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‘The At-Large System has failed the people, I hate it’-Hon. O’Neal

-Opposition Leader said the At-Large System was re-introduced to get rid of Lavity Stoutt and the VIP
June 14th, 2013 | Tags:
Honourable Ralph T. O’Neal OBE has lashed out against the At-Large Electoral System in the Virgin Islands and said it has failed the people. He said the system was reintroduced for one purpose- to get rid of late Chief Minister H. Lavity Stoutt and the Virgin Islands Party. He also opined the people are better represented at the district level. Photo: VINO
Left to Right: Hons. Dr. D. Orlando Smith, Ronnie W. Skelton, Myron V. Walwyn and Archibald C. Christian are the current four At-Large Members in the House of Assembly. Leader of the Opposition Honourable Ralph T. O’Neal, OBE has warned the members that they should not disrespect the nine (9) District Representatives by not consulting them before work is carried out in the districts. Hon. O’Neal said it is a must that the District Reps be notified but said he continues to hear of At-Large Members going into districts and not consulting the District Representatives and labeled such actions as 'wrong and disrespectful'. He said recently some of the National Democratic Party At Large Ministers have invited him to meetings in his district, which is a good start. Photo: VINO/File
Left to Right: Hons. Dr. D. Orlando Smith, Ronnie W. Skelton, Myron V. Walwyn and Archibald C. Christian are the current four At-Large Members in the House of Assembly. Leader of the Opposition Honourable Ralph T. O’Neal, OBE has warned the members that they should not disrespect the nine (9) District Representatives by not consulting them before work is carried out in the districts. Hon. O’Neal said it is a must that the District Reps be notified but said he continues to hear of At-Large Members going into districts and not consulting the District Representatives and labeled such actions as 'wrong and disrespectful'. He said recently some of the National Democratic Party At Large Ministers have invited him to meetings in his district, which is a good start. Photo: VINO/File
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI - Leader of the Opposition and Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Honourable Ralph T. O'Neal, OBE, has categorically stated that he hates the At-Large system and there are tons of facts to support his stand.

The Ninth District Representative told Virgin Islands News Online in an exclusive interview from his home in MacNamara, Road Town, on the main Island of Tortola, that “it was orchestrated to get rid of the Virgin Islands Party (VIP) Government and the late Chief Minister H. Lavity Stoutt”.

Hon. O’Neal and his views on the At-Large System
Hon. O’Neal, who also served as Clerk of the Legislative Council now House of Assembly as part of his civil service career, said the At-Large Electoral System was used before between 1950-1954 and it did not work then, even when the population was smaller.

He said today, with the At-Large System and with three out of four being Ministers of Government under the National Democratic Party (NDP), nothing much has changed in terms of proper representation by having such a system.

“Look at the many complaints and people cannot see these At-Large Ministers especially, residents of Anegada, Jost Van Dyke, Virgin Gorda and even the greater reaches of Tortola communities,” Hon. O’Neal told this news site.

At-Large system reintroduced to get rid of Lavity Stoutt & the VIP Government

The At-Large Electoral System was re-introduced in the Virgin Islands in the election of 1995. Hon. O’Neal said at the time he served as the Deputy Chief Minister to then Chief Minister H. Lavity Stoutt, the then leader of the Virgin Islands Party (VIP).

“I was there and I know firsthand it was a scheme to get rid of the VIP as they were jealous of Mr. Stoutt and how he was winning every election.” It got heated over the debate of the system leading up to the 1995 election and “I witnessed there was almost a fist fight at the airport one time between Mr. Soutt and the then Governor Peter A. Penfold”. ….Penfold had said at the time “he had it up to his throat with Stoutt.”

However, Hon. Stoutt went on to win the 1995 elections. Before the elections, according to Hon. O’Neal, "Stoutt was advised to take it easy, and know who are your safe seats and get at least two of the At-Large, which he did”.

Hon. O’Neal, the veteran legislator, recalled that after the 1995 election Mr. Stoutt had wanted to be sworn in that afternoon after the elections, however, Penfold allegedly didn't want to do it and Stoutt insisted. “He was so against Mr. Stoutt, I am not afraid to say it, I was there.”

Mr. O’Neal said “I know the history of how the At-Large System came about, I hate it, it has failed us as the intention was bad.”

At-Large going into district without consultation

Hon. O’Neal told this news site that the At-Large or Territorial members “must respect all the nine (9) District Representatives and should consult them before they go into their districts to do work”. He said it’s the right thing to do.  It “should be a must,” he stressed.

He said he continues to hear of At-Large Members going into districts to do work and not having the courtesy to alert the District Representative while claiming that they represent that district too. He said also “it’s critical that both the At-Large and District Reps work together if the system is to achieve more in helping the people.”

When asked how the At -Large Members have been treating him, Hon. O’Neal said both Minister for Natural Resources and Labour Dr. Kedrick D. Pickering and Minister for Communications and Works Hon. Mark H. Vanterpool usually advise him when they are going into his district [they are both district representatives].

Hon. O’Neal also said recently he has been invited to meetings in the Ninth District by Premier Smith and Minister for Health and Social Development Hon. Ronnie W. Skelton,

He said the people are better served through the district system.

Hon. O’Neal became Chief Minister in 1995 following the death of H. Lavity Soutt. He also became the Virgin Islands First Premier when the VIP won the general elections in 2007. 

54 Responses to “ ‘The At-Large System has failed the people, I hate it’-Hon. O’Neal”

  • zoe (14/06/2013, 10:09) Like (5) Dislike (21) Reply
    well saw poor Myron going get a heart attack
    • mary j (14/06/2013, 10:32) Like (7) Dislike (22) Reply
      Weather elected at large or district the 13 of them are a bunch of waste….
      • @ Mary J (14/06/2013, 11:29) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
        That is one view. The only way to know if the "horse is dead", is to move off of the sidelines, and test it at the polls.
      • wise up (15/06/2013, 13:23) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
        mary j; i agree with you 100%(all 13 a bunch of waste)
    • lucky 13 (14/06/2013, 10:35) Like (2) Dislike (16) Reply
      It's very very simple make 13 districks
    • Wanda (19/06/2013, 06:20) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      @ Zoe..A heart attack only happens when you get a shock about something you didn't know about or thought would not happen, like what VIP faces looked like when NDP had won for the first time. Hahahaha
  • x factor (14/06/2013, 10:19) Like (6) Dislike (10) Reply
    This guy can't be serious?
    • True (14/06/2013, 10:35) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
      It is true about the At-Large system at the time being implemented to get rid of Stoutt and VIP. Check any other British Dependent Territory and tell us if there is an at-large system in place.
      • tola (14/06/2013, 11:08) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
        Territorial or Districts my question is who is going to save the BVI from going to hell in a hand basket?
      • egg face (14/06/2013, 11:44) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
        The country's economy is collapsing and the government or the Opposition is providing any solutions as they are both clueless on how to fix and reverse the predicament we are in. I careless of what type of system we have
        • Abby (14/06/2013, 16:25) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply

          They can't fix it because all of them VIP & NDP broke it really bad. They are clueless how to fix it NOW,but knew very well how to fix it years ago. Who stole the cookie from the cookie jar?? I rest my case. And to ccc, UNCLEH??? Oh Yeah, you one of them living good from envelopes passed under the table. THIS GETS ME SICK. The at large party has been stealing and selling out our country forever. When are ayo going to get your heads out of the sand. I cannot believe how gullible you are.

  • ccc (14/06/2013, 10:21) Like (1) Dislike (8) Reply
    Mr Ralph is absolutely correct, but no need to be worried Uncle we will give you the four At Large come next elections but its not your problem.
    • asura (14/06/2013, 10:50) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
      At first I thought it was confusing, the two types of systems but I really took a look at it and I'm liking the At Large because they are for the entire BVI.
  • facts man (14/06/2013, 10:28) Like (19) Dislike (0) Reply
    Its funny some who run and win at large can never win in a district- Archie, Myron and some who win in a district can never win at large- Alvera, Fraser…what a thing to tell the KING
    • AC 360 (14/06/2013, 10:38) Like (3) Dislike (9) Reply
      Enjoy while it last. I prophecy that the time cometh nearer when the NDP will want to make the whole place At large because they think that is their strength!!
    • @ facts man (14/06/2013, 11:52) Like (2) Dislike (2) Reply
      I concur 100%..
  • the rock (14/06/2013, 10:44) Like (8) Dislike (4) Reply
    I agree with Uncle the At Large members and system are weak, but the problem I have is when you put a district representative as an a Minister they think the Ministry belongs to their districts like Mark is doing NOW
  • Lb (14/06/2013, 10:53) Like (6) Dislike (18) Reply
    Up to now nothing in what Honourable Ralph said shows that the At-large system has failed the people. His only complaint is that if an At-Large member has a ministry, that person can ignore the District Rep and do work in the district without consulting him. So Ralph only issue is that he would like at large ministers to consult with district Reps. I see no problem there and I see no failure.
    • @ LB (14/06/2013, 11:01) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
      good come back!
      • virgin gorda (14/06/2013, 15:47) Like (3) Dislike (2) Reply
        how the at large mess was forced down our throts is utter madness!!!
    • FIRE (14/06/2013, 11:27) Like (13) Dislike (2) Reply
      Not a thing is wrong with the system, the main problem is that the NDP has failed to lead, innovate, motivate or communicate and too much dictatorship and victimization and jobs only for cronies!!!,
  • Nerve (14/06/2013, 11:02) Like (8) Dislike (11) Reply

    I CANNOT believe the nerve of this man, he REALLY has some guts to be talking about the At-Large system, being a Virgin Gordian I will keep my comments to myself, but ugh, he NEEDS to take several seats and a few rides on the humility train.

    • @ Nerve (14/06/2013, 11:32) Like (2) Dislike (1) Reply
      Governments are elected to lead, and not to engage detractors with ad hominem arguments designed to cast aspersions on people's character.
  • third district massive (14/06/2013, 11:04) Like (4) Dislike (3) Reply
    Boy I don't care what anybody wants to say, but for me, Fraser always delivers for his district.
  • kkk (14/06/2013, 11:17) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply

    Folks check the behavior and actions of that governor pennfold in the 1990's, it’s the very same path the current is on today

  • VIlander (14/06/2013, 11:34) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    The At-Large reps don't even know their roles according to former at-large rep Malone. That is the prob b/c if you ask me all of them should be at-large.
  • Seeker of TRUTH! (14/06/2013, 11:36) Like (10) Dislike (3) Reply
    As a common sense thinking Virgin Islander I would much prefer if we go back to the district system which they have all over the world in big countries, small and mid size. The At Large people does not understand how to fix the economic woes that is strangling the little man...See Dr. Smith with his economy robust crap!!!
  • pat (14/06/2013, 11:49) Like (5) Dislike (1) Reply
    Given the government performance since taking office; a circus clown government label would be far more descriptive than anything. And under there inept and incompetent leadership things are only going to get worst.

    Mr. O'neal that is what we want to hear you talk about as the At large system going no where soon
  • Seeker of TRUTH (REAL) (14/06/2013, 12:00) Like (7) Dislike (31) Reply
    ALLL of them should be elected at-large, that way we won't ever hear Fahie, Fraser or Oneal mouth again. Let the country elect its Ministers/Cabinet and the districts can elect a representative for their constituency. SImple. The District system is what needs to go, that's a stupid system.
    • HMMM (14/06/2013, 13:08) Like (2) Dislike (3) Reply
      Go sit dung! Keep the district system as the at-large system alone will dilute the situation even worse than it is.
      • Seeker of TRUTH (REAL) (14/06/2013, 14:14) Like (7) Dislike (4) Reply
        It will not dilute anything. It will mean that Ministers will not work in their Districts only as opposed to the Territory. If a politician knows that they have to rely on the entire country for re-election they will work harder for the country. Why should a District Rep do good for the country when all they need is 500 votes to be elected and re-elected? I would say the District BS has killed the country. ALL Cabinet Members should b elected Territory-wide so that it's clear who they answer to at all times. It's simple common sense but most won't want that because it would mean things being done properly. The wastage in this district by district nonsense makes no sense. Each district has an appointed rep to make representations on their behalf and then the Ministers have no choice but to do what they have to do all over if they want to be re-elected. Done.
  • Forbiddden Truth (14/06/2013, 12:09) Like (3) Dislike (17) Reply
    KKK: That's why penfold a$$ ended up in jail
  • ohh HOO (14/06/2013, 12:50) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    i THINK THE CURRENT SYSTEM has failed .
    • usa (14/06/2013, 19:01) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      At the end of the day, it's not about the type system. It's about winning
  • one eye (14/06/2013, 13:40) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    Uncle ralph wake up now its pressure bust pipe
  • Buff-Baff (14/06/2013, 13:47) Like (1) Dislike (3) Reply
    "Hon. O’Neal told this news site that the At-Large or Territorial members “must respect all the nine (9) District Representatives and should consult them before they go into their districts to do work”. He said it’s the right thing to do. It “should be a must,” he stressed."
    What is the honorable O'Neal thinking? The at-large representatives are representatives od the 9 districts as well and have a responsibility to them. Why should be giving the district representative political milage when they may not be on the same team? Let these lazy district reps get creative and woo their constituents rather than trying to hold on to the coat tails of the at-large reps. This is politics - who say that you have to help your political oponent?

  • Meanwhile! (14/06/2013, 13:56) Like (11) Dislike (14) Reply

    Meanwhile HE is there talking about how the At-Large system has failed, I'd like to point out that while he is the the first Premier, elected by the 9th district, for without whom he would never be able to have been Premier...Dr. Smith is the FIRST DEMOCRATICALLY elected Premier as HE was voted in by the PEOPLE of the BVI and not just a small district like the 9th! If you ask me that is how a TRUE democracy works! If people sat down and thought about how the electoral process should truly work, I believe that anyone holding the leadership position of any party should run AT LARGE, let the PEOPLE vote them in and not a single district! GO SIT DOWN!

    • HAHA (14/06/2013, 14:26) Like (1) Dislike (2) Reply
      Britain would luv people like you cause you fall right into their purpose! Look beyond the geo-political crap you learn in school.
    • . (14/06/2013, 16:10) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
      You sound so ridiculous I don't even know where to begin.
    • @meanwhile (14/06/2013, 17:31) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
      Do you know prime minister david cameron is a district rep and uk doesn't have at large
    • Janet Williams (15/06/2013, 09:05) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
      Before some of you idiots like “meanwhile” blog on this good online news site, you need to do research. The BVI is only one of only three countries in the world where there is an At-large system. The Commonwealth has over a hundred countries all use the Westminster system which is vote by districts.

      Can someone in their right mind say India who has a district system does not have a true democracy? Can someone say the same of Trinidad and Tobago, or United Kingdom, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa? Let’s be for real and have mature reasoning and FACTS

      The At-Large system is wrong and robs us of our true democracy and the intention was evil. I must agree with Uncle Ralph on this one but what starts wrong will end wrong!
  • . (14/06/2013, 14:33) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    The atlarge system is a waste of time because you wont be able to blame anyone specific.
  • @ Meanwhile (14/06/2013, 15:16) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    so is this fool saying david camerun who from a district was not elected democratically, or Simsom-Miller of JAMDOWN, or all other OECS leaders from foolish and sick
    • Meanwhile (14/06/2013, 17:30) Like (6) Dislike (2) Reply
      any fool is one who cannot look beyond bush cutting contracts and government handouts and see what the qualities of a TRUE leader encompasses, if Tilford never won the 9th district he would never be Premier, i.e. that small little constituency which he has generally neglected over the years has had the real power over all other districts in putting HIM in charge of the BVI, don't be fooled by the ignorance and get some common sense. The problem with the BVI is that we have too many idiots eligible to vote!
  • facts man (14/06/2013, 15:50) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    I had to read this article twice to determine that this incident at the airport between Mr. Soutt and Penfold happened here in the BVI, my brain cells had to register that this was in fact a reality and not a scene from a Hollywood movie

    So now we have our very own Wild Wild Westputting up with these governors
  • bam (14/06/2013, 17:17) Like (0) Dislike (2) Reply
    Vip all the way
  • JVD (14/06/2013, 17:52) Like (4) Dislike (20) Reply
  • tranfer (14/06/2013, 18:16) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply
    Maybe they should tranfer the four at-large seat by;splitting up Virgin Gorda into two district (9 & 10) and give Anegada and Jost Van dyke their own representative (district 11 and 12), take bellevue and hope and make a district.
  • Honorable? (14/06/2013, 23:14) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    It baffles me that these thieves and liars are called honorable. Do you notice they always praying and then go on to do all their dirty works on all of us? Them praying at every function is a joke. Do they think GOD is stupid? They may fool some weak minded people but they cannot fool our ALL MIGHTY SAVIOR that they will have to answer to on the end. There is nothing honorable about any of them and I for one will just call them by their names like anyone else. What they should be called I cannot put into print.
  • Jerry (15/06/2013, 07:25) Like (2) Dislike (5) Reply
    can you tell me when you were having the interview with the hounarable if he was sleeping?
  • UK student (15/06/2013, 08:38) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
    I would love to hear the at large members response.. waiting.
  • ova @ out!! (15/06/2013, 10:39) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    At large must go district system must stay!
  • defrag (16/06/2013, 10:03) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    The Election of 2007 gave Uncle Ralph a mandate from the people of the BVI. What did he do with it? NOTHING! In fact he threw all of his at large people under the bus! No annual budget for the territorial representatives which left them at the mercy of his District minded Ministers.
    Uncle Ralph you are still in a state of need to pass the baton to a younger generation of Virgin Islanders committed to the growth of the Virgin Islands. Hating the at large system is not going to help! More proportionate representation is what the BVI need! Not some tyrannical district rep with backwards ideas. Finally...may I suggest that you listen to the Calypso King and preserve what is left of your Legacy!

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