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Taxi & Tour operations shut out of Berthing Agreements!

The Agreement calls for full land side development with Pier Park to include shops & preferential treatment for taxi & tour operators selected by Norwegian Cruise Lines
BVIPA will use reasonable efforts to control and monitor such taxi operators so as to minimize aggressive solicitation of Norwegian passengers by such taxi operators. Photo: VINO
Suspected deceptions are seemingly tied in the lines of the agreements that show it’s married to the landside development project and the pier extension. Photo: VINO
Suspected deceptions are seemingly tied in the lines of the agreements that show it’s married to the landside development project and the pier extension. Photo: VINO
 Very troubling to many is obvious leash that are tied around the necks of taxi operators, retailers at the port, and tour operators. Photo: VINO
Very troubling to many is obvious leash that are tied around the necks of taxi operators, retailers at the port, and tour operators. Photo: VINO
ROAD TOWN, Tortola, VI – A continued review of the controversial Berthing Agreement signed on January 17, 2014 almost in the dead of night by the Dr. Smith Administration continues to baffle the public and many in the industry.

Many critics of the two-year-old led National Democratic  Party (NDP) Government  have now described the agreements as just more ‘deception to the highest degree’ as they go through the lines of the leaked preferential Berthing Agreement. 

After the story was firstly and accurately broken by Virgin Islands News Online on February 4, 2014, it set off a flurry of back and forth and embarrassing infighting between the BVI Ports Authority boss Claude Skelton-Cline and the Minister for Communications and Works Honourable Mark. H. Vanterpool.

Embarrassing infighting as MD & Minister duke it out!

Mr. Skelton-Cline’s BVI Ports Authority issued a statement on 4, February 2014 to the media saying the agreement would not be released to the public because of the confidentiality clauses and bashed and threaten the media over what he described as “irresponsible publishing” and a day after the Minister for Communications and Works Hon. Vanterpool fired back saying that he was surprised the Berthing Agreement was not already released and vowing it will be, as he had already promised that.

Minister Vanterpool also said that he is getting ready to have the document registered where the public will then have access.

What’s in the Agreement? Were we told about landside?

The agreements with Disney Cruise Lines (DCL) and Norwegian Cruise Lines (NCL) as professed by the National Democratic Party regime have been proven to have attempted to deceive the people of the Virgin Islands by the inclusion of landside development project and the pier extension.

As the people of the British Territory had understood it, a berthing accounts for the bringing in of vessels to a dock and ensuring that we would have gotten some 425,000 passengers per year between the two companies. 

However, a quick glance of the agreement signed by the NDP Government it is clear that the landside development project and the expansion of the dock are all married therein giving an all-time new meaning to the word “Berthing” as spelt out clearly in Appendix II of DCL agreement.

The Agreement states, “The project – the project is comprised of the construction of a two-span expansion of the Pier, Improvement to the Pier Park ….. and related works, as well as the ongoing operations, maintenance and repair  of the Pier and Pier Park (collectively, the “Project”).  The Pier Park means the area adjacent to the Pier…”

What is now very troubling to many is obvious leash that are tied around the necks of taxi operators, retailers at the port, and tour operators.

What does NCL’s agreement says on tour operators:

The Agreement states, “NORWEIGIAN TOUR OPERATORS – BVIPA hereby agrees that any shore excursion tour operator selected by the Norwegian (Norwegian Excursion Tour Operator) shall be given access to the areas of the Port set aside for such Norwegian Excursion Tour Operators on the terms that are no less favourable than those given to any other pre-booked tour operators, including as to the level of fees that it will charge the Norwegian Excursion Tour operator (“the excursion access Fee”)  in respect of the round trip for access, parking, permits or related access fees.”

While the aforementioned might be a given, and arguably so, the blow below the belt selling out of our birthrights came in the following section of the signed agreement: -

In the Birthing Agreement it’s vital to note “TOUR OPERATORS NOT SELECTED BY NORWEGIAN - Other tour operators who are not designated by Norwegian as Norwegian Excursion Tour Operators may be given access to the areas of the Port set aside for tour operators of like kind. BVIPA will use reasonable efforts to separate Norwegian Excursion Tour Operators from other tour operators to allow initial and direct access for Norwegian passengers to Norwegian Excursion Tour Operators. BVIPA will use reasonable efforts to control and monitor such other tour operators who are not Norwegian Excursion Tour Operators so as to minimize aggressive solicitation of Norwegian passengers by such tour operators.”

This preferential privilege given to the Cruise liner is consistent in the sections relating to Retailers in the port and taxi operators.

The Agreement also states, “RETAILERS IN THE PORT – Tenants of the retail and commercial space in the Port (Who are not designated by Norwegian as Norwegian Excursion Tour Operators) shall be permitted under the terms of their respective leases only to work and solicit customers from their leased premises or space at the Pier Park. BVIPA will use reasonable efforts to control and monitor such tenants so as to minimize aggressive solicitation of Norwegian passengers by such tenants.”

According to the Berthing Agreement, “TAXI OPERATORS – Taxi operators and other ground transport operators who are not designated by Norwegian as Norwegian Excursion Tour Operators who are not designated by Norwegian as Norwegian Excursion Tour Operators may be given accesses to the designated areas of the Port for such taxi operators. BVIPA will use reasonable efforts to control and monitor such taxi operators so as to minimize aggressive solicitation of Norwegian passengers by such taxi operators.”

The Public Speaks

Examining these and other sections of the document in the procession of our news site have confirmed that it is glaring that the Berthing Agreement clearly is one that should have been named “Berthing and Pier Park access agreement”.

Others who have reviewed the deal signed have not seen where neither DCL nor NCL are using their own monies to invest in the expansion of the pier or the development of Park therefore, it should have not been as intrusive into the areas of Taxi/tours operators and retailers at the Port. “Plain, straight and simple we have been sold out. We need to pressure the government to annul this agreement forthwith,” said one person of interest.

“All this government is doing is rendering themselves incapable to effectively negotiate. DCL and NCL are being used as credit for the government to get their loan from which ever financial institution of them to do that project, NCL and DCL not giving them no direct monies for that projects, so absolutely there wasn’t  any need for them to go in that direction,” said a young potential  politician.

“What is striking more than anything else here is the insinuation that our locals are aggressive and whoever this cruise line chose or they themselves establishes in our port, in our territory have authorities over our own people and for our government, that NDP government to suggest that our own are likely to be aggressive is a low down dirty shame,” said a local businessman.

“Mark my words when this whole thing is done, if we allow them to go through with this, our locals would be tucked in some small corner, craft alive will become craft a-dead, and our taxi guys would be shoved in some areas away from the central area. You mark my word,” the businessman added.

34 Responses to “ Taxi & Tour operations shut out of Berthing Agreements! ”

  • ccc (06/02/2014, 10:22) Like (14) Dislike (0) Reply
    just reading this brings tears to my eyes
  • ... (06/02/2014, 10:57) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    vino you are the best
  • lmao (06/02/2014, 11:14) Like (24) Dislike (8) Reply
    VINO Norwegian will be choosing local taxi and tour personnel as their Transportation. Please tell the people the whole story. Right now this is how it operates with the Romney's being official agents. They are given first preference at the dock to pick up certain passengers, please stop with the scare mongering and tell the people the entire truth. Norwegian cannot bring their own buses here and that's what you seem to be hinting at. The taxi men need to realize that the days of sitting down and business coming in their laps is over. Let them market themselves. We need the outsiders to get funding for development but yet we want everything in our favor? how? lololololol
    • @ lmao (06/02/2014, 18:44) Like (2) Dislike (4) Reply
      Another typical spineless response by we know who!!!. Too timid to make any effort that might offend his base, he lays the blame on VINO. lmao is a man who has lifted passive-aggressive behavior to an art form
      • pat (06/02/2014, 21:26) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        mvw again shows a lack of leadership, exemplified by his passing the buck.
    • John (10/02/2014, 09:48) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
      People in the BVI don't seem to know what they want. They vote in a political party and less than half of the four years in power the same people start calling for a change. Especially if they feel they are being left out and have not been offered a piece of the pie. They are calling for NDP to go. Come next election they will probably return the VIP, then in 2019, they will vote them out again. People in the BVI are never satisfied regardless. The BVI electorate are a bunch of selfish jokers.
  • Observer (06/02/2014, 11:25) Like (5) Dislike (5) Reply
    people of the bvi this deal start wrong in the first place so it will end wrong remember is the same group who wanted the taxi drivers to park by the hospital and by the festival grounds we are only politcal slaves to these politicians and civil servants who set up these deals the taxi drivers help put the ndp in so what other lie can they tell them now its a shame how they sold us out for a few pennies.....
    • wow (06/02/2014, 11:47) Like (5) Dislike (0) Reply

      Stop talking s#!t. Whether it's VIP or NDP developing the ports, a cruise line will be involved and will have a lot of say in the process. VIP had an MOU with Royal Caribbean and trust me, if they were moving it forward they would have the same stipulations in the agreement. Don't bring politics into this, regardless of who you vote for the investor always wins, why? What other choice does BVI have? Now, this is where building a proper reserve comes in. If we had money saved and managed our finances well in the past, we won't be on our knees kissing ass to extend a stupid pier and build a building on the dock. Say one, say two, if you make it political it makes no sense.

      • @ SMH (06/02/2014, 21:30) Like (1) Dislike (1) Reply
        Your argument is hollow. It plays well to NDP base to say this but it's logically flawed…the UK will take over the BVI only under the NDP and that’s a fact.
      • Full"A"Bull (06/02/2014, 22:22) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        @SMH, VIP did not have any MOU with Royal Caribbean.
  • Freeway (06/02/2014, 11:59) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    out the door for NDP
  • sorry (06/02/2014, 12:36) Like (5) Dislike (2) Reply
    Watch out BVIslanders, these fellows bread is already buttered. Because of greed they are trying to put us back in slavery. Do not worry, their children unto the third and fourth generation will suffer too. Read your Bible. It does not lie or mislead.
    • Schups (06/02/2014, 13:40) Like (3) Dislike (1) Reply
      Watch out what? BVIslanders are too F'ing greedy that's the problem. If we didn't rely so much on Government and had a healthy savings/ reserve we won't be on our hands and knees begging every man with a suit and briefcase to help us with funding something. WE ARE THE PROBLEM!!! Instead of saving money, the Government had to be buying votes doing shit with tax dollars. Put this into perspective, over the last 8 yrs BVI Government spent over $2Billion, yes with a 'B'. Now let that sink in, then look around this Territory and tell me where has that money gone??? TELL ME!! Petty contracts, back walls, back roads, consultancies, who benefit from these? Not expats, but us locals. So we are to be blamed. WE should have had enough money saved up to build cruise pier, airport, sea ports and still have disaster fund left over. I'm not a big NDP fan like before but give jack his jacket. If they could have the reserve at over $50mil in these hard times, how much do you think we could have saved back in the day when we were flushed with cash? THere's no reason to think we couldn't have a $200mil reserve to handle our affairs. SSB has a portfolio of $400mil as a result of contributions and reinvestment. Where is our investment fund? The people continue to ball for money in their pocket but don't care about the country. Now, after spending over $2bil in the last 8yrs we need outside investors to help us with every damn thing. It's shameful and we only have ourselves to blame. When you go begging you don't get to call the shots, just remember that.
  • ? (06/02/2014, 12:51) Like (7) Dislike (2) Reply
  • mother hen (06/02/2014, 12:52) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    I am now seein deeds guys as a revenge-happy self serving makers who cannot keep dem story straight.
  • school children (06/02/2014, 13:01) Like (4) Dislike (1) Reply
    School children say the NDP and their spin doctors and speech writers are planning to on unleashing attacks on any media house or people in the country who dares to question this bad deal...stay tune
    • @ School Children (06/02/2014, 13:49) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
      Hope the people and media are not intimidated by this as we’re not bed-wetters down here
  • insider (06/02/2014, 13:34) Like (8) Dislike (0) Reply
    what about the 1.7 million paid to port partners?vino can you fine out what this money was paid for?who are the players in port partners? what is the cost of Hugh Darly new contract from the group Idea what is not in exsistane?also vino can you fine out who is getting the benifits from these deals the auditer general gone to sleep so please vino we depending on you. even a blind man can see what they doing to we.
    • Yes (06/02/2014, 14:57) Like (10) Dislike (10) Reply
      Did you ask these questions about Biwater? No. Stop acting like you care about BVI, just be honest, you want your guys back in so you could get your share. Be honest.
      • done dea; (06/02/2014, 16:16) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
        mvw biwater is a done deal we hope not to repeat the same mistake
      • @ lol (06/02/2014, 21:33) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
        EXCUSES EXCUSES EXCUSES ! It's easy to blame someone else for your failure, harder to admit it. But then he's (mvw) a politician
  • facts am (06/02/2014, 13:44) Like (1) Dislike (0) Reply
    People like to deal with people who have clean skirts, so to speak, NDP must go!!
  • Soldier (06/02/2014, 14:18) Like (2) Dislike (0) Reply
    they know they gone thats why they setting themselves up watch out for the china deals coming soon......
    • xxxxxxxx (06/02/2014, 18:54) Like (0) Dislike (1) Reply
      Oh, don't forget voters …. it was VIP fault for whatever the NDP failed to accomplish.
  • usa (06/02/2014, 17:05) Like (3) Dislike (0) Reply
    some one is heading to jail
  • Virgin Son (06/02/2014, 18:45) Like (3) Dislike (5) Reply
    Can't wait for the next election cycle when they make Fraser the country leader so we can scream "We love the BVI again!"
  • small minded (06/02/2014, 18:56) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    This represents typical claude and Mark behavior
  • my two cents (06/02/2014, 20:11) Like (4) Dislike (0) Reply
    Every single member of this government should just quit and go home.
  • up town (06/02/2014, 21:34) Like (0) Dislike (0) Reply
    The man from the 4th is a non-producer; a good for nothing legislator.

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