Is this the last Black History Month for the VI?
Fairness between Locking up Trump or Freeing Andrew:
As we exit February, Black History Month - the Shortest Month – Our History has always been hidden or distorted in order to disadvantage us and benefit others... At home and abroad, we remain under threats to keep us in ignorance, as we pretend to hear without making the effort to listen and learn... As a Consequence, our very survival requires a supply of Truth for the Youth and Redemption for the Elders.
The Rich and Powerful still regard might as right and possession as nine-tenths of the law, so the masses exist in a desperation that shackles them to Crooks and Imaginary Friends... Many are now finding that their Leaders, Teachers, and Preachers are promoters of Prisons as an Answer to their Prayers, and the same ones with their knees on the necks of the People – Persons seem to be arrested to fill Cells.
They preached Law and Order, Fairness and Justice, and we are promised improvements for our efforts so we quickly condemned our Premier, even as many who have done far worse to society, roam free and bask in state-sponsored luxury... Still no improvement - and it is clear that Laws are only for the less fortunate as we hear the noise of Puppetry showing how well we are programmed to destroy our own.
There is no Justice without Fairness, and this may require that, if we are unable to lock up Boris, Trump, Putin, and other wrongdoers, it’s time to free Andrew... Of course, there is a saying: “You don’t have to burn books to destroy a culture or enslave a people – Just prevent them from reading and separate them from their lands and leaders - Mission is accomplished, as Victims become their own Oppressors”.
When National Heroes were Zeroes:
At the same time, we should blame ourselves because we can read and write enough to decipher the connection between slavery and now, and, it’s no secret that US Republicans – especially in Florida - have started the process of blocking and erasing the history of Blacks and Slavery... If successful, then your children may never realise that who owned the plantations also owned the people and the Country.
Many so-called Investors are modern-day pirates, with Politicians acting as Slave Traders who can no longer sell their people, so they have turned to selling their Land... Today, many talk of Noel Lloyd and Lindy DeCastro as being National Heroes for land rights, but if you really knew these men, then you would know that the Talkers don’t believe a word they say and are prattling for their own glorification.
They never regarded these men as heroes or freedom fighters - they treated them as Society’s crazy outcasts and hunted them down like animals to be injected with tranquilizers and imprisoned... Hearing these hypocrites talk is to realise how easy it is for History to become Pistory and to be fearful that if we learn nothing, then future generations will be exposed to the same things we struggled so hard to avoid.
This affects us all – Presently, VIslanders may be the outnumbered strangers in their own homes, but the same thing will happen to those who consider themselves New Belongers... All across the World, Governments preach off their virtues and values, their fairness and equality, but only if it is in keeping with their own Agendas, and again, I refer to the case of Government and the Palm Grove Shopping Centre.
Wickham’s Cay & Governmental Fraud & Hypocrisy:
It was following the success of Noel Lloyd in preventing Government from alienating Wickhams Cay that they felt obliged to reserve and develop a tiny portion of this land, under the guise of offering VIslanders a last-ditch Tenant Ownership in their own Country... This was in the form of a 99-year leasehold; managed and controlled by the Government, and subjected to strict Payments and Conditions.
Several Tenant-Owners struggled but met all these conditions and stipulated payments, and were about to recoup their investment when Hurricane Irma caused extensive damage to the property... Naturally, the Government bore the responsibility for repairing and reinstating this Property to its rightful owners... However, not only did Government fail, but they blocked the owners and created a Plywood Eyesore.
In so doing, the People’s source of income was not replaced, their Monies not returned, and instead, there are rumors of Politicians making secret deals with Foreign Divestors to sell them the People’s Property... Such Governmental Malpractice is immoral and cannot be claimed as accidental since it is practiced and passed on from Government to Government defrauding our People and losing our Country.
Many of us never knew the struggles of Noel and Ras Uhuru so we dismiss this and similar injustices... In fact, we have been taught to regard the sale of our Lands and Birthrights as some quick fix God-given right... The Youth may know less than they think, but as Elders, we should know better than to accept excuses of the innocent paying for the guilty, by stealing birthrights and disenfranchising BV-Islanders.
This state-sponsored Corruption with Government as a Plantation Owner stealing the dignity & wealth of the Slaves and denying their rights, nullifies the merit of late lamentation about foreign buyers erecting fences and no-trespassing signs, when we conveniently ignore how difficult it was for our Slave Ancestors to regain freedom after being sold or to realize the future price for us to regain the properties we sold.
Fake Elections - When Our History became Pis-Story:
Leaders often think only of themselves, so any means justify their ends, and fooling us is not difficult since we seem to despise Truth and think that a majority of the minority noise-makers is enough for us to blindly follow... We may deny this and pretend to know better but they already have us joining them in a mad chase of Fake Elections and Bogus Constitutions; although they cannot explain a single benefit.
We are still reeling from the political fallout of their CoI which dealt a mortal blow that left the UK in charge of everything except accountability, and the VI in control of nothing except financial liabilities... We remain trapped in a giant sinkhole with no wriggle room, and instead of seeking ways to extricate ourselves, they encourage us to dig deeper and turn their hole into our permanent prison or graveyard.
Clearly, somebody is playing us for fools because, they know that even if we elect the best Puppets available, these will still be handicapped and obliged to work for the UK and not the VI... Just as Paper Money is easy to burn while land never rots, they know that whoever loses their lands also loses their identity, and Countries that sell the lands and rights of their people create prisons and never ever recover.
You may wish to go full speed ahead and your car may have all four wheels, but if you don’t know where you are, it doesn’t matter where you think you are going, and it matters even less if your car is mired in the mud... We have neither voice nor credibility and our People are being fooled with false expectations – No wonder the UK regards us as a side-show; so, may God have Mercy on our Souls!
PS:Will continue addressing some of your Questions & Comments on Live BVP Radio Programmes
7 Responses to “ Is this the last Black History Month for the VI?”
Wake the $%^&*& up because it is late. Ask yourself why is there a black history month. The last I seen all races goes through the same thing no matter the color. Ask yourself why it doesn't have a Chinese month,or a Spanish month because it's the second language world wide, why doesn't it have a white history month let me enlight you the black history month is to make you dumb black people feel good about your color if you ask me if dumb. Black really think black fighters was looking out for them wow and we are living this way still. All black leader which is devil puppets did a job well done with brainwashing to very dumb black people. I guess you really think your from Africa and who named it Africa