leave this Territory; at the mercy of who ? Governor what are you waiting on? The Central Government not unlike the Port Authority, is in desperate need of help. Please don't wait for the BVI to become another Anguilla.
  • NDP voters (01/12/2015, 12:02) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Sooner or later they will trust us
  • ccc (01/12/2015, 12:05) Like (3) Dislike (3) Reply
    Well saw poor anguilla go on your own
  • Well (01/12/2015, 12:41) Like (26) Dislike (2) Reply
    This NDP Government is the most corrupt I have ever seen although up to now they have the majority of people thinking otherwise but time is life's greatest equalizer.
  • Not good (01/12/2015, 12:51) Like (35) Dislike (11) Reply
    The NDP bloggers going to jump on this post but the truth doesn't need support to be true. We as a country are in trouble. These guys have miss spent the $16 mill from Social Security for the roads now asking for more. The Ports project is already $20 million more than what we were told it will cost & they asking for more. The Chinese Minister is a millionaire from three hundred thousand dollars equipment that a million dollars was paid for. Kickbacks on the multimillion dollar Jericho wall around the secondary school & the money done but not the wall. Well as for the ME&C that will take me all day to tell you about bald head. These guys are having a field day with our money but making us think through their PR team that they are financial saviors and angels. My people wake UP!
    • Summation (01/12/2015, 14:24) Like (1) Dislike (19) Reply
      You are upset because you aren't getting any of the money. Have a nice day and stop the damn whining.
      • @summation (01/12/2015, 14:59) Like (17) Dislike (0) Reply
        No one wants any of the corrupt money. All is needed is proper accountability of tax payers money spent & punishment for blatant disrespect of the public purse. Your statement makes no sense & is a clear reason why these guys feel secure to continue their cavalier type financial conduct.
  • l (01/12/2015, 12:56) Like (16) Dislike (3) Reply
    Trust me. We do not want the UK to do the same to us. People from the UK envy the lifestyle we have here in the Virgin Islands. They envy our houses and our cars. The premier needs to be more accountable and get his team in line.
  • Serpico (01/12/2015, 13:17) Like (15) Dislike (0) Reply
    The premier needs to know how to handle the guilty knowledge that comes with power. For truth there is no deadline. This man is weak and suspect leader who appears to be a broken individual.
  • i from here (01/12/2015, 14:49) Like (2) Dislike (24) Reply
    Our finances are in way better shape than the last VIP administration.

    WE GOOD!
    • @ i from here (01/12/2015, 16:01) Like (18) Dislike (1) Reply
      So funny man why you afraid of the aduit?
    • @i from here (01/12/2015, 16:13) Like (19) Dislike (1) Reply
      The NDP still have people like you brainwashed. The NDP is in government now for two straight terms & still want to blame the VIP for everything that they get in trouble for from their own corrupt doings. The worse our finances has ever been is under the NDP although their lies have persons like yourself believing otherwise. Time will tell!
  • good idea (01/12/2015, 15:03) Like (11) Dislike (0) Reply
    We need to switch governor with Anguilla.
  • wize up (01/12/2015, 15:52) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    now will be a good time to begin a bail bond company in the territory; just saying
  • Voter Too (01/12/2015, 16:14) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Absenteeism at its best again. We will be told to not only to run our affairs but our finances. WOULD WE HAVE TO SENT ANY TO THE UK I WONDER OR THEY THEY ARE TRYIN TO STOP ANY ASSISTANCE THAT IS DUE TO US. TO THINKING OF IT NOT THAT IT IS A MATTER OF INTEGRITY BUT CAN T SOMEONE LOCAL DO THAT SAME JOB.Perhaps they want to know where the $90 million election Gimmick gone. Just saying.
  • Dulcina (01/12/2015, 16:26) Like (3) Dislike (8) Reply
    Inuendos and flapping gumbs and no proof is typical of the current Opposition and followers. Envy of this current Gov performance and the respect they have garnered from the UK have some folks blabbering and flustering with wishful and evil thoughts. Pathetic set . These Islands are in good hand and NDP will be reelectedl
    again and again.
    • @Dulcina (02/12/2015, 06:42) Like (7) Dislike (0) Reply
      You better wake up & smell the coffee & stop looking for excuses to try to justify the many corrupt acts of the NDP. The Opposition didn't send them to over spend the Ports, high school wall, pay themselves to cater for millions for House of Assembly meetings, over priced projects by bald head in ME&C, over priced chinese equipment, over priced hospital construction, over priced road construction & the NDP list of corrupt acts goes on & on. So blaming the Opposition for these acts will not work this time. No one envys corruption they despise it!
  • wize up (01/12/2015, 18:01) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    just a point of information: I am submitting that any form of financial mismanagement did not just begin under the current administration: if proper the check and balances were in place years ago the questions about government finances would be happening all now
    • Stop It (05/12/2015, 09:58) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      Check the records reporting was done on previous years. Furthermore previous governments did not refuse an audit. Ask them to let the audit on the cruise pier, the $100,000 for VG festival, the $16M from social security etc etc go through from blabbering p! $$.
  • Hmmmm (01/12/2015, 20:30) Like (0) Dislike (3) Reply
    Simple, ask the Uk what they want. Why is it their desire to circumvent the local authority and basically run the country directly via the governor. Well its time to make financial services private and let it run on its own and the Government just deal with the regulator like the US SEC,
    • Mark, Myron & Clude (02/12/2015, 07:17) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
      so shocked this did not happen in the BVI first under this gang
    • wize up (02/12/2015, 08:22) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
      @Hmmmmm; until the day the VI become an independent territory then the United Kingdom has the power to override any local laws: the UK have demonstrated its Powers in other British overseas dependent territories: our leaders need to refrain from questionable practices as elected officials: this whole united kingdom conversation began in 2006 and the people we voted for are the ones that have placed our territory in the position that we are in right now....we have ourselves to blame not the Great Britain....
  • virgin gorda (02/12/2015, 06:37) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    It will never happen once john d is here he has failed the people of the bvi
  • vince (02/12/2015, 08:38) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Well Anguilla has a choice. Let them seek independence. Matter of fact this is something all of the OT's should be pondering. At least a discussion should be had even though the majority of the citizens in the OTs will likely want to remain British subjects.
  • christian (02/12/2015, 08:44) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    What the BVI need is a group of God fearing born again Christian Politicians. If we had God fearing people running the affairs of Government we would not have to worry about immorality and corruption etc.
  • concerned citizen (02/12/2015, 08:52) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Hurry send him and make sure he is one that won't/can't be bought. With the financial misleading here in these virgin islands it won't be to long before we the people start eating rock
  • cay (02/12/2015, 10:08) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    Let's just say, you had to see this coming.
  • Windy (03/12/2015, 11:12) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    GREAT ! "just what the Doctor ordered" :-) Really though, it could the best for the people.

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